Reviews from

in the past

I thought I had it mastered, but the new update added an achievement. Oh well

Mais uma canetada do Rusty Lake

about 2 hours. i like the more narrative focus. will trade shrimp for ticket.

new rusty Lake game and another decent entry in this series this one feels more quaint and more comparable to some of the mobile games with the rooms layout than some of the other more recent entries but still a good time and the story feels more tangible here than some of the others

Uma jogo de entrada para o universo mas ao mesmo tempo uma chuva de respostas ou mais dúvidas sobre a história, focando muito no passado dos acontecimentos, eu não esperava que fosse um jogo tão interessante e imersivo de procurar e procurar mais repostas que para quem acompanha fica louco, inclusive eu.

Uma linha cronológica explicada sem muitas informações, mas que por si só, já incrementou detalhes e elementos de uma história que está perto de acabar?

Depois do ultimo lançamento não ter sido um jogo muito incrível, esse é a capacidade de rusty lake de fazer jogos bons.

Estou ansioso para o tal "Dia do Lago"

Underground Blossom: how many layers of ARG are you on
The White Door: like, maybe 5, or 6 right now, my dude
Underground Blossom: you are like a little baby. WATCH THIS.

Another great game by Rusty Lake, full of surprises. Keep 'em coming!

Ranked: My All-Time Favourites . Rusty Lake

El mejor juego de Rusty Lake en mi opinión. Largo, interesante y con puzles chulos, aunque a veces un poco más complicados de la cuenta.

This is my first experience with a Rusty Lake game and I must say I really enjoyed my time with it. Excellent Artwork make this point and click a joy to look at. While not overtly scary, there was something a bit off to the whole presentation that kept me on edge as the dread-inducing story unfolded. Some clever puzzles. I'll definitely be checking out more from this developer.
- Artwork: 5/5
- Music: 3/5
- Characters: 4/5
- Story: 5/5
- Gameplay: 4/5
- Overall: 4/5

L'ambiance et l'histoire inquiétantes fonctionnent plutôt bien.
Les énigmes sont bien pensées mais la jouabilité sur Smartphone n'est pas toujours pratique, si bien qu'on peut abandonner une piste simplement parce que le glisser-déposer n'est pas assez précis.

A weird escape room game that may or may not involve lighting diapers on fire.

This review is entirely for my own sake. You are welcome to read it but it may or may not contain spoilers for the whole game.

The more time goes on, the more bland these games start to feel.
I enjoy getting tidbits of lore and I like the fact hat they have ARGs going on in the background, even if I don't participate in them myself.
But as far as the actual game goes, the only part that I really enjoy is the backtracking at the end, reexploring all zones to find the secrets and achievements.

Overall, a good sequel to its predecessors.

Another pretty cool entry to the series. It's very surprising how there's been this many games and almost no misses. It's a point-n-click surrealist horror adventure puzzler with some moon logic because it's steeped in the occult and heavily inspired by Twin Peaks, going so far as to even have a character named Laura in the game. There's honestly not much to say about it. If you have played and enjoy the other Rusty Lake games, this is yet another entry that's worth the asking price.

As always, an amazing game by Rusty Lake. Loved to learn a little bit more about Laura's life. Can't wait for The Day of the Lake.