Reviews from

in the past

one of my absolute favorites!

This game is super charming and oozes personality. The level design and platforming feel like they take a backseat to the rest of the game at times, which can make for a few monotonous sections that leave you wishing you could just skip to the next story beat. The lack of much enemy variety doesn't help with this. But that being said, the rest of the game has so much to offer that it's worth looking past those few rough edges.

The story is very straightforward, but incredibly effective. They take such a simple premise and go absolutely crazy with it, with an incredibly creative and fun final act leaving the game on a high note. I'm really surprised I hadn't heard anything about this before playing, my only impression being the character designs that made me want to check it out when I got it in a Humble Choice. The longer I played it, the more confused I was that I hadn't heard about this game sooner.

The game draws many obvious similarities to the likes of Undertale and the Paper Mario series, but I think it stands very well on its own. If you're a fan of either of those, you should absolutely give Underhero a try. It's very close to being something really special.

A great platformer/RPG with possibly the most unique battle system I've seen along these lines. A bit like Mario and Luigi, which already had a great system but with a few tweaks that make it truly unique. It also follows the tradition of quirky character-driven RPGs in its class, with a variety of fun and interesting monsters to talk with. Beautiful pixel art, and some interesting plot developments make it a very undervalued colleague at the top of the RPG food chain. It is a bit buggy and feels a little lopsided in its platforming and nothing really punches as deep to your core as say undertale, but it still is well executed on and extremely creative for the genre. A fantastic game.

Came for the Paper Mario homage, got mostly that and then some! Unique ideas, cool timing based combat, and legit one of the most jaw dropping final bosses I've ever played in a game. I wish more people played it so they knew about it!

It's a cute little game, just feels a little too unpolished

El mayor problema que tiene es el control. Al principio el que sea un poco tosco pues bueno, no molesta porque tampoco te piden demasiada precisión. Pero más adelante, en la zona de la selva, te piden que vayas de liana en liana teniendo estas pinchos que te envenenan, con un control que no veo para ese tipo de situaciones. Eso me ha hecho dejar el juego junto a la hartura de otras cosas y a que además, la parte inferior es un laberinto submarino.

No me parece un juego horrible y no quiero desangrarlo, pero por ejemplo las pantallas de carga son excesivas. No por largas, si no por frecuentes. Cada 3 pasos te comes una pantalla de carga, y cuando preveen que va a ser una pantalla de carga demasiado larga, pues te ponen en un pasillo sin nada más que andar en línea recta.

El juego tiene cosas buenas, como un combate interesante, o todo el apartado artístico, pero no he podido con sus cosas malas.

Pa ser un indie pequeñito está bien, pero es un pelin costra

Decent story, great platforming game, and overall a great time. It's 100% worth the price.

very cute and visually unique but also unfortunately one-note and repetitive to the point of monotony

pretty good game with a nice climax but also the gameplay was waaaaay too slow but apparently that didn't stop me from finishing it so hey

also even tho I liked the ending the meta fourth wall shit sure did feel like it came out of nowhere, but it also worked, so... hey

Great genre breaking game that does a lot with said genre. Also the combat is interesting as you have to learn enemies tells and timings, and how you avoid it with a mix of ducks, jumps, blocks, and timed parries. Go in blind and play through the game, there are plenty of surprises in it for ya. Also a lot of platforming.

Inspired by Paper Mario and it shows. It leaves me wanting a hell of a lot more and there's a lot that needed more development but what's here is good. Combat and levelling is incredibly satisfying and the writing/characters are pretty great across the board. The actual compositions are decent but they get repetitive when used for an entire world.
If there is one thing about this game that is perfect it is its ending, which is probably why I am left with a very good impression despite several flaws. Its a short game so I'd recommend it because you haven't got much to lose.