Reviews from

in the past

A clunky, uninspired action platformer where Wolverine barely feels like the character. Unfortunately another in a sordid streak of bad early X-Men games.

It's crazy, I initially liked this game.

The first 3 stages were a solid NES platformer with decent graphics and maybe a little bit of an annoyance but not too bad. That annoyance being the fact that there is zero recovery time when you get hit.

Goddamn this shit went from like a 6 or 7 out of 10 to like a 1/10 when I got to the water level. You absolutely have to play this shit to believe it. It is insanity. The buttons get reversed underwater for no reason, there are fucking tons of bubbles being shot at you with zero way to fight back, you have to dodge a ton of shit that sucks you in and do it with your limited air.

I managed to beat the level then the rest of the game but that blight soured my entire fun with this game. Really disappointed with this one especially with how much I enjoyed it initially.

The controls are all over the place.

I can't give this anything better than a 2 star.

Not terrible, but not great. Pretty cool for a 6 year old.