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It's hard to give a concrete opinion on this Yakuza game, unlike Yakuza 3, which was obviously bad, or Yakuza 0, which was very good. This game was okay. The plot was interesting but nothing extraordinary, and the new characters lacked charisma. It's a good game, for sure, but it's not a memorable one.

I thought this part would never end, because there are 5 full-fledged main characters and a damn Santa Barbara in the plot. In essence, this is a continuation of part 4 and the completion of the stories and characters introduced in the four. This game has everything from realistic taxi driving to hunting a grizzly killer, not to mention part of the company with Haruka, where in essence it is one big rhythm game. One of the non-standard parts about the yakuza from the entire line and that’s its charm.

Я думал эта часть никогда не закончится, ибо тут 5 полноценных главных героев и чертова санта барбара в сюжете. По сути это продолжение 4 части и завершение историй, введенных в четверке, персонажей. В этой игре есть все, от реалистичного вождения такси, до охоты на убийцу гризли, не говоря, про часть компании с харукой, где по сути - это одна большая ритм игра. Одна из нестандартных частей про якудз из всей линейки и в этом ее прелесть.

masterpiece. greatest of all time.

I don’t know how else to talk about Yakuza 5 other than saying it might just be the biggest game ever made.

La fin franchement excellente lz jeu m'a redonné espoir après la bouse puante qu'était yakuza 4

it almost felt like i was playing yakuza 0 again because when things happened to the characters i actually cared

park my love. all protags r good. i loved how they all overlapped at the end. its 4am as im writing this. the last boss took me 40 minutes and im still mad but the final cutscenes made up for it i think i still havent really processed it. u can make haruka dress up as hatsune miku so its automatically peak i guess.

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The Aizawa twist is probably the worst twist of the entire franchise. Taxi gameplay makes up for it, finished it the second it unlocked.
12% completion

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acredito fielmente que yakuza 5 fica juntinho do 0 no topo dos meus jogos favoritos da franquia. esse jogo finalmente fez jus à algo que, na minha opinião, fazia muita falta nos outros da franquia, e que com certeza foi o seu ponto mais forte: uma história que fosse devidamente envolvente e que tivesse "profundidade" emocional.

nesse sentido, acho que a história acrescentou e muito para o desenvolver de (quase) todos os personagens envolvidos na trama, principalmente o Kiryu! os minigames são divertidos, com exceção daquele que é da carreira de idol da parte Haruka, e, tecnicamente, o de caça da parte do Saejima. o combate é ok e a trilha sonora é muito boa!

AMAZING AMAZING AND AMAZING. this game is INCREDIBLE and was the best one since 0, probably the best game thematically.

this game really solidified kiryu as my favorite characters in the franchise, and it introduced us to WAY too many great characters, including, watase, baba, katsuya, park, aizawa, kurosawa and SHINADA.

haruka needed this game, it does so much for her and her character.

shinada WHERE DO I EVEN START, AMAZING, PHENOMENAL, INSPIRATIONAL EVERYTHING his story fits so much with the themes of the game and concludes way too perfect for a one game character.

Kinda mixed on this one. I enjoyed it but there's a LOT I didn't like or even mesh with (i.e. almost the entirety of Part 3)
A lot of the goings-on felt really pointless, especially in the finale. Characters were doing things for the sake of doing things, twists happened that were beyond dumb (even for this series) and by the end I had enough. I did enjoy the fights though, the final one especially
I dunno. I heard this one was really good after the shaky quality and "your mileage may vary" of 1-4 so I'm a bit disappointed its like this for me

post this shinada when you least expect it

going from the saejima section to the haruka section was one of the funniest things ever

Kiryu manteve sua virgindade intacta

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Holy god, is this game huge. 5 playable chareters, playable HARUKA, , so much going on. The story kept me guessing and I really enjoyed newbie Shinada the goat. I hope he is living his best life. I dont really like Baba but he gave us I believe in you so its an even trade. So Much More is unironically one of my favorite songs period.

Also Majima death announcement over the Taxi radio had be literally like "Kiryu cares so much", this game handles its huge cast so well for the most part

there's a lot to say about this

combat is great and there's really cool parts of a story in there but it feels like they tried way too many things that just don't work too well and the game feels aimless and bloated because of it

still cool overall but it's a bit of a mess

I've been a long time fan of the Yakuza games since the original on the PS2 but Yakuza 5 is where the magic is starting to wear off for me. When I think properly about it, it's better than 3 and 4 but there's just so much fluff making this game run on at least 15 hours longer than it needs to.

The gimmick of having 4 (or 5, this time!) main characters just ends up leading to a convoluted story where I'll end up forgetting what yakuza conspiracy is going on now or who most of the side characters are.

In the moment the melodrama is interesting, but most of the cast don't really get a satisfying wrap-up and I ended up forgetting why I was meant to care about half of the plot threads that took a little too long to intertwine.

Plus Yakuza combat has kind of never been good, so I'm looking forward to catching up to 7 / Like A Dragon when it'll change completely!

was alright, had some cool moments,

Yakuza 4 crawled so Yakuza 5 could run

The Dream Game
I love this game, even if it's really convoluted and flawed

Leve essa review mais como um relato, por isso a falta de nota.

O principal motivo pela minha experiência ruim com esse jogo veio da falsa expectativa de que seguiria o mesmo modelo narrativo do 4. O jeito certo de enxergar a história do 5, na verdade, é como cinco histórias pequenas que por acaso têm um elemento em comum, que é colocado em evidência no final. A falta dessa consciência me fez achar a história um saco porque "nunca avança, é tudo filler". Até porque em retrospecto, a trama é bem feitinha sim, mas ir com a cabeça errada me fez não enxergar a beleza que eu só fui perceber que existia no ato final.

Por outro lado, um aspecto do jogo que eu nunca achei ruim é o combate, que coisa boa. Yakuza 5 tem o melhor Kiryu, o melhor Saejima e o melhor Akiyama.

Agora, apesar do rush e mentalidade terem estragado a história pra mim, não acho que eles foram os culpados por eu achar os mapas bem fraquinhos. Tirando Kamurocho, o resto é pequeno demais, ruim de navegar e com uma distribuição ruim dos locais.

O principal motivo do porque essa análise carece de nota é justamente porque eu acredito não ter experienciado Yakuza 5 da forma devida. Eu rushei o jogo e fiz somente a campanha principal, sinônimo de desastre. Não acho justo dizer que esse jogo é ruim, apesar de não ter me divertido muito com exceção do ato final, que eu adorei.

Dito tudo isso, eu quero que você que pretende jogar Yakuza 5 saiba que não é que nem o 4. Tome seu tempo pra apreciar cada uma das histórias individualmente porque se você esperar "plot principal" o tempo todo, a frustração é certa, caso contrário, provavelmente será um baita jogo.

2nd best yakuza game (0 is the best) that i've played. Holy shit that final boss is so amazing. The combat in this game is my favourite out of yakuza so far and it just feels so smooth to play, you also get rewarded for really thinking about what you're about to do instead of button mashing. The story is phenomenal and I love the overall theme. Haruka's chapter was good but not amazing like all the other chapters. I love shinada

I loved yakuza 5, going from 4 to 5 was shocking. Story was too confusing for me, but it has the best message in the series.
Liked the combat a lot, but progression system was too bloated.
Amazing side content, good substories, a lot of good unique minigames.
Only Tsukimino sucks big cock.

I love Shinada, I'm ok if he doesn't come back, he deserves a good life, but other than that, it's basically yakuza 4 without the highs of Y4 (other than Shinada). The game has some of the best side characters though, including Baba, Nakajima, and Takasugi, naming a few. Saejima's arc didn't feel as fleshed out as it was in 4, and the main villain's motivation is kinda stupid, not gonna lie.