Reviews from

in the past

cute lil gimmick love having him try to guess corn stars

Dude had me looking behind my back

Algún día buscaré cómo funciona Akinator, sin duda de pequeña me dejaba loca

tu l'avait pas vue venir cette note

stupid fuckgig genie bitchboy. i hope it cracks its stupid fucking head open and dies of sepsis. i hope it gets ringworm but like in its eyeball. i hate it so much. it pisses me off os much. and yet i still play it. fuck you akinator.

sometimes manages to find somewhat unfamiliar characters, approved.

The robots will kill us all

Als ich nicht mit John B. befreundet war, dann war es ihm klar

Scary accurate, I always wanted to trick him but he knows more than us

esse cara deve ler meu sélebro

i described myself to him and he guessed Porky Pig. thanks dude

Akinator's web page fucking LAGS now.
We have fallen in internet culture

honestly, how did it get this bad?

Akinator walked so ChatGPT could run

With abunded composure, Akinator gestured with his open palm to dismiss my attempts to best him. Eyes closed, he didn't think it was necceserry to even look at my mortal coil. I had failed again and he was the winner once more. ''How could he guess Sonic the hedgehod, my second cousin or the mytochondria (powerhouse of the cell) ?! '' I asked myself, pulling my hair in bewilderment. One time the turbaned thaumaturge started sweating, after I said NO to him ten times in a row. I couldn't hide my smirk of pleasure as I anticipated for him to announce his defeat. It was a sure victory. Yet, that sly countenance met me again. The whole time he was pulling my leg and I was at his mercy again.
Fifteen year old me was so flabbergasted, that I tried showing it to my mother, so she could too marvel at the great genie's prowess and maybe offer some explanation. Could an adult make sense of what a child couldn't? It turned out, she was just as mystified, if not more. Her theory was that Akinator could hear me through the crappy built in microphone of my Microsoft camera, so we did his bidding in complete silence. If someone came into the room, I quickly raised my index finger to my mouth to hush them, like I was hinding from some beast and my survival depended on it. Of course it didn't work out, and my mother updated her theory that he could read my lips like HAL fro 2001: A space oddysey. I jacked the usb out from the pc, disconecting my camera alltogether so he could not have access to my sences. Failuire again. The only thing that remained for me to conclude was that he really read my thoughts. So, I tried sending ''fake'' signals to him, while still answering thruthfully. I just thought of the wrong thing, so I could swindle him. Again, I was toast. Every now and then I managed to beat him, but it felt unearned, like it was my fault somehow. He was living rent free in my head. It seemed I faced God himself, and he had come to teach me to be humble.


Даун тупой, не знает кто такой шун акияма

19. Is your character male?
"Okay, I got his ass for sure this time"

2. Is your character a machine who likes to say "Hasta la vista, baby"?

Not sure I'd call it a game, but it's a fun time waster and seeing this made me go back to play it some more. It's nowhere near as difficult as people say, I'd say I win against it maybe one in ten tries, and there are a lot of contradictory (e.g. "Is your character a minor?" "Yes" "Is your character over 40?") or repeating questions, but it's entertaining enough.

I remember being impressed by this over 5 or so years ago but opening it up again to give it a refresher for the purpose of this review it has become an insanely disturbing mascot horror/danganronpa/youtuber hellhole.