Reviews from

in the past

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It was definitely a horror alright. Literally there wasn't a single moment where i felt relieved. Very disappointing to see all that led to practically nothing in the end. Sigh

It's real scary, man. It was getting so stressful, I just stopped playing at a point (shortly after the xenomorph was introduced) and never came back. Really makes you feel helpless, especially if what I heard about the AI of the xenomorph is correct - that it learns and adapts to how you interact with it.

It has a lot of problems, but its a masterpiece in my heart.

não sou fã da franquia do Alien, então não gostei da história, mas o AI do Alien e o tema do jogo é ótimo e assustador.

This is Ripley, signing off. Alien oyunu yapılacak denilse sadece böyle bir şey tarif edebilirdim. Filmlerde ki atmosferi bire bir yansıtan bir yapım. Müzikleri ve uzay gemisi ile alien evreninde geziyormuş gibi hissettiriyor.

To this day the best Alien game and would be perfect if it wasn't 5 hours too long.

Fantastic horror game. Fantastic Alien story. 10 hours too long.

TLDF (too long didn't finish)

By far my favourite horror game experience. I was always on the edge of my seat, screamed all the way through, had to gather my courage to move forward even in the smallest paths... It served its purpose 100%.
Dev team also did an amazing job programming the Xenomorph AND replicating the original Alien's aesthetic. Level design is amazing and the unpredictablity of every section makes it so great.

By far my favorite horror game. Lives up to the original and does a pretty damn good job at being a standalone Alien story as well. The way the AI works in this game is honestly insane to me. This game also holds up very well visually. Beat the main story on normal difficulty but god I tried Nightmare and it’s literally impossible for me.

cool i guess but can horror games find any other gameplay mechanic than frustrating hide and seek like...

Good lord, talk about overstaying your welcome. Revisiting the sights and sounds of Alien in a modern video game is neat, but unfortunately it's all in service of mediocre gameplay and a completely pointless and overwrought rehash of the movie's plot.

It's clear that the developers had a lot of love for the source material, and what's there is extremely faithful, but they just don't bring anything new to the table. Early on I enjoyed exploring the accurate recreations of the Alien sets, but by the end I was rolling my eyes as the game repeatedly recycled visuals and plot beats from the movie in their original order. What isn't pulled from the movie is a mishmash of objectives like "turn on the generator", "find a way to open the door", "fix this broken thing", and lots of backtracking.

Combine that with painfully tedious and dated hide-and-seek stealth gameplay, boilerplate immersive sim elements (lots of audio logs, and you punch 0451 into a keypad!), and you've got one of the more disappointing licensed games in a long time. If this had been a focused experience delivering an original story vignette over a few hours, it could've been something much better.

Até o momento é o melhor jogo de terror que já joguei e um dos melhores jogos da minha vida está no meu top 5.

Ok vamos lá é obvio que estou exagerando o jogo não é perfeito tem varios bugs e tals mas pra mim foi tão imersivo e satisfatório jogar esse jogo que acabo me empolgando. Os graficos são impressionante até hoje pra um jogo de 2014 (quase 10 anos) tem um Level design lindíssimo o jogo passa uma solidão no espaço que é imersivo pra caralho, o audio é bom a gameplay é mais andar e se esconder, o mapa é grande e da muito medo explorar por que o Alien tem uma IA tão perfeita que até hoje é elogiada.

Esse jogo é uma experiência incrível que me agradou demais que a muito tempo eu sonhava em jogar, e quando joguei não me decepcionei e fiquei triste que acabou e não tem nenhuma sequencia anunciada ainda, pq merece demais.

Without a doubt the best Alien game, such a shame that no other Alien game like this has come out since then

It took me so long to play this because I was too scared. I started the game on hard, then left it for ages, came back and couldn't understand why the game was so evil.

Then realised I'd set the game to hard. Obviously I didn't change it to any other difficulty. I was going to beat this game damn it! So yeah, beat the game on hard first time-round. Awesome.

I love Alien. It's probably one of the coolest movies ever, so naturally I was going to be all about a game that takes the original Alien as an influence, right down to the detail that it appears to metamorphose its victims rather than use a queen.

It's surprising with games like this how you get the hang of it more and more. I started the game out terrified of the alien but as the game goes on you begin to figure out how it works and actually take chances you never would have taken by the end.

The final bit was evil because I'd almost completely run out of flamethrower fuel. The alien was becoming more and tolerant to the flames and the final part throws facehuggers at you. Got through it in the end because I luckily hadn't hidden in containers too much so I was able to use them, but yeah, wow, what a game.

I will probably attempt the DLC but goddamn it's not a game you can just mess around with.

As a fan of the first two Alien movies I really liked this game, although I think it's held back by some generic writing, some very of its era looking human models and a handful of glitches that really stood out at times. I'd say that those problems are mostly made up for with the atmosphere, the gorgeous environment design and the titular alien though. If you're a fan of the franchise you'll definitely get something out of it, even if it is just fanboying at being able to play around in a very faithful recreation of this universe.

Creative sci-fi horror game that's faithful to the source material.

Never been more scared playing a video game. Would be a five-star but the ending was a tad disappointing. the game is kind of a broken mess at times but that was a part of the charm. Also, this shit looks beautiful.

Me encanta me da mucho miedo

As the game progresses, the Alien's AI becomes progressively more annoying and needlessly aggressive. There is just no way to keep it at suspenseful survival horror when you have to constantly use your flamethrower because every little whift you make within a 60ft radius has the fucker storming towards you, even when he's hit by a goddamn molotov.

I really want to finish this game, but if I keep going in this state, I'm only going to hate it.

Un excellent jeu d’horreur que je referai sûrement en survie, l’intelligence de l’Alien est vraiment fascinante, et même la partie avec les robots est assez intéressante car on se retrouve obligés d’utiliser le level design au maximum. À faire absolument !

me hice cacona, nunca lo pude terminar

One of my top 5 games its just very good horror mixed with my favorite movie and its just nailing the aesthetics its just great

this is one of the only games that genuinely terrifies me so much I don't think i'll ever beat it. can't really rate that but if you love horror games this will probably be one of your favorite games.

for reference i got to one of the first segments where the alien is actually roaming in the vents before quitting