Reviews from

in the past

Good when you’re playing it, but wow does it get boring ridiculously quick. That cycle literally goes in circles whenever I play this, over and over again!

Um dos melhores jogos multiplayers que já joguei, porém apenas se você encontrar um grupo para jogar em call, pois os lobbys públicos são péssimos, cheio de crianças que quitam ao não ser o impostor.
Quando o jogo funciona, meu único problema é quando todos decidem ficar juntos, pois a partir desse momento, é quase impossível do impostor matar alguém sem ser descoberto logo em seguida.
É um ótimo party game, tive vários momentos bons jogando, mas tem vários problemas com os lobbys públicos.

don't let the ඞ gaslighting you!!

Can't see any way of rating this but it's a very fun social deduction game. Haven't played it since 2021 but the time spent with it was well worth it :)

My brother doxxed me during an emergency meeting

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A reminder that my 3-star rating means I don't regret playing it, not that I liked it. I got two games in, I saw what was hooking people, and I have overwhelming anxiety about games that require me to lie to people. I don't find them entertaining. I don't regret playing it to try to understand what people were getting out of it, and I'll never open it again.

Fun with the right people. Amogus.

It's fun for a few rounds, but it's the concept I'm most interested in. If another studio were to take this formula and make a genuinely good game out of it, I'd be in.

Generally fun formular for a game but the tasks are boring and after 5 rounds you have pretty much seen it all already. Still a fun time with friends.

É um jogo legalzinho, mas nada de mais. Cansativo e repetitivo, as jogatinas sempre acabam do mesmo jeito (mesmo com novos mapas) e não tenho mais amigos para jogar.

game that filled a niche in a really important time, good memories

joguei so pra flertar com a menina que gostava :)

masterpiece of gaming….

when the imposter betrayed them………….. 😢

Fun game but the servers are always funky

Fun party game that relies on your interactions with other people to guess whodunit. Not surprising this blew up in 2020 when we were all starving for interaction. Still a joy to come back to now and then.

Among us memes will always be funny to me xD

Incrível com os amigos, mas não funciona muito bem sozinho.

Playing the impostor was always way too nerve-racking to be fun

Would recommend, Lost 6 friends already and lost the trust of 15

memes aside its a decent lil party game

Your younger siblings are being raised by among us funny moment tiktok comps

honestly not a fan of social deduction games so I've only played hide and seek mode, but i absolutely love it :)

bwowwww...... (among us sound)

cheap knock-off of Pretend. go play the original