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What is the best version of Tetris? Depending on the kind of Tetris you’re used to playing, the answer to that question will vary wildly. If you grew up on the rigid simplicity of NES Tetris, you might prefer to stick with that version. There’s a passionate cult of devotees for each iteration of Tetris the Grand Master, for those that love the intensity of a finely tuned competitive arcade experience. If you’re more into style over gameplay, perhaps you’ll gravitate to the proto-vaporwave aesthetics of Tetris for the Philips CD-i or the sensory overload of Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s Tetris Effect. If for some reason you wanna stack blocks but you also want to get horny, there’s even a pirate game for DOS platforms called Porntris. With all of these different versions of the tetromino stacking game out there, who exactly is Apotris for?

The homebrew title, developed solely by Game Boy Advance enthusiast Apostolos, aims to provide a little something for everyone via a truly staggering amount of customization. Whether you want flashy visuals or the most utilitarian options for clarity, Apotris has settings that are likely to work for you. Ghost blocks and grid views are available to ensure that you know exactly where your tetrominoes will fall, or you can take the training wheels off entirely if you’d prefer more difficulty. You can play a traditional marathon mode, a timed sprint mode in which you clear a predetermined number of lines (by far the best mode for practicing speed and building muscle memory), or puzzle modes for testing your problem solving in unconventional stacking situations. There’s even a classic mode if you’re not particularly a fan of modern Tetris mechanics.

Apotris doesn’t manage to capture all the possibilities of Tetris; that’s impossible. But it comes closer than anything else has managed. It’s most suited to speed demons that are accustomed to modern Tetris mechanics—so unique games like the Grand Masters, Tetris Effect, or Tetris 99 will always have their niche—but Apotris does what it does better than almost any other Tetris game released after 2001, when the standardized guidelines for gameplay were written. I find myself reaching for Apotris whenever I simply want to play Tetris. It’s hard to overstate how impressive it is to establish yourself as the most solid option when you’re competing with hundreds of different games.

This is the best version of Tetris. It's extremely expansive, fast (ie minimal pause between quads unlike Tetris Effect), and includes a ton of modes and customization. Guideline Tetris has never been this good.

If you want atmospheric twists, Tetris Effect might be worth playing. If you want a high-octane multiplayer experience, try Tetris 99. If you want a fun story mode and a Puyo Puyo crossover, I recommend Puyo Puyo Tetris. If you want pure Tetris? Apotris all the way.

The most satisfying version of Tetris I have ever played

I seriously hate the music, it gets super repetitive after like 10 seconds, other than that, it's perfect for daily tetris fix

i tried every tetris game i could find, and this is hands down the absolute best. it owns my life. i will play it forever

I've played a bunch of other tetris titles before and I always loved the game in its different forms. But I think this is the tetris game I've always dreamed of. I'm someone who just likes to play marathon tetris without anything too crazy and this game delivers on that. It's really fast, I just turn on the gba and I'm in a game within seconds. But what really puts this over the edge as a masterpiece is the customization. You can kinda make the game look and feel exactly the way you want if you put the time into all the various settings and features. Changing colors, rotation, screen shake, etc. I can see this giving the game a ton of longevity. For once I really like the other modes as well. I very much appreciate the game mode with classic tetris rules, I often just play that to really shake it up. But the other various modes really test your skills in different and valid ways that are fun. This has been my definitive bed time game for a week now and I love it very much.

I'm not a huge Tetris obsessive or anything but playing this on a physical modded GBA with the backlit screen is maybe the most zen-like experience I've had playing a video game, its crazy

An extremely comprehensive & edit-able version of Tetris crammed & stuffed into a GBA rom. Maybe close to one of the best technical versions of Tetris (I think Tetris Advance, the Japanese one, may have this beat out just by a little bit) and definitely is the product of someone who knows their stuff. At the very least in the top 5 of Tetris versions, for sure.

literally the best version of tetris period

being good at tetris makes me feel like a fucking freak who understands fighting games :-//

Questa versione non ufficiale di Tetris per Game Boy Advance, distrugge tutte le iterazioni uscite sulla medesima console, grazie a numerose modalità di gioco e un feeling degno di Tetris DS, peccato solo per la mancanza di un PvP contro la CPU.

Arguably the definitive form of the best game ever

my saddest life goal is to play every tetris game ever made but i feel like this one alone is able to account for about 80% of them

cool as hell i wish there were more songs in it right from the start because i cannot be arsed to add them in myself

this is THE Tetris of all time. I'm so happy apotris exists mannnn holy heck