Reviews from

in the past

You work for anyone, which means you work for the corporations, administering expensive, frustrating, blink-and-you'll-miss-it violence on their behalf. What for? Money, parts, choice. In exchange for power, your agency is subsumed by the machine (I named mine Big Iron)

The dark souls of mech games...
Jokes aside, it's a solid mech game and really impressive for the ps1.
Absolutely recommended!

They did a great job w/ customization and the part missions, on top of objective variety. But some of these maps are just long-winded mazes w/ no distinctions.

A very strong entry for the legendary Armored Core series. The combat is tight, the controls are wacky, and this game truly makes you feel like a superpowered mercenary

Nine-Ball: What is your wish?
Me: That you fucking kill yourself.

so i decided to try this game out, its ok, but the controls arent take time to get used to, actually thats my biggest complaint really, the missions will feel repetitive

Modern horror games are comfy compared to FMVs of dimly lit operating room ceilings after falling into crippling debt.

jogo inteligente pra caralho, customização complexa, soundtrack drum n' bass e estética estilosa, controles que começam confusos mas depois que tu pega o jeito fica muito divertido, unicos defeitos é não ter tutorial nem explicação de nada e a ultima missão ser BEM PAIA, não vou colocar o jogo ser meio clunky como defeito pq é um gameplay bem impressionante pro ps1 entao passo pano

It's a solid ass PS1 title with a ton of great ideas and foundation but the execution is a bit lacking and some of it falls flat

this game is so good they didn't change the control scheme until well into the PS2's life

v impactful ending for its minimalism. love how quietly it goes out. had a lovely time with AC1

They were coming out of the gate swinging, still holds up given it's the first one

Could not get into it. Found it too cumbersome and dated with a bad camera and punishingly unfair difficulty and clunky combat. I didn’t have a problem with the controls they were fine as I love Kings Field and it controlled like that. It was just everything else? The confusing menus the lack of not really telling you anything about the mech parts and showing and real stats. menu is just too slow and tedious to figure out or get anything from in Garage and when equipping. The enemies do tons of damage and even after buying parts I still was none the wiser. I gave it a chance.
I might try the later games to see if they’ve improved.

It's a pretty enjoyable good game if you understand that it's a product of it's time because after being used to modern controls for so many years it's pretty weird to go back to this in 2023.

The game has a tank control and you use the L1 and R1 to strafe and L2 and R2 to look up and down with the camera. It took me awhile to understand and be able to play the game, but after I did, I got to know a good game.

okay this game is old have a lot of problem because of that like the control is dog s*** in the graphics it's so bad in in your enemy you can't see him because the resolution don't help but but with emulation all this fix I recommend you change to control and don't play how to game tell you I play this game with keyboard and mouse literally I play the game with w-up a-L1 s-down d-R1 for Mouse movement up-L2 down-R2 left-left right-right click left-square right click-circle and wheel button-Triangle it's kinda janky when I say it but believe me is the best control sitting for the game this game is a classic not the best game by any means but when you play it you want to complete and this a few game do it and I love it

some cool ideas, music (when present) is a banger, but the level design is super confusing, everything is the same and you don't have a map, you have to rely on your mental 3d imaging, and the gameplay didn't age quite well, i know it is a fucking heavy mecha but i didn't see any fun innit. it looks like it wasn't designed for the dualshock
for someone who isn't already in the mecha world, the part/upgrade system isn't practical/understandable (at least at first)

if this was the very only game i could play, i think i would be able to finish, but i don't have any reason to do this right now, even more nowadays

will be giving more chances to this franchise tho

I always heard armored core beforehand, but with seeing the armored core 6 announcement, it's best time to dive in I thought. So I started and my first impressions were positive.

Variety is pretty suprising for a ps1 game. Also a controller configuration option? Hell yeaaah! The first thing I did was changing the controller more like a psp scheme(assigning camera to face buttons and action buttons to trigger buttons).
It was all good until I realized this game is bothering kind of jank for me.

Why the heck my lock on box moves faster than my camera????? Who thought this was a good idea? This takes away all the gameplay flow away. You start turning, then wait camera and aim reticle to match again, then you start turning again and wait for the camer....
I heard, the legs changes your turning speed so that's why. But forcing you to suffer for early game until you can get a better legs... That's so unlogical
No thanks.

My another problem is, when you go up the air and then to the ground, you have to watch your character to do a small stand up animation everytime and only way to get out of that is pressing the jetpack button again I guess. You can think this is a small problem but every mini boss does a massive damage against you and that small time wasting is the deciding factor for the life or death sometimes and punishment of is BIG. Die lots of times and bum. Half reset to your game. Nice.
If you are gonna force a big punishment upon me, then I would expect there is no possible way to get cheap deaths. But with these systems... it's just there to make my experience more miserable.

I have a massive respect that loves this game, but with this camera... I can't. Sorry. If it worked then I would be glad to finish this game and replay it 5 times but this camera is I can't, I just can't category for me

cool ideas but this game has aged terribly hand cramping controls and maze-like level design hoping the sequel takes what works about this game and makes it better but not super hopeful for the ps1 sequels

The game's premise and design are simple. You create a mech from parts and use it to do missions. You get money for better parts as you do these missions and upgrade your mech. You can tailor your mech to your playstyle and for specific missions to optimize and maximize earnings. There's secret parts, and bosses in some of these missions. The missions are well structured, the controls are great, and it's enjoyable optimizing your mech for situations where you can gain an advantage.

Nineball's theme is just the best.

This review contains spoilers

controls took a bit to get used to but once they clicked they clicked well the game holds up shockingly well for a 90s psx game music is also amazing biggest downside to the game is the block platforming in the final mission fuck that shit

didnt find moonlight greatsword, but i got the ending where i fought a big-ass robot so i cant complain much. armored core, at its core (punned), is about private companies using gun-for-hire mecha pilots to fuel their desires for power. but its also about playing dress up with your robot, customizing the parts and weapons to your hearts content. it's janky, it's primitive at times, but it's above all captivating with its premise and palm-sweating combat. genuinely excited to get into the expansions and, eventually, the sequels.

i would put more words into this but ive already been working on a script for a video review for months so yea lol.

Had a blast with this game, love the robot customization, i made one with quad legs , machine guns for arms and back laser cannon, it was fun but damn the poison mission and especially the final mission were really hard.
Also really cool that there's a narrative going on in the background where you work for both sides.

Ótimo jogo, ainda mais levando em consideração a limitação da época, o fato de não ter analógicos transforma isso aqui num jogo de terror em alguns momentos, demorei muito pra me acostumar com os controles também.

Sistema de customização muito bom, poderia ter mais opções, mas o que tem é interessante, dá pra fazer um mecha ágil, tanque, um misto, literalmente um Zaku, os 4 tipos de movimentação também, mas de longe a melhor mecânica desse jogo é como a economia funciona, basicamente te força a ser o mais eficiente possível nas missões, se não me engano tem algo parecido em Front Mission.

Questão da história, é interessante como a narrativa é contada através de e-mails, a partir deles tu recebe a informação do contexto e a lore do q tá acontecendo, sim bem minimalista que nem eles fazem com Dark Souls, inclusive tem um grupo terrorista chamado Dark Soul no jogo.

Óbvio que por ser da From é um jogo difícil, mas PAUTAQUEOPARIU, um trecho da missão final é mais difícil que o jogo inteiro, tá loko coisa de maluco aquela subida.

I finally finished this janky game. I had abandoned it previous month, but then returned it for later. Why? Because when I start up the ps1 I found out that I didn't take out the disc. Then I said hey let's try it again maybe I'd like it then? Spoiler: unfortunately no.

Camera is awful, when you are moving fast it can't keep up with you, when you go into a corner it starts to broke and move itself without your input, Also looking up or down is non-existent, camera doesn't even try to match with it's damn aim reticle. Also for some reason map designers have a corridor fetish. I think they were keep pressuring each other to make it smaller again and again... IN A DASH FOCUSED MECHA GAME!??
Not just that, one piece of troll decided to include platforming... HUH!?

Why not 1 star then? Because after getting a lot of money, just equipping lots of explosives and spam them without any money care feels actually fun. Also there is a bit of variety in missions as well and also a lot of different weapons this game have, probably more than the most of the ps1 games. But those gameplay mechanics with awful camera... Just takes it down for me unfortunately

Also that last mission is the biggest piece of garbage missions ever. I am not against hard opponents but platforming? Did you even test your game for that!??? At least it was fun to spam all of my collected explosives to the faces of that nineball. Funny thing is he jumped on top op of my head and I spammed the heck out of attack button instinctively and when I was out of energy and when the explosion effects disappeared he was dead already. Now that was damn satisfying I won't lie.

All 45 Missions Cleared + All Secret Parts Obtained

My core experience with Armored Core was with the PS2 games, so I didnt experience the first series until much later in life - but its interesting to see how influential this first game was on the rest of the series, and how much Fromsoft had figured out so early on in their history.

Very fun, very clunky, and plenty hard (i hate some of these levels with a burning passion)

The government should introduce energy weapons to cut down on military spendings