Reviews from

in the past

Story: 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Music: 8/10
Character: 9/10 (Still 10 for Ryza, and much improvement as the game developed the characters better here)

Allured by chara design but everything was doomed.
The gameplay did not improve a little bit.

It was hard to finish ryza 1, and I was starting to miss the old atelier formula, but ryza improved in some puntual aspects of the previous game and delivers a more interesting plot, a better cast and a improved combat.
It was fun experience, pirate the first game, play it for some 4 hours and move to the next

Addictive gameplay, the main story is interesting and it has a lot of optional details/lore, definitely an upgrade to the 1st title.

Vote: 9
Time spent crafting items and exploring ruins: 40H 48M

The fights and gathering/crafting are the focus of this game, it's not really about a complex story. The main plot takes a little bit to get going, and even once it does it's just kinda okay. Then again that's like saying "the plot of pokemon isn't complex you just do a bunch of battles", it's still a very good game if you like the material loop crafting system.

This was technically a better game than the first one. They fixed a lot of the jank. All of the changes to the battle system were welcome; though the game was laughably easy until the last two dungeons, so I didn't get to enjoy the changes to their fullest. The alchemy system was improved. All in all, this is a much more polished game than the first. Yet, I still ended up liking this less than the first game.

The biggest mistake was making Fi the emotional linchpin of the story. Fi is fine in small doses, but he got very annoying very quickly. Also, the game was paced poorly. It's great that the game gives you so much content, but it seemed like everywhere you went you would trigger a new cutscene about some sidequest or secondary character. It made progressing through the main plot a chore.

My head says this is a three star game, but my heart says three and half. I've grown to like most of these characters and the basic gameplay loop is fun and very addictive.

- detailed and colorful character models for the main and supporting cast
- good soundtrack; with Birds Over the Valley being a personal favorite
- engaging combat that encourages the usage of specific elemental attacks, buffs and debuffs
- playable characters are well balanced, allowing any team combination to be successful
- items are not consumed when used, removing any hesitancy in utilizing them
- fantastic crafting system that is simple to execute, but rewards mastery with incredibly powerful items and equipment
- essences, evolution link and reinforcement are all terrific new additions

- explorable areas occasionally feel cluttered because of the excessive number of enemies and gathering points
- voice acting is limited to only Japanese
- mostly uninteresting main story and characters
- optional cutscenes are intrusive, frequently interrupting crafting sessions or attempts at making a manual save
- several cutscenes provide no meaningful character insight or world building and often feel disjointed from the main story
- the majority of sidequests are monotonous and yield lackluster rewards
- enemy variety is severely lacking
- inventory management is cumbersome due to the vast amount of items

fun adventure
I broke things by being too good at alchemy as usual but i like the new additions to combat to let you play sweatier
good times, looking forward to playing ryza 3

Do NOT let my autistic ass play these games, I WILL spend two straight hours in the alchemy menu crafting a weapon that will give Ryza the strength to send entire civilizations flying like puny little golf balls with a single whack

This is my favorite Atelier game. It improved on everything that made the first Ryza game fun, but added a larger focus on the more intimate character stories. From the characters, to the soundtrack and the gameplay, this is peak Atelier to me. Also, Lent is super hot in this game don't @ me.

Classique poulet my god what a chicken


- Endearing character interactions
- Gust Music
- Passage of time on returning faces
- Misc gameplay improvements


- Disjointed level design (I felt like the map was a little too disconnected, it doesn't help that progression doesn't really feel that earned unlike the first game)
- Severe backtracking (Picking up "lore" in ruins after having already traversed said ruins is honestly a chore)
- Too reliant on "Tell don't show"
- Gatekeeping the truth until the very end
- Very short endgame
- Lack of secret super bosses (in the first game there were 2 available without needing to be in Post game, on the second game, there is no single super boss available, and actual hard content is behind a paywall, lol)
- 200 basket capacity (too little in contrast to how much items you can gather, especially as you unlock gathering upgrades, which is pace breaking when you're trying to explore)
- Mild Pacing Issues

This game is still very enjoyable, but there were too many things the first game did better that were lacking on this sequel, and that heavily hindered my enjoyment, there were also some other mechanics that were tediously overwhelming that felt like playing the anime version of Skyrim.

This review contains spoilers

"And know that I will be wandering somewhere under the same sky."

Ryza 1 was a biggest piece of dogshit produced by Gust.
This one is a big glow up: battle system is great, character writing exists and managed to fix all my negative perception for every character, new characters are cool and likeable, UI and QoL improvements.

Unfortunately good things end here:
alchemy is still the worst in the series (i'd take mysterious tetris over this torture), but you don't ever lose quality so making 999 quality items is effortless. Still going through 7 loops to make an item sucks big time. Like you miss one ingredient and have to go get it and then spend another 5 minutes for loops and repeat. Fuck recipe morph, all my homies hate recipe morph.

Giant maps without warp points, selling early game shoes as DLC is a crime.

Dungeon exploration is worst shit ever: do 5 weird arbitrary tasks for half a dungeon, then go back to the beginning to collect 15+ clues per map (There are 3 per dungeon!!!)
BTW monster placements are awful: there are 5+ monsters near every gathering point, the game forces you to jump off the cliff one time and the other to go back to atelier so you miss the fucking clue and have to spend 5 minutes running through monster infested corridors. SMT has less monsters per square meter then this right here.
After that comes MANDATORY time wasting clue matching minigame with 30 clues. This shit makes the game a fucking dungeon crawler and breaks the gameplay loop: spend 3 hours doing stupid dungeon shit, then go back and watch 2 hours of cutscenes.
It's like persona 5, but worse, since there is no friendship system and time passage you can get 10+ events in a row, go to sleep and get another 10 events.

Ryza 1 but pretty much everything is improved.

I ended up buying the first game for the meme, loved it, and here I am again, loving another Atelier Ryza game. This game looks a lot better than the original, and the combat system is MASSIVELY improved. The story was actually pretty good too, I wasn't expecting to tear up at the end. Give the first game a go if you're interested, then give this a go when you like it! It was a lot of fun!

A wonderful improvement upon the first game in the trilogy. Movement and Exploration have been improved a lot, you can climb, crouch, squeeze, swing, swim and dive, and even have a mount to get around faster. The environments evolved alongside the movement, god this game is pretty.

The Combat is barely recognisable, lots has changed and while it may be confusing at first, after a few battles you'll never want to go back to the old CC system. Itemslinging becomes the new Meta, around the finale Ryza feels like a walking nuke. Battles are dynamic, fast paced, and busy, meaning you don't just wait your turn, you always have something to do, something to manage.

Alchemy is just as fun, if not more than in the first game, thanks to some new mechanics like Evo-links and the skill tree system.

In terms of new characters, lots of new fun faces. Since everyone's in the Capital now, Ryza meets new faces left and right, like the Café worker Zephine or a fellow Farmer's Daughter Cassandra. Their little arcs of "what do i want from life and how do i achieve self-fulfilment in my work" is quite cute to wittness. the three new party members are also very fun to use and have around, Patty is adorable, Serri is elegant and tragic, Clifford thinks he's so cool (he is, okay? nobody tell him otherwise) I was a little saddened that i couldn't play as Lila once more since she was a main stay in my Party during the first game, but my new core of Lent, Ryza, Klaudia with a rotating support from Serri and the others worked wonders too.'

Storywise the game has a lot to offer, multiple ruins to investigate, though after a while the exploration might feel repetetive, since you kinda do the same thing over and over again, so it's smart to do side quests and character driven side stories between main adventures, even if you don't need better gear.

I only really have two complaints about the game and those are A) the sheer amount of dialogue cutscenes to drive the side-plots forward can oftentimes interrupt the player in the middle of an intense Alchemy session. B) the final boss was laughably easy, though, maybe, i was just overprepared, since my Ryza almost took it down herself. The secret boss though.. oh it had me grind a lot, try a bunch until i found a strategy that worked, similarly to the Queen from Ryza 1.
Overall, great game, pretty world, fun characters, good music, addicting gameplay loop, big fun.

While it brings a lot of positives from Ryza 1 back, they really pushed harder (not as hard as in 3...) for the whole fanservice appeal. That's fine, but it clearly detracted from the game as it became a main focus and the story became sort of just a way to experience that fanservice. More importantly though, this game drags like crazy, it always feels like every step in the story is hours longer than it needed to be and it ends up really difficult to bother finishing. A step down from Ryza 1, and a huge step down from things like Ayesha and Sophie (especially Sophie 2 but it wasn't out when this had released).

To me it felt like they made some very welcome changes to the combat but the changes to the alchemy system, like with the addition of a skill tree/skill points killed my enjoyment of the game.

Mucho mejor que el 1, más centrado en exploración y en historia, deja algo de lado los personajes y esquiva algunos temas interesantes, pero es un buen juego.
El final es excesivo el farmeo que te exige, que me cansó su recta final

PATTY SWEEP !!!!!!!!!

this game is such a great sequel!! improves on the first in basically every aspect

+ they made klaudia & ryza even gayer !!

I thought the first game had the best crafting system of all time. This game has usurped that. The characters are great and the story is decent.

Much like the first game, great fun. Refined in some aspects (the battle system was slicker, characters look better etc) and it was cool to see all the characters several in-game years later, with the introduction of some new guys it meant quite a large cast. Didn't think some of them got enough time as a result. The "banter" between the main characters didn't seem as sharp either, but maybe that's supposed to be a sign they had grown-up. Just a bit less amusing as a result. Loving this series though.

How can a game with such an uninteresting story and shallow characters (except one) be so comfy and heartwarming? Probably because it was made by people who really love this world. We will never know.

The first game was mediocre at best. I skipped most of the main story and just focused on doing alchemy and collecting materials. A fun game, nothing more than that. 1 year later I decided to continue the journey with the second, not expecting much better than the first, instead I got a charming experience that I will cherish, even if it is not a perfect game in my usual standarts.

Alchemy is better and has more systems and more creation options. Combat is also more engaging and fun. The story and characters are not great. I once again skipped most of the main story and just focused on the side quests. Ryza is and continues to be an incredible protagonist and is the heart of this game.

After being asked about 5 times on my discord about why I was playing this game, and after finishing it I finally had time to reflect why. You don't need an epic story about saving the world, complex characters, insane gameplay or anything like that to make a good game, if you played and enjoyed it, that's what really matters. I skipped the entire story and I still have little drops of manly sweat in my eyes after the ending. Ryza just wants to have her little adventure with the friends she loves so much. It’s good vibes only.

As a certain toaster once said: "you don't need to save the world to find the meaning of life, you just need to protect what's important to you". Just enjoy the games you love! Don't care about anything else.

Atelier Ryza 2 is far from a perfect game on any of the points I like to consider, but it was a fun and fullfiling experience that I will keep in my memories.

Thighs change lives.