Reviews from

in the past

Uma ótima historia de um Batman inicio de carreira, com destaque para o lado detetivesco do personagem que é muito bem explorado e para as representações dos personagens recorrentes do universo do morcego, até mesmo o Pinguim que é completamente reimaginado e quase se torna uma personagem novo, mas bem executado. By the way esse Game junto de The Batman (2022) possui um entendimento e execução espetacular da relação entre o Cavaleiro das Trevas e a Catwoman.

bogged down by bugs and slower detective moments, but has a fun story that gives a engaging, if simplistic telling of a batman story


Fajna visual novela z batmanem.

the most plain society commentary of like all time. boring, admirable that they tried to go with their own villain but she sucked, twist villains are the bane of me.

Not my favorite Batman game but this was also my first Telltale TV episode quick time sequence style game. The story was good and gameplay wasn't terrible. But I did find myself wishing it was just a show to watch versus a game requiring me to do a handful of inputs and dialogue checks every couple of minutes.

Oh, what I would do for another series of Batman games from the amazing folks at Telltale Games! Bruce Wayne actually acts like Bruce Wayne and Batman really is Batman. Hitting it and getting it so right to canon. The characters down to their dialogue, mannerisms and the voice actors were all incredible too. Adore this series.

Batman is a reckless driver. I'm surprised he hasn't crashed into another car or run over a pedestrian the way he literally zooms down city streets.

I like this style but I can definitely see how this might not be someones cup of tea

Es una historia interesante que se cuestiona los roles preestablecidos en el mythos de Batman, aunque con una inconsistencia en el pacing narrativo y una carencia de jugabilidad como todo lo de Telltale.

Really boring, although there's some late story revelations that are extremely good.

Glitching and frame-rate problems in the first minute of the game already? It's a no from me!

Sorry, I'm not a "gamer." I won't tolerate buying a defective product in the name of addiction.

I may be biased since I LOVE Batman and Gotham; but this game was really good. With shocking twists and plot that takes itself seriously, this ranks as one of the better telltale games out there. Also that soundtrack is amazing

This was my first Telltale game and I liked it a lot. It's a bit like watching a (pretty good) Batman movie, where you can affect parts of the story. It also keeps you focussed with the actions in fighting scenes and such.

Oswald used Comic Sans to change the logo of Wayne Enterprises, they wanted to make sure you know he's a psychopath.

my all-time favourite interpretation of the joker is in a telltale game and idk how to feel about that

It’s an alright game, I think this Batman Game Universe is pretty underrated since everyone mostly talks about the Arkham games. I would recommend checking this one out, And also Season Two is an absolute banger.

A game I really enjoyed. Hasn't been a telltale game ive played that was bad.

One of Telltale's better releases.

First time playing a telltale game and it was ok. Glad I tried it but nothing to write home about.

é legal mas eu n tanko as expressões faciais da telltale

It was decent. Felt the similarities between this game and The Wolf Among Us when it came to solving out crime scenes. I just preferred The Wolf Among Us more. I do appreciate how this game because it focuses a lot on the side of Bruce Wayne. Though I wasn't really invested in the main antagonist compared to Harvey or Cobblepot.

This game taught me I don't have free will.

One of Telltale's gripping and above average games.

Кинцо добротное, да и Бэтмена люблю)

Telltale made one of the best Batman stories ever told, and it's really cool how this game inspired the excellent new Batman movie directed by Matt Reeves. I played this on the Xbox 360 for the achievements, and for a game made in 2016 with next-gen hardware in mind, it's not the worst way to play the game. The framerate is decent, but it can lag from time to time. The graphics have a major downgrade due to the limits of the hardware, but it wasn't that distracting. Playing the 360 version of this game is pointless unless you want some easy gamerscore.

The sequel is definitely better than this one, but it's an alright lead-up to it. I'm not much of a fan of the graphics change Telltale went with here - the models look kind of plastic-y and Lego-like to me, oddly shiny and artificial in comparison to their natural cell-shading in games like The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us - but I get used to it after a while of playing every time.

Love that you can play Batman as a bit of an immoral asshole, love that you can lean into the Bruce as an elitist playboy thing. Troy Baker is, as per usual, pretty good in his role as the protagonist.

I wasn't sure how to feel about the treatment of the Joker when I first played this, and I think if it had been this game alone it would've felt hamfisted and out of place, but it's a build up to his bigger role in the second game where he turned out to be a fantastic character with a fantastic dynamic with Bruce, so with that in mind it's more than forgivable.

The major issue I have with this game is just that... I don't want to fuck Catwoman. And the game really, really wants me to fuck Catwoman. A lot of Telltale games have this kind of canon romance that you're nudged towards with varying degrees of force - Lee and Carley in The Walking Dead, Bigby and Snow in The Wolf Among Us, Rhys and Sasha in Tales from the Borderlands - but this is up there with the worst ones in terms of making me feel like I was required to put active, constant effort into not tripping and falling into a relationship with the character they wanted me to.

Still, fun enough game overall. Play it for the sequel, if nothing else.

(Sidenote I include with all Telltale reviews: Telltale's games often get a bad rap for having your choices not influence the story, but to me this misses the point of what they do. Variant endings are a nice bonus in games, and I enjoy them when they do pop up in Telltale's stories, but for the most part your choices aren't here to change where you go. They're there to change how you get there, who you are when you get there, and often who you get there with. They influence and change your relationships with the characters around you. The joy of replaying these games is to experience the different dialogue, the different reactions to you, the different routes you can take on the way, the different bonds you can evolve with people - not to have a wildly different ending. I think this aspect is overhated and sadly misunderstood by a lot of players, so if huge, game-changing differences are what you're looking for, I'd temper your expectations.)

Favourite Male Character: Alfred
Favourite Female Character: Vicki
First Character I Liked: Oswald
Favourite Character Design: Oswald
Favourite Moment: Being injected with the serum and the subsequent villain reveal
Least Favourite Character: Not gonna lie boys Harvey bored the shit outta me after a while