Reviews from

in the past

absolutely atrocious at this game and i def have a couple problems with it but bayonetta herself is SUCH an icon that it literally overrides every problem i have. favourite game <3

+ when i was 4 my brother let me play the demo on his xbox 360. i think it's what turned me gay (according to him i actually got kind of good at it too?)

Bayonetta is not only a really fun game but also has a hot and badass witch protagonist

One of the best action games out there with some really enjoyable characters and fluid combat. My only complaints are that the difficulty ramps up a bit too much near the end and QTEs exist.

need to finish this game one day

[Round 1]
- All Umbran Tears/LPs found
- Rodin weapon obtained
- All characters unlocked

Took me a while to actually enjoy this brown-filtered mess. It just looked so drab and uninteresting to look at, that I just couldn't get into it. The first few cutscenes where also a bit too odd and lore-filled to capture my attention, but once it clicked, it clicked. This thing's as fun as it is ridiculous.
I refuse to platinum every stage on every difficulty, tho. Even if I'm a completionist I have my limits.

The oversexualisation bit gets boring and cringe after 5 min but the combat is immensely good and the story is really fun

Un buen hack 'n slash. Hay mucha variedad de armas, aunque al final te vas a quedar con aquellas que mas te molen y a repetir un combo hasta la saciedad. Algunos enemigos no están bien nivelados y hay alguno más difícil que un boss, lo cual no tiene mucho sentido, pero la música suple esta carencia perfectamente. Si, la historia y los personajes son tontos, pero aquí has venido a machacar botones matando ángeles.

So far I think the game is pretty cool, but I ended up dropping it for some reason, I'll probably get around to finish it later.

Gostei muito do jogo, achei bem difícil mas é porque eu sou horrível em jogos assim

oh. my. god. where has this game been all my life. this game is the perfect amount of cunty and campy with a mother protag. to go along with is perfection.

una como bayonetta barba

let's be honest. we are not playing this game for the plot. the cutscenes are quirky but the exposition is so barebones that a first time player will genuinely not know what is happening beyond bayonetta's sexual tension with jeanne. but!! this game is so damn good that it doesn't even matter.

bayonetta is an extremely likeable protagonist. i understand why her nature might upset people, but she was designed by a woman dreaming up her power fantasy. her design is good and her personality is loud and unapologetic. this meshes well with the fact that the game is (surprise!) not about sex, and actually about kicking ass.

when you are not doing combat you will want to be doing combat. this game makes you feel like a champ. the combat is fast-paced and has impact and the visuals are striking. this livens up an otherwise dull (color-wise) game. the combat mechanics are absurd but easy to pick up, and you can still whip through the game stylishly without masterful combos or carpal tunnel. the boss fights are insane and large scale but SO FUN. and then you do all of this while listening to the music. let's dance boys serves as the ending song/sequence and imo some of the greatest video game music out there.

ultimately, a great hack-and-slash with points off for the gimmicky attempts at level traversal/platforming, trippy narrative you want to skip past, and the insta-death QTEs. fuck the QTEs.

Would be 4.5 stars if not for the insta death QuickTime events. But other than that excellent platinum game. Warrants a go through for any gamer that likes to beat tf outta enemies and a challenge.

Played it so long ago i can't remember anything but the crazy final boss and ending.
Planning to replay someday on PC.

You do indeed meet the "Bayonetta". 4.5/5

Até que o careca filho da puta sabe o que faz

Bayonetta y la música son lo único bueno de este juego. Todo lo demás envejeció muy mal. No pude completar el ultimo boss porque me moría y me devolvía todo al principio. Encima es un port horrible.

A witch finds her strength by nurturing her inner child.

Has some quirks mechanically, but it's still such a charming game with a goofy story

g vu un lets play quelle FOLIEEEE je dois absolument regarder un lets play du 2 et 3

Classic and clean hack n slash from platinum games. Really fun combat what’s why you play this style of game.

15 year old game and it's combat feels better than any over franchise