Reviews from

in the past

Que gran juego verdaderamente.

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would you kindly?

one of the greatest atmospheres in gaming

story and visuals are so raw until you experience that jank ass behind of its time gunplay

This game taught me a very valuable lesson: If you smoke and drink at the same time, they cancel each other out.

Please don't actually do that you will die

I've played this game more times than I can count. This was my favorite game for nearly 15 years. Though time hasn't been too fond to it in regards to combat and its plethora of pointless tonics, Bioshock is still the my favorite story in gaming. It has so much to say whether through audio logs or the main plot and builds the most interesting world, Rapture, that I have ever lived in virtually.

Regardless of some of its jank (and technical issues in its Remaster on all platforms), this game is a must play for any gamer. Just save at least every 10 minutes to save yourself the frustration of replaying large chunks of a level as it does have a tendency to crash and has no autosave feature outside of entering a new level.

Damn, that was a good game.

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No Gods or Kings, Only Strawman

I have mixed feelings on Bioshock. It's a terrible critique of objectivism, to the point that it can be read as a critique of those who are inconsistent with following their virtues and values. And that's the really weird thing about Bioshock, by pure accident it is implied that Rapture could've worked if only Andrew Ryan had been consistent with the philosophy of objectivism. Besides this, the art-deco aesthetic of Rapture is stunning.

While Bioshock 1 was revolutionary for its time and an interesting follow up to the System Shock games, today the gameplay and story fall a little flat compared to the games that have followed it.

Looove me some magical perks, they taste like time

This game is nothing short of a masterpiece. Very few games are able to juggle narrative, atmosphere, and gameplay as well as Bioshock does.

Bioshock is a critical smash hit, and deserves to be a critical smash hit. If you've somehow missed out on playing this one, fix that as soon as possible.

Great game, I would live here. It's like a work of art with one mistake, the stupid ass hacking minigame.

Aged quite a bit, but still has a masterpiece of an atosphere

я зачем-то проходил её на геймпаде

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i remember the feeling of losing my mind as we flash backed to the plethora of times the phrase, "Would you kindly?" was used and i just had to take a moment.

best story driven fps this shit is raw on multiple levels

Pretty much close to a perfect gaming experience that everyone should play. The most immersive an FPS has ever been + and for a game that came out whilst George Bush was president it has held up amazingly well. A truly wonderful world it built. Drawbacks would be that the final boss was a bit odd but the gunplay was great and rewarded creativity and skill.

bu muydu?
bu kadar bariz bir plot twist'e mi insanlar coşuyordu?

bu arada spoiler vericem

Would you kindly? kısmından sonra Ryan'ın geri döneceğini düşünüyordum. Umarım 2. oyunda geri döner.

Rented this game and played it with a friend. Was able to make it to the big moment and but ran out of time and had to return the game. Not sure why we never rented the game again to finish it but I ended up seeing the ending on youtube. I remember the game being pretty cool but not to the level of hype I see online. I should probably replay the remastered version eventually

Man, what a journey this was. I beat it a long time after launch, and it ages wonderfully. Incredible experience.

Игра прикольная, но душная порой, особенно под конец. Но в целом более менее ламповая. Было пиздато бегать и хуярить гаечным ключом всех

it was fun but i definitely prefer infinite over the origin- gets shot

Not quite a 3d metroidvania it doesn't really feels like this was the best example yet, bioshock is a literal soup with the different elements it mixes, though it's interesting also don't trust howlongtobeat it took me at least 20ish hours to beat.

Meh wouldn’t recommend, there is better choices out there

I don't typically like games from the FPS genre, but this was an exception. The story is spectacular among all games not just shooters. It also has great characters and while the gameplay is a bit outdated now beating enemies with a wrench still feels good

Would you kindly read my review? Great game and has a special place in my heart for when I recommend to my girlfriend. It's both of our all time favorite game.