Reviews from

in the past

не помню почему дропнул

Por alguma razão eu realmente prefiro esse jogo ao 2, apesar de crer fielmente que ambos tem o mesmo nível de qualidade, apesar de seu sucessor ser melhor em certas mecânicas, mas no fim a conclusão deste é bem mais satisfatória.

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it's a masterpiece, don't get me wrong, but i felt like the ending with the boss fight and the little sisters was a little underwhelming, but that's just my opinion

In the 360/PS3 era of gaming it seemed like there wasn't a a month where a new, innovative game released.
In retrospect many of those games were not that innovative, and while Bioshock isn't the first of its genre or the best at what it does, it still aged fantastically.

The only game where reading notes is entertaining

Gosto muito da historia do game, porem nao sei pq sua gameplay nao me prende tanto, tenho que zerar o infinite tbm

would you kindly stuck with me

My Favorite game of all time. First played on PlayStation 3 Not sure why this isn't an option under platform.

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"Would you kindly"

Run of the mill shooter and wack hacking mechanics. Never really got into the story, I don't see the hype.

Lo de este juego es destornillante. Eh, lo pillais? No? Buf, en fin.

Este juego empieza casi diciendote la frase de que alguien tiene que limpiar los bateres incluso en una utopia y su puta madre que utopia, ademas de ser bajo el agua, lo cual aumenta aun mas el estilo waterpunk que tiene.

Este juego piso fuerte cual big daddy y seguira asi. Ojala hicieran una segunda parte.

Is the man not entitled to enjoy any videogame?
'No!' says the sweaty hardcore, 'He should only enjoy games when they are difficult.'
'No!' says the VN reader, 'He should only enjoy good narratives.'
'No!' says the indie snob, 'He should only enjoy videogames made for art, not profit.'

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.
I chose the impossible. I chose... Bioshock.

Rapture é um dos melhores lugares da história dos videogames

Best story in gaming, way too good for its time. Arguably the most influential first person shooter.

Played a little bit and this was meant for controller and on the 360. Gameplay does not hold up nowadays.

now this.. this is something. i have to play this again but watching it was absolutely amazing and i’d do it again.

recomiendo jugar este o el remake, son juegos increíbles en todos los aspectos, ¿quieres?

"Would you kindly" stop reading my review and play this game? Even on PS3 this game was amazing for it's time. I love going back to replay it now and then.

Just a classic, gameplay has not aged well

Holds up okay. Story is good, gameplay is a bit dull.

Me parece demasiado tosco, incluso para la época. La historia y su mensaje están guapos, pero creo que salió demasiado pronto, fue un poco adelantado a su tiempo

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I consider every Frank or person with a name that starts with A and ends with As an opp.

Only flaw is you can't be a big daddy