Reviews from

in the past

In the first dungeon of this game, there exists a room where upon defeating all of the enemies, a chest appears. Inside the chest is a key to open a particular door. Once opened, a very small room is revealed that contains a single chest. Inside this chest... is a key.

a decent adventure/platformer that makes backtracking surprisingly fun, even if the story and world aren't all that compelling.

Could have been a cool Hollow Knight meets sick 3D platforming kinda game, but ended up being pretty confusing and disorienting. The movement feels nice though.

Little hazy since it's been a few months but I had a nice week playing this game. The art style makes it feel like Hollow Knight in 3D but it plays more like a classic 3D Zelda with platforming than a Metroidvania style game. Admittedly the combat is just passable and the puzzles tend to solve themselves, but I really enjoyed the traversal in the main overworld as well as the parkour sections.

The pacing is a bit haphazard though; the game does feel a little confused at what it's trying to be, and the last third of the game involves a lot of retreading of older areas in a way that doesn't feel quite organic as, say, a Metroidvania. Also, I ended up not finishing the post-game (free) DLC, which is a shame because that has the "true" ending whereas the base game just cuts to credits after the final boss. Still, nothing wrong with a nice middle of the road platformer to play for a few evenings.

A good game with really fun 3d platforming, but underwhelming combat and boss fights