Reviews from

in the past

A meh first DLC. It's all just story content, story that's not part of the main game. It's about on par with Zombie Island from the first game. I enjoyed it a lot but there are some flaws such as no character progression at all and awful MMO game mechanics. The "raid" bosses are poorly designed? If you really like BL2 than the DLC is worth it. Otherwise meh.

Already better than all of BL1’s DLCs combined. Scarlett’s a fun character, the pirate setting is genuinely really cool, the new areas are fun to traverse (mostly due to the Sandskiff) and the fights are well-designed.

Rakk Hives can be pets?? No fair, me wants a giant mammoth vagina monster as a pet!!

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Allright piece of DLC for the main game.

I loved Borderlands 2 and had a great time with this amazing sequel. The humor, silly atmosphere and new features created a fresh new experience for me.

I still think the best part of this game is the humor. Every mission, every encounter, everything is one big joke. Names of bosses, many times, refer to pop culture icons and certain missions are just hilarious and stupid. It is just as good (if not better) than the first Borderlands game.

After the main game, I completed Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty. In this DLC, you aid captain Scarlett, in her search for Captain Blade's Lost Treasure of the Sands. She warns you multiple times that she will betray you when you/she finds it, the very thing she eventually does. You fight her and her big ass pet, destroying it. Scarlett escapes afterwards via a Teleporter. You find the treasure and collect the precious loot, ending the DLC. This expansion also added a new vehicle, the Sandskiff.

Overall, I liked this expansion and its story, although the desert biome, in which it plays, was a little boring in my opinion.

In the end, the main game was a lot of fun and this completed DLC was enjoyable enough.

Pirate's Booty is a great way to kick of the DLC for Borderlands 2 , that immediately blows all of Borderlands (2009) DLC out of the water. Pirate's Booty has a solid story, its nothing mind blowing but its enough to keep me engaged through its runtime. It introduces a few new characters who for the most part i quite like namely Shade and Captain Scarlett. The setting is my highlight though, i love the pirate aesthetic mixed with the barren desert, it makes for a really good setting.

I consider this DLC about on par with the core game. The gameplay is near identical, and the nihilism is more immediately prominent than ever.

Sort of pedestrian area design, slightly buggy and maybe kind of rushed to release feeling - but the concept and characters are fun enough. It seems like mostly what youre paying for are the unique quest rewards (kinda common with early DLC culture)

ya no hasen juegos como estes, estoy candado jfe

There's not a lot of missions and the final boss isn't very good. Captain Scarlet is funny though.