Reviews from

in the past

The ABSOLUTE best war game in terms of story. I remember being invested in these characters and their journey through WWII. The cutscenes are almost cinematic, like watching a movie. Very impressive for the time.

Decent shooter with tactical elements and a strong narrative that pretty much carries the whole game.

Commanding your squad and using suppression to flank enemies is a nice change of pace compared to what other shooters did at the time. Unfortunately, the game gets extremely frustrating towards the end, since enemies will pre-fire you around corners and wipe your teammates even while being fully suppressed. It doesn't help that your squad AI often gets lost and might be taking cover on the wrong side or just standing out in the open.

As mentioned previously, the story is definitely the most enjoyable part of the game. Though I wish they would've expanded on this aspect a bit more. I think the game could've benefitted from some downtime in-between combat scenarios where your squad could banter, since now you're moving from one shooting gallery to the next.

It's worth playing, though I'd recommend to lower the difficulty on later chapters to make it more fair.

Every soldier has two families. Those you raise, and those you raise hell with.

Feels like this game doesn't really know what it wants to be.

Not enough control over your squad mates, bad AI and simple objectives makes it a poor strategic shooter compared to Hidden and Dangerous, Rainbow Six, etc. Inaccurate guns, clunky gunplay and uninspired level design make it a poor linear FPS.

It's one of the more immersive WWII shooters and there is fun to be had but I just felt annoyed a lot of the time.

My only memory of playing this game is getting scared shitless by the loudest sneeze I've ever heard. It was at the PC gaming club and I'm lucky I didn't end up getting perma-traumatized for the rest of my life. War is hell indeed.

Pesares da agonia que é mirar e atirar nesse jogo não deixa de ser um excelente game.

um dos melhores jogos de segunda guerra de todos os tempo
se você já viu band of brothers da hbo esse jogo é basicamente quase uma adaptação da série já que ele tem uma ótima narrativa e trilha sonora
tem um sistema de micro gerenciamento de tropas em tempo real que torna sua experiencia no jogo deiferente de qualquer shooter de segunda guerra do mercado desde a época em que foi lançado até hoje fazendo com que voce se importe com seus subordinados ja que o sucesso da sua missão depende do quão bem voce os lidera e a vida deles depende da sua liderança
esse mesmo sistema faz com que voce sinta o peso de suas mortes e os breves momentos em que há uma tranquilidade o carisma de todos os 13 soldados acabam te cativando e suas mortes te impactam
a guerra é retrata de uma forma bem crua e real com poucos romantismos e tem os extras com o making off do jogo onde mostra todo o carinho que a gearbox colocou no jogo com pesquisa de campo, estudos historicos e etc
se voce curte uma boa historia e quer jogar algo diferente de um super soldado fodão matando nazistas brothers in arms é o seu jogo


I can appreciate the attention to detail that went into this game, but I would not say it is particularly enjoyable to play.

Als mir das der Pilcodude verkauft hat muss der sich auch nur hm hm gaddiii dacht haben

This game has a good idea in offering a more strategic approach to the WW2 shooters, but the execution is sadly just not good enough for it to stand out.

The suppress & flank tactic is novel for a minute, but once you realize that every level is built on repeating the same move without any real variety the gameplay starts feeling hollow. It doesn't help that the actual gunplay is made extremely unappealing and imprecise (probably because they wanted to push the player towards using their squad)

There's some fun to be had in the first half, but overall it comes across as a relatively mediocre project.

Remember liking the more strategic approach this game took to the WWII shooter genre but I don't think it was anything special overall.

This game certainly surprised me. I was expecting something similar to classic Medal of Honour, but I found this game was much better than this. Now this was back when Gearbox was a developer and not a publisher, this was made under the eye of Ubisoft. Gearbox made a very good game here that captured the true horror and tactical difficulties of warfare. You command two different grounds and have to organise them to flank enemy soldiers, not to mention that you can run in yourself, however that's likely suicide unless you have your team surprising the enemy and stopping them from firing at you and turning you into swiss cheese.

A interesting function I kinda like, but did irritate me at first was how they use ammo. In most FPS games, you have an ammo counter which disregards clips apart from how many bullets are in the gun. As this game reflects realistic military battle, then clips are counted and reloading with a half-empty clip, you throw away those bullets in the clip you just unloaded so it's best to conserve ammo. Especially as the enemy do not drop ammo for your American weapons so you are very limited in your firepower.

I'd recommend this if you're sick of the so many military shooters out there, as this one feels like one that should exist, especially with having people in your squad who permanently die.

Agradezco ciertas aportaciones al género tales como las dinámicas estratégicas de gestión de tropas en el campo de batalla, pero sigue sin ser suficiente, incluso sumándole la nostalgia, como para ser un referente de la época en un mercado en el que Call Of Duty y, especialmente, Medal Of Honor ya había sentado un precedente de calidad difícil de alcanzar.

for decades gamers have pondered one of the world's most esoteric psychological dilemmas: "is war bad?"

i've never played haze or spec ops: the line, so i couldn't tell you for certain. but after running blindly through the cover of smoke and peripherally seeing my allies get split to shreds by machine guns and mortar strikes, i'm thinking it might be

turns out being historically accurate and recreating actual battles is enough to convey just how hellish war really is. top it off with simple-but-effective squad mechanics and weapons that can't hit shit unless your enemy's already pinned down - you've got a horror game in disguise

good stuff, randy pitchford. i'm sure you won't completely fall off in 4 more years - or masturbate to children

I really wanted to like it, but I couldn't. AI is extremely bad, tactical gameplay is very unpolished, and shooting is infuriating.