Reviews from

in the past

The only good thing to come from this game is an really cool amiibo

Let me guess most of the reviews are Scott The Woz references?
Edit:Someone give me a gold star.

I'm almost impressed at how little of this game works. Every idea here is a failure both on its own and as its place in a greater whole. This game is a tedious, overlong mess that has no idea what it's trying to be.

I was never invested in the Chibi franchise but this is still insultingly bad, and mind-numbing in how generic and non-functioning its gameplay, plot, and content is in general. The only thing that stops this being a 1/10 is the last world being visually kinda pretty and that's it. Dreadful end for a cute and charming character, he deserved better.

It's just, idk, it exists i guess? It's perfectly playable? It's there.

Why did they do this to me? Justice for Chibi Robo!!!!

I honestly thought this was a goodish platformer as a kid. Why? I had played like 3 kirby games

This review contains spoilers

Soo even though I played this game in my childhood, I never beat it. I found the game again one day and said "hey why don't I try to beat this game fully?" I'm not saying it was a mistake, but this definitely wasn't the best game I've played :/
Firstly, the levels were kinda dry and I really didn't like how you had to spin a roulette to get to your destination?? Like it's fine at first but when you only have one more stage left and roll a 2 then you have to go through the whole level process again. I'm not sure if there's a way to bypass this, but I hated redoing levels until I found a way to stop on the right panel.
Second, the music did feel uninspired. It's sad how this is the last entry in the Chibi Robo series because of how mid it was.
Last, (since I don't want to make this too long) the final boss. The second to last boss in the game was great. I loved how you had to shoot the targets on the spaceship and also avoid things flying at you. What I did not like is the actual final boss of the game. Why did they make you pay for the parts?? Luckily I had enough money but imagine those who didn't. If they didn't have amiibo, they would probably have to redo levels which sucks. And on top of that, the final boss was too easy, so the effort to buy everything wasn't even worth it. Also the ending was ruined for me by Telly's constant talking 😭 It would have been a beautiful moment of them looking at the sunset but blud just kept yapping 😭 Anyway, this game still gives me a little nostalgia, but playing without that filter let's me rate it at average.
TLDR: The game wasn't entirely bad, but it was just mid. It has a lot of flaws however.

Say the line, Scott!

This game blows.

I had to play it for a review and it was one of the most forgettable experiences on 3DS.

Oh God. What a boring soulless game. They did not even try. I finished only because I can't stand leaving games unfinished.

At first I thought people was just being over the top when they said it was bad and I had to try it myself, yup it's bad, I'm a believer now.

This game is so bad that I didn't even get past the first world.

I mentally lump this game together with Hey! Pikmin, which should clue you in on what I think of this game. Truthfully, this game isn't nearly as stinky as that one, but it definitely bums me out way more. Hey! Pikmin is just a failed experiment by a studio that could seemingly orchestrate murder and still sucker a publisher into hiring them. Zip Lash was a final, last-ditch effort to save the franchise, in much the same way Fire Emblem Awakening was a last-ditch effort to make something of Fire Emblem. Only Awakening catapulted Fire Emblem from a D-list franchise to one of Nintendo's A-listers (for better and for worse), while Zip Lash failed so thoroughly that it killed the studio that made it. A slow death at that, wasting away for years with nothing to show for their agony but a slow retreat from society and a forgotten, desiccated husk discovered long after the fact.

Zip Lash is a conga line of bizarre decisions. Turning a quiet, character-driven open world game that defies genre into a 2D platformer is itself strange, but I at least get that one - desperate for something that would stick with Nintendo's audiences, skip Ltd. turned to an extremely safe and marketable genre. I also think the titular Zip Lash, while weird in the context of Chibi-Robo (how do you extend plug), is a decent idea. Actually, it lends itself to some decently cerebral moments in level design, trying to line up your shot and taking ricochet into account. At a certain plug length it doesn't really matter where you're aiming, since you're pretty much guaranteed to hit the foe anyway, but it's something.

What I don't get is the level roulette. So each world (well, continent, since you're globe-trotting Earth) contains six levels. You need to clear each of these levels before you can fight the boss and move on to the next continent. Standard stuff. Only, for some reason, you cannot select a level to go to - you have to play a roulette mini-game at the end of each level. This roulette contains numbers 1-3. Whichever number you roll is how many levels ahead you go. So, like, if you've just finished Level 2, and you spin a "1", you move on to Level 3. But if the spinner lands on a "3", your next level is 5.

Kind of a quirky, fun way of blitzing through the game, right? Well, no, not really. In fact, not at all. Ignoring the fact that this dumb thing legitimately adds a minute or two's worth of fiddling around between levels, this doesn't change the fact that you still have to clear all levels within a continent. So in my previous example, the player skipped Levels 3 and 4, moving straight into Level 5. This presents an issue: those two levels still need to be completed. But the levels do exist within a loop, so Level 1 comes after Level 6 in this roulette progression thing. What this means is that, ideally, the player would clear Level 5, spin a 1 to move on to Level 6, then spin a 3 to skip ahead to Level 3. Because - yes - if you spin a 1 or a 2, you are returned to a level you have already cleared, and you are expected to play that level again!!! It is necessary to finish a level to get that roulette, so you can't just stick your head in and dip out. It's a good thing four out of the six options on that roulette are "1", so you have good odds of playing the video game normally. Because if you try for another option to shake it up, there's a great chance you'll be replaying a buncha dumb levels you've already played as punishment for engaging with the systems at play.

Another weird choice is the battery system. So like previous Chibis-Robo, this game's hero has a finite amount of battery, which needs to be recharged here and again. My thought would be to use this as a themed health system, the way previous games sorta implicitly do - falling from a great height or getting roughed up by Spydorz in the first game quickly drains Cheebo's battery. But, for some reason, this game includes a separate health system. Battery is instead a separate resource for the player to manage. Throughout each level are outlets, acting as mini-checkpoints. The player must always keep an eye on the battery level, and when it's running low, they must drop everything they're doing to find one of these outlets. Sometimes, this means backtracking. I guess I've seen this sort of thing done before (off-hand, I think of Sandopolis Act 2 in Sonic & Knuckles, where you have to keep pulling the switches to reset the lights), but given how much ceremony Chibi-Robo puts behind plugging in and charging up, it's something else that bogs down the action.

Also, may I just say: in a game where you're roaming the Earth, wandering outside for the whole adventure, it sure is handy that there are so many Type A outlet designs lying around. No universal adapters necessary!

There's also the product placement! This game uses real-world snacks as collectables. In each continent, a tertiary goal is to find all the snacks you can to feed a toy. I know that sounds strange, but don't worry, it's a different toy in each continent. I'm not opposed to product placement, not even in a Nintendo game; Pikmin 2's product placement is nothing short of genius. But it worked there because it juxtaposed these clean sterile images of, like, friggin' Vlasic Pickles with a would-be cultural anthropologist trying to reason out what role this thing had within this fallen society. Here you're just getting promotional praise. So if you ever wanted a cymbals monkey to give you a straight ad read of UTZ REGISTERED TRADEMARK SYMBOL CHEESE BALLS, well, I guess this is what you've been waiting for.

Much like a player who accidentally hit a number greater than 1 on the level roulette, I could go on and on all day with this. But the bottom line is that this game shows a shocking lack of the single most fundamental aspect of the first game: humility. Chibi-Robo in this game is a global superhero, who lives in outer space, in his own satellite and flies down to Earth to solve global crises. Everyone in the world knows and loves him! He's the object of ladies' affection! He's a shoe-in for the intergalactic space patrol! Aliens fear him! Not to spoil the ending or anything, but the final boss is a mecha fight, with Chibi-Robo piloting a giant mecha modeled after himself! Yeah, isn't he so cool? Don't you wish you were like Chibi-Robo?

It... this game breaks my heart. I feel so bad for the human beings who were tethered to this game's success, who needed to produce something that could be a tentpole title, to prop up their failing studio and keep them in business. This game needed to be a very specific thing to even have a chance at being that, and that specific thing was as far as you could get from what I loved about the first game. The original Chibi-Robo is quiet, introspective, mature, and offers no easy answers to life: just characters doing their best and making small steps in the right direction. But something quiet and modest like that couldn't sell; hell, it had failed to sell over and over again. Yet, even turning their back on all that, getting full support from Nintendo, skip Ltd. couldn't make something to save them. And in the end, they had to watch their world fade away.

It was worth it to me to buy this game brand new. The original Chibi-Robo was so important to me that I actually voted for the little guy in the Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot (I suppose that makes me in part responsible for the Mii costume we got in Smash Ultimate?), so supporting the do-or-die last release was not even a question for me. Plus, it came packaged with that amiibo of Cheebo sitting down, holding his plug overhead - one of the best amiibo, I think, since it really captures the little guy's understated personality. But devoid of that context, if you're looking at the game now as something to play, I don't think I could ever recommend it as anything but a showcase of what not to do, of what desperation will make of something once-great.

I didnt think it was thaaaaat bad

its not that bad its just really boring

The game has nothing in common gameplay wise with previous entries.

It has very uninspired world themes, mediocre level design, the music is decent tho.

It's "playable" to say the least

Zip Lash isn't as ungodly bad as most make it out to be, but it still isn't great. At best, it's a competent, middling platformer that doesn't stand out very much.

Who thought this game was a good idea?
At least the amiibo looks neat.

It seems few series are able to escape the curse of at least one of their (mainline) games being widely-regarded as stinky. In fact, I can only think of a few series who's (mainline) games have, for the most part, all garnered positive critical reception at launch - The Legend of Zelda, Kirby... and that might be it.

The two series mentioned are Nintendo's A-List celebs, their heavy hitters. When we look at the history of their more niche franchises: Chibi-Robo, 3D Metroid, Pikmin, we see a tendency for a rocky and non-linear design philosophy. Of course, it all boils down to sales. Chibi-Robo might as well be the poster boy for this experimentation - there is a relatively stable theme throughout all the games, but there is also the fact that only 2 Chibi-Robo games are really similar to each other; that is, Okaeri! Chibi Robo, and the original.

Starting with Park Patrol, after the relatively mediocre sales figures of the original ( the theory is that Nintendo wanted to find a new suit for it's newly recruited series. Enter Park Patrol, a more Animal Crossing-esque design approach where you manage a park... and it was only available at Walmart. Then one sequel later, that gives us more of the first game (perhaps even better), aaand it's never localized.

Chibi-Robo's fate seems to be a mix between Skip's relentless experimentation and creativity, and Nintendo's confusion on how to market it to a wider audience.

Fast forward past one more experimentation - an E-Shop exclusive photo capturing game that seemed like a strange mix between all the elements of the past Chibi-Robo games. The theory goes that a game later, Zip-Lash was Nintendo's last chance to make their series a hit. (source:

What we got was a complete 180 of what the series was before, a byproduct of the tendency of Nintendo's lesser known franchises to get weird, slightly gimmicky games (the Yoshi series being case in point). It seemed like a really desperate turnaround for the series, or maybe simply just a fun spin-off to get people interested? We'll probably never know. And, surprise... It's a mediocre 2D platformer.

Now, to be fair, I did enjoy this game. It was my first Chibi-Robo game that I went into knowing next to nothing about the series. Thankfully, I gave the rest of the games a try and they were more my style.

Essentially, the game plays a little like a puzzle platformer. Chibi-Robo's cord is now a lasso that he uses to attach to things, getting him to higher places than he could jumping. The plot is kind of unfocused - there is some alien invasion, add Chibi-Robo's environmental themes to get something about the Earth being polluted - and then the rest makes only a little sense. Now, it is fun at times. You are travelling across each continent of the Earth (confirming that Chibi-Robo takes place on earth?? lol) fighting different bosses. The platforming is only vaguely interesting, honestly. There are puzzles where you have to use your lasso-cord to hit a bunch of switches all at once (by ricocheting it), and these were the worst the game had to offer. The rest, was kind of just frankly easy.

For me, the fun of the game was actually in it's collectibles. I had the same joy in Pikmin 2, just seeing all these household objects in a weird context. In this case, it's candy like Pez dispensers. Also, it keeps the theme of the Chibi Robo series of having different living toys, and their designs are unique and creative.

So overall, I liked this game, but in the context of the Chibi-Robo series boy does it make me wonder what could've been. I got the Chibi-Robo amiibo to show for it, at least.

From a series that had so much potential only to be sent to its doom by the publishers. Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash is a terrible game and an awful end to the little robots adventures.

The game works but the main problem is that it is a Chibi-Robo game. They could have made a brand new character for this game and it would probably be better.

The worlds are just boring. They're just generic grassland, desert land, tropical land, ice land and lava land with them being disgused as real world locations. However, you can't tell these are actual locations because there are no real world landmarks. The developers reason (or excuse) is that they would be too big for Chibi-Robo. ISN'T THAT THE POINT OF THE SERIES THAT CHIBI-ROBO IS A SMALL ROBOT IN A HUMAN WORLD?!?!

The sales and reviews for Zip Lash were terrible and the developers, Skip Ltd, haven't made a game since 2015 leading many to believe that they have gone out of business. It is a shame because if Nintendo marketed Chibi-Robo correctly or at all then he could have shined in the sea of other gaming mascots.

People that hate arent red pilled like me get out the matrix

i'd rather be hung by jumper cables and have my fingers chopped off than playing this garbage again

i sympathize with the 2 chibi robo fans for this monstrosity