Reviews from

in the past

Un "Papers, please" 2.0 del cual no esperaba nada y el que fue una gran sorpresa. Controla documentaión, revisa coches, persigue fugitivos y decide tu bando. Totalmente recomendado.
Completado en unas 30h (esperando al modo ilimitado para acabar los 12 logros faltantes)

A good simulator, kinda robotic, but the mechanics are great and there's much more to do than the other games in this genre.

Might actually be one of my favorite videogames ever, no lesser words can describe the majesty of this game

There are tons of glitches in the game. However, I really enjoyed it. It is basically Papers Please in 3D. If you enjoyed Papers Please, I'm sure you will also enjoy this game

Legal o jogo, mas lá pras ultimas horas começa a ficar bem chato e cansativo. Gostei, mas não jogaria de novo.

Pegaram Papers Please e tentaram adicionar elementos de simulação e shooter em cima.

Em questão de jogabilidade, é padrão de jogos simulator, tu faz um bando de atividades pra juntar dinheiro e dar upgrade no seu posto, o problema é que essas atividades ficam repetitivas rápido e o jogo acaba ficando cansativo. Os segmentos de ação onde você tem que perseguir alguém fugindo ou atirar são terríveis, parece que só foram colocados de última hora pra dar uma diferenciada no gameplay.

Já em narrativa, o jogo é uma propaganda anticomunista rasa, cheia de estereótipos e sem sutileza nenhuma. Não me incomodaria se fossem críticas, mas o jogo lida com a história de maneira caricata, parece membro do mbl falando de comunismo no twitter.

Great game, I love the inspecting cars and "papers please" type element but also the open world, deciding your path and upgrading the base.

1) Отличная атмосфера СНГ культуры в игре даёт положительные эмоции;
2) Стрельба мега казуальная, но работает отлично. То же самое можно и сказать о езде на транспорте (сделали не хуже чем коллеги из CD Project Red в Киберпанке);
3) Присутствует выбор в заданиях, который каждый раз предлагает встать на одну из двух сторон противостояния, что влияет потом на финал (в сцене на титрах показывают информацию о том как сложилась судьба того или иного персонажа, с которым вы взаимодействовали в квестах);
4) Активности в открытом мире представляют из себя лишь только засады на главного героя, где необходимо победить четырех нападавших;
5) Дополнительный контент в виде миссий по устранению, захвата преступников и поиску контрабанды несложный, но приносит неплохие деньги для того, чтобы прокачать свой пограничный пункт;
6) Сюжетные задания также неплохие, но уж слишком простые и не дают хотя бы немного поломать голову над выполнением;
7) Отыгрывать роль таможенника здесь очень приятно. Все механики с этим связанные работают как надо. Иногда рассказываются мини-истории некоторых персонажей в зависимости от того пустили вы их или нет;
8) Хотелось бы побольше музыкальных треков в машине;
9) Прокачка базы не вызовет каких-либо проблем, если не будете получать слишком много штрафов за ошибки на досмотрах.
P.s. шикарный идейный наследник Papers, Please.

its good and fun for a chill time waster

yapacağınız oyunu götünden sikiyim. orospunun çocukları! ya
daha önce teoride bu kadar güzel, pratikte bu kadar yarraktan, boktan, sikten, kusmuktan, sidikten bir oyun görmedim. bak yemin ederim oynadığım en iyi oyunlar arasına girebilecek bir oyundu bu ama o kadar kötü yapmışlar ki inanamıyorum ya... benim oyunlarda sabrım pek yoktur. oyun sike bağlarsa kapatırım, silerim. bu oyun herhalde bir noktadan sonra iyi olacak diye son göreve kadar geldim esneye esneye, sıkıla sıkıla, söve söve ve oyun bitti. işin sinir bozucu yanı insanların bu oyunu beğenmesi, şişirmesi. yahu bu kadar çöp sevici olmayın amına koyayım oyun farklı bir şey denemiş diye ki farklı bir şeyden kasıt da papers please'in 3d hali amk. diyecek bir şey bulamıyorum bu oyunun ben anasını sikeyim

A fun Papers Please rip-off that does it's job.
There are enough mechanics to keep you engage through the campaign, and the contraband/vehicle inspection is a good angle.

Unfortunately the rest is janky and gets boring pretty quickly. Gunfights and car rides are way too long and repetitive, and are present way too often.
Also funny how it looks like this had less budget than Papers Please that was made by a single person, because the latter had the intelligence to create a unique artstyle that made its imperfections a strength, whereas Contraband Police just looks like an ugly realistic 3D simulator.
The game is also poorly optimised and the bad (in my case, French) translation sometimes makes the objectives confusing.

I bought this game after seeing a streamer playing it in a non-efficient way and I thought it looked fun and I could play better. Despite its flaws, its core-gameplay is indeed still pretty fun, but even in sales at 20€ it's a bit expensive for what it is.

Fun game similar to Paper's Please but a lot more interactable

Only the campaign is worth it, the freemode gets boring really quick.

pretty fun game but its pretty glitchy and the driving/shooting mechanics could be better. gets repetitive but its pretty good

contraband police guy if smugglers stopped painting snakes on all their contraband

Nice game, okay story. Had a lot of fun playing it at first but it gets repetitive

Kind of a sleeper hit honestly. Bit janky but very fun

Jeu clairement créé dans le but de faire un paper please en 3D, et j'aime bien l'idée.

gets old eventually, but thankfully the game doesn't drag its feet for too long so that's not too much of an issue

Se você já jogou e gostou de Papers, Please? Então esse jogo vai ser um prato cheio!

Muito divertido o simulador de CLT, me prendeu do inicio ao fim.

Not Terrible Kinda jank
Inspection gameplay is pretty fun nice casual fun

not terrible, never really got into it

Mismatch found - Papers, Please:

Contraband Police, in its structure and most of its execution, is a clone of Papers, Please. If you liked the former, you will almost certainly have no qualms playing through the entirety of the campaign here.

Not surprisingly, the aspects of the game clearly inspired by PP are where the game shines. The basic puzzle gameplay loop of searching for inconsistencies in prospective entrants is similarly fun in this game, with some expansions that work great, primarily relating to the namesake; contraband. Cutting up car interiors and busting open fake bumpers is a ton of fun, and this alone mixed with PP's gameplay makes at least the core gameplay loop enjoyable. I'm not entirely convinced the devs really understood what made Papers, Please a masterpiece however.

The inclusion of base building, side missions, driving and actual gun combat seem nice in concept, but none are done well enough to really justify anywhere close to the amount of praise of its predecessor. PP's charm comes from the entire atmosphere built around the core loop: The music, the artstyle, the aesthetic, the moral quandaries— all things together that make PP's whole greater than the sum of its parts. Contraband Police, despite being a painfully bland Unity asset homologation, technically does contain a lot of what made PP fantastic. There is 'branching' storyline giving you the option to side with your soviet overlords, or to engage in rebellious sabotage, but it just doesn't have the same gravity to it. I'm honestly not even sure what's wrong with it, but it just feels like something is missing. Maybe its because the lightning in the bottle has diminished, or maybe I just missed it entirely. Either way, my experience in Contraband Police just left me disappointed in what could have been an actually full-fledged spiritual successor to Papers, Please.

Reading this blurb over, I considered scrapping it entirely because of how much I reference Papers, Please (as has everyone else), but I've decided to leave it as is based on the not so subtle fact that the devs are far too closely trying to replicate its effect, and to varying degrees of success. It's not by any means bad (despite being pretty jank) and is absolutely still worth playing, but nothing here is going to surprise or inspire you if you've already experienced its far more accomplished big brother before.

Это все забавная игра, пока какая-то случайная банда не застрелила твою машину до смерти

Plusy: mechanika pracy strażnika granicznego zrealizowana całkiem poprawnie
Minusy: system ulepszeń nie ma sensu, drewniany gameplay, beznadziejne misje fabularne, silnik gry ledwo się trzyma, niepotrzebny otwarty świat, niekonsekwentny design świata

Fun, short, buggy as hell. I loved it