Reviews from

in the past

It's quite sad when you're supposed to be a racing game but the platforming in-between is infinitely more enjoyable. Not to say the platforming is handled very well either, it's very much not.

Game has funny burp fart loading screens and an EPIC die-o-rama though so that's something right?

Pretty fun as i played as a kid. Definitely worth the time spent

I'm very mixed about this game, to make it quick I enjoyed the adventure mode more then the racing, see the adventure mode has 3d platforming similar to crash twinsanity, as for the racing, honestly I didn't really find to fun, it's interesting yes, the whole tag team mechanics. But I don't know, the bowling mini game I found more enjoyment. The racing was the last thing I enjoyed in this game. So with this game I am a bit conflicted. It's just ok overall.

i love the exploring of the park and all the different characters, the only problem when going back to this game in current day is that the races are just easy.

Siempre me pareció una mejora total y absoluta de los juegos de carreras de Crash, probablemente muy infravalorado, modos de juego que te hacen no querer salir del juego y jugar sin límites

era viciada nesse também. muito bom, jogava direto

Pretty average, but entertaining for what it is. I really love the theme park look and feel, almost weird not more platformers have stolen this idea. The hubworlds all in all are ok. None of them really goes higher than that. Rings of Uranus or whatever are by far the worst. The camera also fights with you a little more than i would like. The races are fun but not really all that challenging. But again is saved in my eyes by the theme park look of it.

best part of the game is maiking fart and burping sounds under the loading screens

masterpiece only for von clutch

This game appeared in my collection as a child and no one owned up to putting it there, was happy to have a new game but it really fucked with me.

Playstation 2 is where the Crash Bandicoot franchise went in the wrong direction. This game doesn't even compare to the original CTR.

Racing game but the racing part fucking sucks and I just want to enjoy platforming like every other Crash Bandicoot game? Nothing wrong with that!!

Legendary racing game of my childhood.

I remember genuinely being terrified of the adventure mode death scenes. I didn't really like this game. It tried to be like Crash Team Racing, and somehow took that basis and ruined everything about what made the original good

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Melhor Jogo da história sem dúvida, ele consegue juntar o bom ao agradável proporcionando a melhor experiência gamer que você pode ter em anos...

remaster desperately required

As a kid I couldn't really afford to not play the games I owned, no matter how crap they were, so hours of my life were wasted running around this game's hub, and maybe playing a collective 2, 3 races max

Al igual que Nitro Kart, pretende ser un CTR pero sin éxito. Una verdadera decepción

this is for the boys, insanely chill, i want to emulate this rn and waste a day on it

Jogo super divertido de corrida e exploração a pé pelas fases do jogo
Obs: não tenho dados do tempo que levei pra zerar

Um jogo de Kart com mundo aberto e sistema de tag bem legal no meio das corridas, você podia simplesmente fazer uma fusão entre seu kart e de outra pessoa e meio que se aliarem no meio da corrida.