Reviews from

in the past

Best racing game ever!!
Need to be remastered

I had this game on PSP and there were 2 main takeaways for me

I sunk a LOT of hours into this as a kid. It genuinely just...never got old. Truely a wonderful expierence

It had load times of what felt like 5 minutes plus sometimes. If it wasn't for using the buttons to make crash burp and fart and then pitch shifting it with the little thumbstick, i never would have stuck with this game

A driving game where you must be dumb to even consider doing the driving bits. Also a platformer. But most importantly, a mess.

Funny fart burp loading screen buttons

great humour game but the racing part without weapons is very mediocre. THE WORST HANDLING WTH. It look chinese did it for real.

A fun cart racer, serviceable platforming, and absolutely abysmal bowling

but most importantly, a dedicated fart button

Heavy nostalgia bias plays part in this but even today i love this game. Its combination of a platformer/collect-a-thon and a racer makes it among the more unique of the crash entries and i think this combination works for the most part. The difficulty is pretty much non-existent, and tracks are painfully linear compared to the previous entries, but the game compensates by making the driving and shooting (yes, shooting) fun thanks to its fusion system in its races. The platforming levels are also just big enough that it doesn't get boring exploring them and getting every single thing within it and the game makes sure to reward you for all of this, so 100% this game was a blast the whole way through. has a dedicated fart button during loading screens. Can't go wrong with that.

So much better than Nitro kart, I love this game. So many hours of fun put into this.

It had some cool tracks but game generally was bad. Enjoyed it but it wasn't good.


gosto muito desse jogo, muita gente critica seu modo de corrida mas eu acho bem divertido se juntar com os outros carros. Mas a melhor parte desse jogo são os die o rama e o mundo aberto

This game is incredibly stupid but it has charm and is fun. The racing in this game is terrible, just terrible. Bad track design and slow driving, so I couldn't tell you why this was marketed as a racing game. Luckily you can skip a lot of it and spend time on the platforming. The platforming is pretty fun. I had a good time exploring all the theme parks and trying to figure out all the secrets. Although there's no enemies or bosses or anything (besides the dumb ninja penguins). Overall, it's a bad game that is gonna get you a lot of fun.

the amount of hours i put into this game is ungodly this needs to be remastered

If I could get one post-ND Crash game remade, I'd choose this one in a heartbeat

y'know there are much better kart racers out there TECHNICALLY. but the overworld and variety of missions, no matter how removed from racing they can be, along with an irreverent sense of humor, make the game truly come to life. spiralmouth rocks btw

I really enjoyed the story and gameplay itself,the soundtrack is another Bop too. Even years later I'll still pick it up when I get the urge to blow up some cars in a race.

I wanted to like this game, but honestly, the only fun parts were the battles and that was only because I was playing with my sisters.

LINDO PERFEITO, tão besta e tão tão TÃO bom, e também tem a Pasadena <3 <3 <3

More of a mediocre platformer/collect-a-thon with driving minigames attached rather than an actual racing game. The driving segments are fun though and unlocking the cars, tracks and outfits feels rewarding.

Easily the best Crash game in the PS2 era. Had a blast playing it when I was a kid.

Does more than most AA games because I can beat up kids in the amusement park

The platforming sections are not good at all but I most certainly enjoyed them.

I didn't like it as a kid but I honestly don't remember shit about it so take it with a grain of salt

Die-O-Ramas are clips in Crash Tag Team Racing featuring Crash getting killed in various ways due to the dangerous MotorWorld theme park.

SERVERLY EDITED: I'm rewriting this review to do this game justice because I fucking love this game so much.

Crash Tag Team Racing is a dumb, stupid, mindless game where jump around to collect random stuff, talk to characters that spout out the most nonsense shit ever, blow up everyone in your path to claim victory, and I fucking love it.

Yes I am well aware this game is heavily flawed. The racing itself not very polished and it's somewhat unbalanced. The concept of fusing with other cars is really interesting because if you want to win, you're kind of forced to fuse with other people, however, you or your partner can decide to not fuse whenever you want and take the win for yourself, BUT if you're playing alone and this is the case for a lot people, when fusing with an AI, they would never let go of you unless you decide to let go or you run out ammo for your turret. It is so rare to have an AI let go of you out of sheer will lmao. Other than that, the combat is very simple and mindless fun.

The platforming side of the game is really fun too and probably might be more fun the race itself, but honestly it's about the same in terms of fun for me. Actually, you don't have to race all that much if you wanna beat the game. All of the worlds you visit give a good amount of power crystals to move on to the next world besides the last one because you will need a lot of power crystals so you have to participate in races whether you like it or not. Other than that, you collect park tokens, power crystals, do side quests, unlock shortcuts for one race track, and even collect chickens for that extra challenge. Oh yeah another thing, you can also earn park tokens in races too, but you can reset park tokens in each world after you find a power gem or complete the chicken challenge. Every time you complete the chicken challenges, your park tokens will always reset so that means you can collect them in that same world pretty much forever and not participate in a race at all. Although the faster way of getting park tokens is participating in races, but it is up to the player. Each worlds are small and condensed that it's fun to revisit them on each playthrough.

Lastly, I gotta say the music is really really good and dare I say one of the soundtracks for a Crash game. Spiral Mouth are at their best when composing for each hub worlds. The music is atmospheric, fit the theme, and very catchy. The race tracks... er tracks are really awesome too. Marc Baril co-composed along side Spiral Mouth to give the tracks some extra flavor.

Overall, I adore this game. It's pure dumb fun at its finest.

Provavelmente o Crash mais subestimado, o que eu adorava esse aqui é brincadeira