Reviews from

in the past

will not waste +100h just to catch fish

Completed the main story, but still have a few secret missions left

Very enjoyable game, the amount of options you have to complete a missions are not understated.

I decided to replay all of it since I'm playing with a bunch of mods, and it's still pure unfiltered kino.

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Better than sex!!

Esse jogo vai te dar aids nos olhos e vc vai agradecer

this game has a message this message is fuck ultra corporatism and holy shit it's so confident in it's approach i can see myself playing this game for multiple years holy shit

Idk what the fuck this is but the level where you run from pacman can suck my dick. The levels before that are are really surreal and fun immersive sim! I love the grappendix! Gotta be my favorite organ.

just like racism, i dont understand this game. I dont really understand why people like it that much or why they get so defensive about it. but i am also a guy who values gameplay first, so take it how you will. I dont understand the gameplay. most of the time it hinges on you seeing the enemies before they see you and headshoting them, they see you first, dead in 0.2 seconds. it doesn't feel im tacticly fighting my way to the target, it just feels like im exploiting ai. i dont really understand the level design, a lot of people see the levels as immersive sim sandboxes to complete in however they like, but I only really see them as repeating rooms with a couple guys in each of them you go through in a pretty linear line to the target. I kinda like the presentation, with its jarring colors and environments but still making the game readable and doesn't really hinder gameplay. the music i don't understand, though, yes, it matches the visuals, but instead of adding to it, it is very distracting and annoying to me. the story, i dont really understand either, and to me just seems like "capitalism bad" to me. I dont really understand the writing and dialogue and is either adding to capitalism bad or xd lmao so random. thats most of it, would like if a 150 iq, 6'7", 100lb ripped gamer could explain how i am 5 iq for not understanding why people like the game.


colors made autism brain love it

In the history of immersive sims they are very weird but I think this one takes the cake

This is the ugliest, most digusting, grotesque, and vile game I've ever played. There's a giant enemy in the game that sounds like a 2015 era "ear rape" meme. There's songs that are 100% just snare loops being sped up. A flower made of human flesh crawls at you in the dark and spits bile. Someone no longer a person changed their form into a fleshy cube. Its a visual assault on the senses.


marxist-gnosticist simulator made by a coper

Videogames 2: O inimigo agora é outro

Wonderful game. It made me feel like a kid discovering video games again!

Not full of mechanics I have seen a thousand times. Everything is unpredictable and extremly memorable. This game made me talk about with my friends because the missions and gameplay were just too hilarious.

Also this game has incredible good Youtube videos about it analyzing what this game tries to accomplish and why it is so fun to play.

divine light severed, you are a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters

nasty, slimey, cruel satire on capitalism, consumerism, and the military industrial complex, and meditation on the effects of violence on the human psyche, all wrapped up in a truly ugly and hilarious biopunk, slimecore package. putting this game into words and offering real, earnest analysis feels to be doing it a disservice: it's an extremely insane game where the total decimation of the protagonist's soul through ultraviolence is an absurd, very funny joke. it feels as though to take the game seriously in any capacity is against the games' wishes, but perfectly in line with what it is as well. a future so destroyed by corporations and capitalism all you can do is laugh at it. and laugh you will. what a perfect, extremely bizarre game. this is a bad review since it is very hard to verbalize what the game is. you really have to play it for yourself to find out!


completed everything in around a week, gave me insane insight into what i wont be doing with my life


It's crazy what living in Finland will do to a mf.

this game is so cool and fun and i too, sometimes look at life as it is, not want it in excess, and find peace within that, i love it and i never want to look at it again

absolutamente abstrato e diferenciado. a feiura e agressivade desse jogo o faz brilhar muito mais doque iria se fosse um FPS que corresponderia com as normas da indústria.

This game is basically like real life
I am upgrading my setup to be fully self-sustaining so that I never have to stop playing. I can finally fully shift realities and experience true immersion.
Mum still calls every few months but she'll be dead soon, then I can leave this ass fuck plane behind.