Reviews from

in the past

one of the most fun experiences i've had with a game except the game is bad. this applies to all other danganronpa games as well

this game. IT FUCKING SUCKS. genuinely the worst game I have ever played, thank fucking god some guy actually put themselves through the torture of translating the japanese only psp version so I could emulate it and didn't have to pay shit for this dumpster fire of a game honestly maybe it makes sense you have to pay for this because the devs want less people to experience this abomination that people call a """game"""

The concept is fantastic but was poorly executed. It also kind of felt like it was trying too hard to be funny with the over the top characters and the mascot and all that. It's totally cool if they wanted to take a more "campy" approach to killing games, but here I just feel like they used that kind of approach for shock humor if that makes sense

chihiro... story was goood, first vn i played a lot

A series that despite its flaws and pretty problematic writing wormed its way into my brain and turned me onto death games as a whole.

Comparándolo con el 2, podría decir que es una entrega mediocre con una historia que parece sacada de un fanfic de un adolescente edgy, pero con todo eso, tiene su mérito ya que aunque es un plagio de Ace attorney, dio las bases para las siguientes entregas y para su época fue una revolución para la cultura weeb.

No menciono su fandom de mierda que tiene en occidente, que solo han jugado a esta entrega y lo sobrevalorado que lo tienen, pues yo también fui así en el 2015, pero al menos crecí y me di cuenta de lo cringe que era actuar de esa manera ya que sin dudarlo le daría un 1/5, pero las obras no tiene la culpa de su fandom...

i enjoy being put in silly lil situations like this

originally posted on steam on February of 2020

i wasnt into visual novels at first but danganropa really made me get into them danganropa is the first one ive ever played it has a great story a great soundtrack plot twists that made me keep on playing more dispite watching the anime before playing the game i feel ashamed that i already know who was gonna die there was alot of stuff i didnt like about dangan one was the annoying rhythm segments in the game they confused me alot those parts really frustrated me alot other then that i recommend this game to anyone whos into point and click adventure games i give danganropa a 10/10

Solid start to the series. The solutions to the cases were a bit too obvious, but it was kinda refreshing being able to use logic at face value for once in a game like this

Uma visual novel cheia de minigames que a tornam incrivelmente única. Desenvolva sua amizade com todos e torça para seu personagem favorito não ser morto no dia seguinte e você ser obrigado a descobrir o assassino no Julgamento da Classe.

Caso esteja se perguntando se vale a pena, não precisa se preocupar, vale cada centavo. Danganronpa é excepcional, seus personagens são cativantes, a história é divertida e interessante e a mecânica do game é ótima.

Não precisa pensar duas vezes, adiciona isso no carrinho e conclui a compra logo!

These games are my childhood

Ace Attorney for people with ADHD

ace attorney if it was bad

still the best game in the series..................

mt ruim pqp. tava bom até o segundo caso dps disso fica cansativo de mais. vc não tem q fazer esforço nenhum pra resolver os casos, td mundo é lerdao pra krl e vc tem que ficar lendo 20 diálogos sobre a mesma coisa até os personagens chegarem na conclusão q vc ja chegou meia hr atras. até o ngc de interagir com os personagens no tempo livre nao funciona, os personagens mais legais morrem primeiro e vc pode dar qualquer presente que a reação vai ser a mesma. os poderes não ajudam muito e ganhar intimidade nao muda porra nenhuma

this game is great until you're no longer 14 and start to realize that the plot writing and execution of ideas in this game are atrocious

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First of all, this is a videogame. As a videogame Danganronpa really delivers, good gameplay, very good visuals and great OST.
I have never seen people complain about any of the previous stuff, all of the criticism goes to the writing, and in some aspects rightfully so, the chapters and trials don't have enough time to build characters in my opinion, to the point the only ones that have something of a personality are the ones that survive, you shouldn't replay a visual novel to get to even see a bit of background with some characters.
Sometimes I think outsiders see how big this game's community became and they expect a deep character study, which at the time this game released (besides Nier) that wasn't a focus in videogames (or at least in prominent franchises). Even the writing games around 2010 that are supposed to give a meaningful commentary haven't aged that well, so I think people come to this franchise wanting to meme or expecting a game that it isn't.
In conclusion, in some parts it really shows that this game was the first of a franchise that is just going to get better (ignoring UDG) and a product that is 13 years old by now and in other parts you get why this game became the hit that it was.

couldnt finish it cuz i couldnt do one of those rhythm games during a trial for the life of me lmao

Sure was a ride. Great setting and quirky characters made it enjoyable all the way through. Didn't like how dumb the MC was, but I can kinda get over it.

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trials were really fun, celestia should've gotten a better one

Very good story based game that makes you feel like some sort of pseudo lawyer in a horror-esq game.

Some characters I could do without but for what is the introduction of this series I give it a pass. Has a pretty good mystery throughout the story that like the characters you want to find out the answers to. Not to mention the Class Trials are fun as hell.

idk how the original game has a less likeable cast than the sequel but whatever. wake up naegi we've got murders to solve

A great dark comedy with a unique aesthetic and premise. It has a lovely cast of mean-spirited yet likable characters and an engaging plot from beginning to end. Not quite as good as the second entry though.

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