Reviews from

in the past

um jogo bem ok. a historia não é lá essas coisas, a gameplay é boa tirando a parte de movimentação da câmera que achei bem ruim(Sendo meio Travada), que pode dificultar a mirar.

não tenho muito mais oque falar sobre o game, ele é um jogo não fede e não cheira, um remake/Remaster seria interessante.

Um Halo só que situado no Velho Oeste e com vampiros.

By the way eu sou completamente apaixonado pelo design das armas desse Game.

Parabéns darkwatch, você é um jogo legal, pena que quanto mais eu avanço, menos divertido fica, não se preocupe, algum dia darei uma nova chance pra você, mas até lá, você é um jogo médio, que acaba piorando durante a experiência. (Sinto muito fãs de darkwatch)

Pretty decent Halo clone with a little Red Dead Revolver and other shooters thrown in there for good measure. It's not nearly as good as Halo, of course, but it's pretty fun and inoffensive overall. I enjoyed the atmosphere and licensed soundtrack, though it did take itself a little too seriously. The story was okay, though the good ending was kind of lame because you get no hoes. There are some good levels, and some pretty awful sections of the game like the mission where you are in the sun and your powers are nerfed beyond belief, or the mission where you drive a knockoff warthog from Halo that controls like complete garbage. The suicide bomber enemies are also fairly annoying because they can spawn right on top of you, the jumping is extremely floaty and difficult to control, and the bosses kind of suck because you only get the worst guns in the game to fight them and Jericho moves frustratingly slow in reaction to their moves.

Lista de coisas que esse jogo faz melhor que Halo:

Fim da lista.

Yeah much like others said its got that Halo feel with the physics but with a vampire western twist. Very fun game and while nothing inherently special, you do get powers and the ones you get depend on your in game choice. I played the game on an Xbox 360 since its backwards compatible and it runs and looks great. Tip: If you press A while jumping you can land at will.

I got to the train section which I believe was the very beginning of the game. Then I didn't know how to continue.


I don't think anything could have prepared me for how much this game is a knockoff of Halo. I only played it because it has a vampire cowboy with two guns on the cover.

Pretty cool low budget shooter though.

I would probably fuck with this if I could play this on mouse and keyboard! I like the vibe but it didn't really pull me in in the first 50 minutes and it's kind of annoying to have to whip around on a controller so I just wont.

In short, I found it very frustrating, with hardly any redeeming qualities. I can't recommend it.

About the only interesting thing about the game is the art style. It reminded me of that 2004 Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman, only with a western twist. It's the main thing that drew my attention to it, along with a tentative recommendation from a youtuber I like. And, yeah, the weapons and some character designs and locations look kinda cool, but that's where the good ends.

The main issue are the controls. They are very twitchy, making it very hard to aim. I tried messing with the sensitivity setting, but it didn't help. I found myself getting frustrated from the start because I couldn't seem to consistently hit even enemies who were right in front of my face. Even grenades wouldn't go where I wanted them. Somehow they always landed either too close or too far. I was never quite able to adjust to the aiming. It made the game way harder and more frustrating than it should've been.

Poor controls aside, there's just nothing worthwhile here. Just an average shooter with a campy boring story. The visuals are alright, but nothing special. The music didn't really stand out to me - it was suitably westerny and that's about it. The game ran mostly fine, but with some heavy slowdown when things get hectic. I've seen better and I've seen worse.

I saw some players comparing it to Halo in reviews. There's a shield system that's similar to the one in Halo and also a warthog-like vehicle you drive in one of the levels. Aside, from that, I saw nothing Halo about this game. I wouldn't have made the association myself and it's certainly not in the same league.

By the time I got to the final boss I couldn't wait to be done with it. I had no patience for it so I switched to easy, just so I could get to the ending. I would have cheated, if it was an option and I rarely ever do that.

Evidently, some people see something in Darkwatch. Maybe if you played in an emulator with a mouse and keyboard it would be an alright experience. It would still be a very unremarkable shooter, but probably a lot less frustrating. Maybe some would enjoy the story in a campy sort of way. Maybe it would be fun in co-op with a friend (apparently, the Xbox version has online multiplayer, but not co-op for the campaign). I wouldn't know. For me it was a waste of time.

Achei a premissa muito criativa, misturar faroeste com vampiros e demônios foi muito legal, a história é ok, mas muito datada. O gameplay é bem divertido e diversificado, tem muitos inimigos diferentes e uma boa variedade de armas e poderes.

Queria ter conhecido esse jogo na época do PS2, teria sido incrível.

Quando eu joguei no ps2 eu lembro de ser muito dahora.
Co-op bacana XD

This game goes hard.

A hidden gem even though aiming is iffy, aim assist screws you more than helps and the game overstays its welcome, I still had a ton of fun playing trough this.
It reminds me of Gungrave.

simplemente un juegardo, con un amigo es mas entretenido

This isn't a ground breaking game, neither its a generation defining title.
However this game is in fact, a lot of fun. Having played this when I was young and coming back to it all these years later, I'm surprised how well it stands up. Powers mostly fun, admitedly a bit underwhelming at times, physics are fun, all the guns are awesome and useful and despite most of enemies being fodder, their quantity and agressiveness will keep you on your toes.
the story is also a bit forgetable but it works well enough as an excuse to keep the game going.
I think its strongest point however are the vibes, the soundtrack, both original and licensed music are well used and help a lot with the immersion.
Overall fun experience that was definitivelly worth my time.

Weak combat, awful movement, broken hitboxes, lazy encounter design, rudimentary level design, ridiculously paced parody of a story. Low budget and uninspired. And all of it is multiplied by being a gamepad shooter. There are better shooters on ps1 and n64.
If you want to see a more competent action spin on demonic wild west play Evil West.

Esse jogo simplesmente mistura velho oeste com um design gótico, só a ideia já faz o jogo ser ótimo

lucian velho oeste.

esse jogo eh pica.

Enjoyable edgy Halo knockoff that's pretty serviceable and fun but definitely loses focus as it progresses. Some of the late game level design is awful, the controls aren't great, and that final boss sucked to fight. Somehow every enemy feels identical, and that also goes for the weapons aside from the rocket launcher and the club. The edgy stuff gets truly very funny - the corny sex scene? The fucking spiky crushers killing tied up women in the final boss arena? Absolute gold, truly comical and ridiculous in a campy way and what makes it extra enjoyable is the game is 100% genuine and unironic about it, it doesn't realize how silly it is and that makes it all very charming. It isn't amazing, but it IS co-op vampire cowboy wackiness, so it's still a pretty fun time.

10 anos dps e aq estou rejogando esse clássico, gosto mt da temática faroeste sombria de Darkwatch. É um universo q tinha um enorme potencial pra ser bem explorado mas foi totalmente abandonado pela empresa.
Uma das melhores coisas de DW é a opção de jogar multiplayer com alguém ( zerei na primeira vez assim ). Terminei o game acompanhando um detonado de uma revista Playstation antiga q tenho aq, dessa vez fiz o final do mal pq já tinha feito o do bem na primeira vez.

>> Prós
• DIVERTIDO : Ótimo jogo pra curtir no PS2, achava mt engraçado fugir e se esconder das Banshees em alguns mapas ( já q elas ficavam spawnando várias vezes ).
• CENÁRIOS : A vibe sombria desse game é uma das melhores coisas q tem.
• INIMIGOS : Os design de vários inimigos são bem legais, principalmente o das Banshees. E n tem explicado o ódio q tive das caveiras com explosivos.
• ARMAS : Outra coisa com design maneiro são as armas, gosto mt da Carabina pelo dano de alcance dela e mt mais da Shotgun e Bazooka pelo dano melee q foi essencial pra abater uns inimigos chatos.
• COOP : Foda demais poder jogar com alguém o modo história em telas separadas ( oq seria raro de ter se fosse um jogo lançado hj em dia ).

>> Contras
• MIRA : Não lembrava q era tão ruim atirar nesse jogo, oq mais me salvou foi a opção de golpear os inimigos.
• FALTA SEQUÊNCIA : Vi q iriam lançar novos jogos pra época mas acabaram sendo cancelados, eu gostaria mas q fosse seguindo pelo faroeste ( as idéias deles eram de explorar outras eras igual assassins creed ).

>> Perso Favorito = Banshees.