Reviews from

in the past

4.25 Stars
A very enjoyable and tough “roguevania”. This game is not as hard as it seems, as basic enemies can be killed quickly. The bosses however, are very challenging and unique. Combat is fast, responsive, satisfying, and rewarding. You start from the beginning level when you die, but various factors keep the game feeling fresh upon death.

There are a ton of items to unlock with your cells, which helps on further runs. Trying to obtain high-tiered gear creates a risk-reward aspect that is very thrilling and worthwhile. Everything is randomized (weapons, level layouts, bonus weapon modifiers), so no 2 playthroughs are the same. It is extremely satisfying to have all of your weapon's modifiers and main traits align, dealing over 100% bonus damage. Due to the tight combat, near endless amount of items to unlock, and roguelike aspects, this is a must-play game that can be played almost indefinitely.

Pretty cool roguelike. Great progression system, love the small updates, like the sense of humor. Some ideas are a bit generic but hey, things become generic for a reason.

The perfect mix between casual and hardcore gameplay, great graphics and aesthetic.


A nice rogue-like but I kinda got bored of it after a few hours

great fun game with silly main character :)

This game is fucking great. Am I good at it? Hell no. But its one of the games that everyone has to atleast played once. I really like the rewards for finishing a Biome quickly or taking no damage while defeating a certain number of enemies. It rewards skilled players while making players that aren't as good want to improve. The boss fights are also really fun in my opinion. My favourite Rogue-like to date.

Hooked me for a bit, until my mind wandered like it does

stunning combination of metroidvania and rogue-lite, for me nothing really comes close

The fact that this game has so many quality of life adjustments is amazing! I love to put this shit on easy and feel like a GOD

O que eu gosto desse jogo não é brincadeira, tem uma história ótima, um dos personagens principais mais carismáticos, tirando a infinidade de builds e maneiras de jogar que o jogo te disponibiliza, as DLC's adicionam muito conteúdo e tenho orgulho de ter todas elas.

This game was very cool at first, but after defeating the final boss for the first time it started feeling kinda repetitive and I searched it up and people said that it gets harder the more you beat the game but the thing is, that doesn't mean it's automatically fun, just cause the game gets harder that doesn't make it any less repetitive to play, especially since the areas get kinda boring after a bit
Still fun for the first couple of hours but after that it's just kinda meh
My favorite thing about the game is that it allows me to choose my diet, truly progressive stuff here

great game, very fun to go through, very hard too a bit too much effort to get to the true ultimate super great awesome deluxe special ending but hey I tried.

I'm yet to unlock the final achievement of touching grass

Really cool combat system and well made cheap dlc's

her platformdan bütün achivementları aldım, en az 400 saatim vardır. pişman mıyım değilim. ama tabi 400 saatten sonra her şeyi tükettikten sonra sıkıcı oluyor. olsun taş gibi oyun.

best indie game of the last 20 years

Zaman geçirmek için ideal
bir oyun

really good and fun game.