Reviews from

in the past

Local headless speedruns life

Perfect rougelike

A game that you have to have patience to play, strategize and keep playing without getting rattled, but with a lot of content if you have time.

Only on paper, Dead Cells main formula feel like a certain slam dunk: a combination of the maze like levels of metroidvanias with the rouge-likes mechanics of titles like Spelunky or Hades.
It cn be hard to combine these two aspects in a balanced and fun experience... good thing that the devs knew what they were doing.

Dead Cells is an extremely well put together title: hard at times like a lot of rogue likes, but extremely good in terms of gameplay, variety and replayability. The really creative level variety and simple but solid platforming merges perfectly with and incredible presentation and soundtrack.

To this you add an incredible set of crossovers that adds gameplay formulas reminiscent to Hollowknight, Castlevania, Shovel Knight and many other beloved games.

I will admit that I feel like the game is not an automatic 10/10. Some of the biomes like the Rampants create levels maybe too linear, and the fact that most of the opened routes like the Dilapidated Arboretum being locked behind DLC can feel like the base game is much smaller than it actually is.

But aside from these weird design decision, Ded cells is incredible: one of the best Indie rogue-likes on the market.

No puedo decir mucho porque me lo pasé en mi primera run y lo desinstalé

her gün en az 500 cell kaybediyom daha 2.cell zorluğu geçemedim ve 8 kırmızı parşömen 20 mor parşömenden daha güçlü cok iyi denge

So much replayability and the ability to throw my keyboard out the window

uhnn............... dead guy.

Only been to the 2nd boss but it's peak rougelike

It's a very nice game. It's just that when you die you have to start all over again, and that can be frustrating.

not my kinda game but I see why people like it

Dead Cells faz parte da última geração de roguelikes responsáveis por popularizar o gênero. um tipo de jogo que era um tanto quanto tímido no começo da década passada e que encontrou seu reinado no fim dela. nem nos meus sonhos mais insanos eu imaginaria, lá atrás jogando Magicite ou Hammerwatch, que as pessoas se importariam em jogar esse tipo de coisa. mas nessa última leva, com Dead Cells, Hades, Slay the Spire e Risk of Rain 2, na verdade eu tô já é de SACO CHEIO de roguelikes ahueahuaeuh

esse jogo é muito bom. acho genial a geração de mapa que, nunca deixa de ser um metroidvania (só jogando pra entender). o combate e a movimentação disso é uma delícia delícia, algo que se dá usando a mesma técnica de 3D -> 2D de DKC. a trilha sonora desse jogo tá grudada na minha mente e não ajuda muito eu continuar ouvindo no Spotify. uma das coisas mais legais também, é a quantidade de referências. esse jogo é entupido de referências, o que é razoavelmente comum em jogos indie mas não nessa proporção lol

algo que descobri entrando no site da dev, Motion Twin, é que eles são uns comunistas safados que recebem igualmente o mesmo salário. a logo deles é uma literal estrela vermelha. então, dedico aqui um sinceríssimo aperto de mão aos companheiros de luta que criaram uma parada foda dessas. aguardo ansiosamente o desenho que vai sair, mesmo achando meio paia terem trocado esse protagonista da capa boladão por aquele foguinho ciclope carismático 😔👍

Juego de mierda vale callampa chupalo franco

Un excelente rogue-like metroidvania. Creo que es de los controles más fluidos que he sentido en combate y movimiento.

Cada "run" se siente diferente y te fomenta a intentar diferentes armas y combinaciones. Con el tiempo, tus movimientos se vuelven tan ágiles y complejos que te hace sentir como un verdadero maestro de los videojuegos.

Deserves every bit of praise for blending different genres in a convincing manner. I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to Metroidvania style games but the hectic pace of Dead Cells won me over. Mowing down enemies is satisfying, weapons are fun to use for the most part and the tight gameplay is backed up with a phenomenal art direction.

This great roguevania experience is unfortunately hindered by an unjustifiably slow progression that makes a lot of runs feel less rewarding.
I mean, the fact that a forty minute run might only result in gaining a new outfit is disheartening to say the least. Very slipshod game design if you ask me.

this game is overrated to hell and back

Touched by the grace of the gods, they made a game to top everything else I can listen to really fast music to.

oh, dead cells? love that rougelike! man i loved it when the giant gianted all over the place, great enemy variety and weapon complexity.
Great game until every enemy could teleport to my house and chokeslam me into the wall. :)

The best 2D action roguelike ever in my opinion. If you grab this, do yourself a favor and check out the DLC. Especially the Castlevania DLC. It's worth it. The fact that it has rogue mechanics means it has great replayability, and while I have played a bit of it already I find myself drawn back to it from time to time for a few more runs.

Played this for eight hours non-stop when I first got it, so points for that. I would have liked the weapon variety to be more condensed, the roulette system in this game doesn't work the best with the 100 or so items at play. They're all easy enough to use, but if you're going to have buffs for each of them, make each one of them memorable. The runes didn't really add anything meaningful to the levels. There is no reinforcement to progress when it feels like the time to pass through an area doesn't shrink at all. It's hard to jump back in when I can't even remember my specific playstyle. I also refuse to turn on Assist Mode.

progression system wasn't for me, that's for sure.

really cool roguelike, had fun playing it during my online classes when we were in lockdown

Primeira vez que joguei esse jogo foi pelo gamepass e depois joguei pela Netflix games eu fui até a 2° celula e sinceramente não me pegou tanto até pq lá só tinha uma DLC e foi isso o jogo não me prendeu tanto assim gameplay legalzinha, a música não me impressionou tanto e legal, ainda jogo quando não tenho internet esse jogo é mais pra passar o tempo

jogo incrível com otima rejogabilidade e otimas opções de acessibilidade para você aproveitar o jogo do jeito que vc quiser além de uma variedade extensa de armas e skills e sinergia entre elas

Adoro rogue-like, mas não deu.