Reviews from

in the past

It's pinball. It only has one table, but it's a very long and good table that looks cool.

Oozing with style, edge and references to the occult, this Devil's Crush spiritual successor succeeds at what it sets out to do, but still feels as though it lacks something.

The art direction and sound design is immaculate but at the end of the day, it is simply just pinball with extra steps.

On top of that, it is just one board to play on, so the base price of it is hard to justify. I imagine it's a fun game to put on every now and again, but not something you'd play regularly.

I bought an arcade stick to play this game better. It was worth it.

This game fucking rips. Pinball is the coolest game ever made.

Messy and difficult to watch, not my game. Still got it's own style

Wish I lived in a world where this took off and Vampire Survivors bombed.

It's one of my favorite games on the PC. It's just a simple yet chaotic game of pinball, and that's all it needs to be. I wish it was more popular, it deserves it.
It has awesome pixel art and pinball itself just feels so crunchy, i have to love it!
I only wished it came out with more Pinball levels, that would have been awesome!

need a game like this with different stages

Stellar experience on the Deck. I'm terrible at pinball but the action is so frenetic here that it makes me want to learn to get better. Very excited for Xeno Tilt, the follow-up

Ujasněme si jednu věc hned zpočátku. Je zde pouze jeden stůl za bratru pět stovek. Ano, ten stůl je velmi dobře nadesignován, má tolik "obsahu" a variant skórování, že i po mnoha a mnoha hodinách lze stále objevovat nová zákoutí. Jenže to se v rámci žánru tak nějak očekává.

Co ho odlišuje od kupříkladu vynikajícího Pinball FX3, který překypuje (pravda placeným; i tak však nejsme na stokorunách za stůl) obsahem? Sázkou na kvalitu, designem a chytlavou hratelností. To sice Pinball FX3 rovněž nabízí, ale musíte vědět, po kterém stolu šáhnout. Pokud půjdete na blind, hrozí že se trefíte do nudného balastu.

Dále si Demon´s Ti... Ehm, vlastně DEMON'S TILT nehraje na "jakože fyzický stůl, fyziku a plasticitu". Naopak je čistě digitální a 2D, dává nostalgicky vzpomenout na časy 16-bitových kultovních pinballů z Nintend, Amig a PCček. A tak jsou zde souboje "à la Space Invaders" a tuna dalších nápadů.

Bitová i osmdesátkově metalová stylizace tomu sedne. Až na jeden problém, který je zcela zásadní, pro mnohé to potopí, ale přesto z něho plyne v podstatě největší klad. (ne)Přehlednost obrazu. Tolik balastu, částic, blikání, výbuchů, skóre... Nic pro epileptiky. Víte jak pinbally, když se vám daří, spustí multiball mód? Nejde se v něm vyznat, ukočírovat ho. Jenže jde o záměr, chvilkové inferno za odměnu a pak návrat k normálu. Tak tady je to s jednou kuličkou to samé. O momentech, kdy jich máte ukočírovat vícero, ani nemluvě. Je to zdánlivě ubíjející vizuální bordel, kde kuličku uvidíte jednou za uherský rok. Ne-li za dva. Což je u hry, která je pouze a jen o cvrnkání do kuličky, jak jistě uznáte, poněkud problém.

Jenže není. Velmi záhy to "dostanete do ruky" a budete to plnohodnotně hrát čistě citem. Stejně tak jako se dva sehraní fotbalisté najdou poslepu zády k sobě, stejně tak jako se vyznáte na reklamami posetém ledě, kde puk není vidět, ale z pohybu hráčů přesně víte kde je, tak tady je to shodné. Kuličku sice neuvidíte, ale její pohyb dle efektů, síly úderu apod. zcela mimoděk vám během několika málo her přejde do krve.

Ve výsledku tak je největší překážkou zmíněná cena vůči množství obsahu. To si však každý musí vyhodnotit sám. Za mě snad jen tolik, že jde o sakra dobrý pinball, který vám vydrží pěkně dlouho než se ohraje. Pokud se vůbec kdy ohraje, protože ke všem dobrým pinballům se dá opakovaně vracet i po letech. A k tomuhle se vracet (chtít) budete.

A pinball video game hasn’t grabbed me like this since Pokemon Pinball or Space Cadet. Great aesthetics and chunky, crunchy game feel. I’ve never had a tilt function feel so good.

I got 42M high score early and was always trying to beat it. I never did… I’ll keep returning occasionally in the hopes of doing so.

In terms of pinball, the best one.

Extremely poor reaction times on the flippers, which defeats the entire point of pinball.

A fully simulated table akin to FX style tables, but with a demonic pixel art theme that looks stunning. A fun and engaging introduction to video pinball making use of an elaborate 3-tier board.

At first glance Demon's Tilt looks overwhelming and while there's a ton of intricate moving parts, once broken down it's simple to follow. There's 3 sections: top, middle, and bottom each with their own boss to fight by striking it with the ball. Each section also has a lane to shoot which activates a challenge (aka ritual) and for each challenge you're granted a letter that spells out the section's word (hermit, arcane, and zodiak). Completing a word is big points but beyond the core mechanics there's also a multiball, various jackpots, the anvil multipliers, and lots of little enemies to mow down. You also generate magic which can trigger the ball to move along automated paths that assist play.

This was my first real introduction to pinball and between the art style and the intricate gameplay it was a lot of fun. You start out just playing, taking in all the lighting effects and points racking up, learning to just reactively hit the ball. But it isn't long before you're learning how to shoot at specific things, how to use the tilt, and reading on the board mechanics. After a week my score went from less than a million to over 50 mil - small numbers compared to the billions on the leader boards but it's nice to go back to a genre which lets you measure your progress.

If you're new I think this makes a fun introduction to pinball. A lot of machines are over-simple for modern gamers but DT gives you plenty to do and it looks great doing it. The 3-tier board certainly makes it stand out with some unique mechanics and effects, but there's no attempt at realism (for better or worse).

Fun, chaotic, looks and sounds great. Made me feel old because I lost sight of the ball more than once. Enjoyed messing around with this, but like most pinball games the end goal is making your score as big as possible, which doesn't have a lot of staying power with me, personally.

Also, I laughed too hard at the "ball drained" text. Is that a normal pinball term? Because I'm not okay over it.