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The other day I heard someone describe how Devil May Cry 4's ending became a really somber moment for them. This confused me but after thinking about it some more I understand it if you were a DMC fan. You had to be disappointed by DMC4's lackluster quality, and whatever the hell DmC was, as a franchise you loved was put on ice. That "will we meet again?" at the end of DMC4 really becomes something more as I keep thinking about it. The feeling of uncertainty if there will ever be a new entry again, and if it will even be good.

11 years later, and they delivered.

That's what's always going to be the most amazing thing about DMC5. That it is Devil May Cry 5. A new entry that's as Devil May Cry as they come. It picks up on the pieces from DMC4 and builds upon everything to deliver such an enjoyable and unforgettable experience that left me smiling.

Nero is back and he continues his arc from 4. His gameplay has been slightly retooled as in place of Devil Bringer he's given Devil Breakers which adds a pretty big amount of freedom in combat. I kept finding myself experimenting with new Devil Breakers as much as I could.

He's nothing to scoff at either. Man he plays so well in this game that I squealed like a twink bouncing on dick at his gameplay. If I'm honest Dante can be very overwhelming due to the fact that you're given a lot of options regarding how you want to play it but once you get it down he's a god.

There's also the newcomer, V. I didn't know if I'd like V, but after beating the game I can say I really enjoyed his characterization as well as his gameplay. When it comes to my group of friends I'm in a very weird position with V as I neither wholly love him nor do I find his sections boring. It really is commendable that V is a very large departure from the usual Devil May Cry gameplay yet he still ends up being a great deal of fun. Although it really should be addressed that on a whole, V is pretty easy. The problem with V just comes down to there being a lack of skill when it comes to his sections at his part as without even trying I was hitting SS ranks easily. I'm not gonna say that a character of his playstyle doesn't belong in DMC as that'd just be wrong, but I would really love to see if they ever build on a character that plays like him if they ever make a DMC6.

Level Design is where I'm left confused on the game. The levels are indeed fun but something I realised very early on us that a large portion of them are missing the puzzles you'd find in earlier DMC games. Do I like this change? Well I can't say I dislike it but I do think it can take out the uniqueness of levels, although I can't say I much enjoyed the puzzles I encountered in DMC3 and 4 that much. If I had to guess I think this was done so the game would be accessible to newer players

In my DMC4 review, I talked about how that game lacked a strong atmosphere of earlier DMC titled and has aged the worst graphically in my eyes. DMC5 fixed this for the most part, the levels really are pretty immersive to the point where I could almost feel the cool morning breeze of Redgrave City, but I can't say it's as strong as earlier DMC titles. Also it remain to be seen if this game ages graphically as much as DMC4, but I don't think it will if I'm honest.

Did I talk about the story yet? The story really rocks I can't lie. Narratives haven't been this franchise's strong suit but I will admit I never minded that as it really was apparent that it was not one of the core focuses of the franchise. DMC3 relies on a lot of subtext and symbolism for its narrative which I've spent a lot of time analysing but I can't say I was ever moved by it or fell in love with it but I can appreciate what was there. DMC5 on the surface isn't much different as its still a pretty fun action story yet there's a greater deal placed on the narrative this time, and while yes the later section can feel a bit contrived I really do like it. I love the fact that they didn't toss DMC4 aside and continued Nero's story. I love the fact that the game acknowledges the series history to the point where it's pulling in references from the DMC anime and even fucking DmC of all things. What a wild ride.

Oh yeah, this is the Special Edition so there's also Vergil's campaign which I played through. Gameplay wise, Vergil's very fun but he's also pretty easy, not as easy as V I'd argue but I don't really mind it as his campaign is something you play after the game has finished and I don't think it's a big deal to have an OP character as post game content. Something I should address about Vergil. He's hot as fuck. I've battled with the feeling of whether I want to FUCK Vergil or be FUCKED by him. Knowing Vergil you'd assume that he would refuse to bottom and obviously choose the latter, right? Well, I disagree. Reader, have you ever heard of the term "power bottom"? I heard it the other day. I don't fucking know what it means but I assume it has something to do with sex, and it has power in the name. Power... Vergil loves power...yes please bust this twink down NOW.
Oh yeah also Mission 20 as Vergil is the coolest thing ever lmao

There's a bunch of shit that I didn't get the chance to talk but I don't wanna drag out this review for much longer. I really do feel confident that this might be the greatest action game ever made and I tip my hat to Itsuno and his team for giving it their all. Playing this game made me wanna replay the franchise all over again and I'm sure I'll revisit this game countless time over the years, slowly trying to master it to the best of my ability. Until then, goodbye Devil May Cry. It's been a blast.

Who knew that adding Vergil as a playable character would make one of the finest action hack-and-slashers even more demonically impressive!

I still prefer the original and DMC3 in terms of level/environment design, but the combat here is unmatched. Super Sexy Stylish C-c-c-combos in ray-traced 120fps!

Fine, but not really my thing. I made it to chapter 11 before I quit, which is about halfway through the game.

Great action. The camera sucks though and it can feel like you are fighting it more than the enemies. The story/characters etc are very much a personal preference. DMC has always been that way. There's a lot here if you want to try and master the combat

I need more games to have the aesthetic direction of "sludge".

Unbelievably fun, highly addicting, extremely polished. It's everything Devil May Cry should be.

Best action game I’ve played, series is a must play.

This review contains spoilers

Definitivamente a melhor e mais complexa história de DMC, mas Infelizmente, acho que já foi meu tempo de se divertir com hack and slash.

O jogo é bom, principalmente da metade pro final porque o começo é triste de lento. Como sempre, ótimas músicas e ótima skill three.

O que mais me impressionou no game foram as expressões faciais e os personagens novos, que todos são incríveis!

No geral o jogo é bom, mas não me diverti tanto jogando. Apesar disso, sei que o problema sou eu e não o jogo!

O plot do meio pro final é incrível e até quem não conhece a história pode jogar sem jogar os outros.

Resumindo é um jogo ótimo que não me pegou pela gameplay, mas com certeza é o melhor da franquia.

This review contains spoilers

Thank GOD Kyrie didn’t show up bc the score would be lower

they still didnt make lady playable + theres no lady and nico *** scene

mid tbh

DMC games for me have always been the Homer Simpson ‘incredible, I have no idea what’s going on’ meme.

This was so much fun and I liked every character, just fellas having a good time.

Aún espero un juego que tenga una acción más guaparda, no lo ha habido

The most fun combat system of any game I have played. Enjoyable story, fun characters, and flashy cutscenes. DMC has cemented itself as one of my favorite gaming franchises of all time.

Великолепный слешер шикарной серии. Очень комплексная, но невероятно веселая боевая система. Играть интересно за всех персонажей. Возможно чуть меньше за V, ибо он довольно неудобный в управлении. Нэро веселый в плане геймплея, но у него чуть меньше механик. Данте просто бомба! Такой веселой боевки больше нет ни у кого из троицы. Ну и как забыть Вергилия, чей мувсет адская имба! Может крошить орды демонов за секунды. Самый веселый в плане геймплея персонаж игры. С его добавлением в игру вдохнули вторую жизнь лично для меня. До этого играл в версию на PS4, но Special Edition выглядит и играется в разы приятнее. И добавление Вергилия делает эту версию априори лучше в разы! Очень советую к прохождению. Уверен что я еще не раз в нее вернусь, хотя бы ради удовольствия сыграть за Вергилия)

Um jogo ótimo com um cenário horroroso

Devil May Cry 5 is one of my favorite games of all time. While this port includes a bit more content than the SE on PS4, there’s still some issues with it. At one point the battle between Dante and Vergil, the framerate tanked when I activated Sin Devil Trigger. I don’t know if it’s because I activated it at the same time as Vergil, or if it was a port issue, but it never happened to me on PS4. I had my settings set to prioritize framerate too.

Another issue I have is that there is no option to transfer save data from PS4 over to PS5, essentially having me replay the entire game again. Now I don’t mind doing that at all, I still wish I could have transferred my data from the last gen version.

EDIT: A day after I wrote this review, I encountered two more instances of frame drops while playing as Vergil. During the Goliath boss fight, the framerate dropped after the church wall was broken. And then, in Mission 5, after you first encounter the Gilgamesh, the framerate dropped even lower than all the other times. Again, I have it set to performance mode for the best framerate imaginable.

I blasted through Devil May Cry 5, beating it in 7 hours, 5 hours less than it took for me to beat 4. It also literally never dragged, in fact it flew by.

I really like what they did with Nero's character in this game. I never felt like I got extremely comfortable with his move set (Dante's is just so ingrained in me after 3), but I still had fun playing as him. I'd say he never got stale either, unlike in 4.

V is an interesting character, in terms of the story and gameplay. I actually liked his character, and I found the concept of the way he works in combat to be pretty interesting, even though the actual combat itself isn't always as interesting as it could be. I wouldn't say it was bad, on Devil Hunter difficulty combat encounters don't go for long enough for them to become too tedious, although I could definitely see his missions becoming a bit of a chore on higher difficulties.

Dante is fucking awesome. He has become one of my favourite video game characters to play as, and as I mentioned before, I have become really comfortable with his move set and I love switching weapons and styles on the fly. In DMC5 he feels better to play as than ever, and it makes me want a Devil May Cry remake where I can play as this Dante, but for a full game (although there would obviously be no Sin Devil Trigger).

Devil May Cry 5 also easily has the best soundtrack out of every Devil May Cry in my opinion. I think the combat themes got a bit repetitive in each of the other games, but having 3 really different themes for each of the playable characters (not including Vergil's, which is awesome btw) makes a huge difference, and each theme made me really excited to kill demons.

I am going to have to play this again and again. I want to actually get as good as possible, plus I need to play as Vergil.

Vergil is the most fun I’ve ever had playing a video game character

Es "EL" Videojuego. Gran antagonista, lecciones, personajes, mecánicas, diálogo y el mejor sistema de combate de la historia de los videojuegos.

Si bien le falta ambición como su tercera entrega, es un juego que destaca por si solito. A parte de que tiene contenido infinito para memes.