Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun. Wish I had people to play this with.

Another game that Hi-Rez is sure to neglect, forget and get rid of one of these days! I'd assume so, anyways.

Was a ton of fun, but my friend group stopped playing it fairly quickly and I'm not about to play it by myself lmao

Why do Smash Brothers clones always have the percents go above 100%?

I usually end up as a button-masher whenever I play fighting games because I panic and forget what things do. I've played a couple sessions of Divine Knockout now and have rarely felt like I was just smashing buttons. I even got MVP a couple times! The game is easy enough to play for an old person like me, is what I'm saying. It is probably helpful that half of the buttons have reminders at the bottom of the screen all the time, too.

Anyways, my problems aside, this game is essentially Smash Bros but with gods from different cultures. It is a fine premise treated in somewhat of a simplistic, cartoony way that sort of makes you forget the character you are playing is a god, actually. I mean, Kirby can double jump, so it doesn't seem all that special that Thor or Susano or whoever can. They are intended to have varying play styles, I think, but I've played a couple gods now and they feel pretty similar. Basically, don't fall off the world, do some fighting things, use your fancy power moves, and try to beat the other team. Unlock some more characters and costumes, repeat, repeat, repeat. I think that's where I'm let down by this and other fighting games. They are quite repetitive. They rely on social gaming to make things more interesting (I don't know how it would work, but some couch co-op would help here, as well), but if social gaming isn't your thing, then just fighting with different characters in different places to unlock things isn't super compelling.

That said, it's decently fun for a little bit, looks nice, and is easy enough to manage. I don't know that I'll dive in to too many more sessions, but if an online friend sent over an invite to play, I probably wouldn't turn it down. I'm 134% sure of it, actually.

Review from

Um jogo bonito e bem feito.
Toda a estória dele é bem legal mas também deve ser mais divertido jogar online.

Played co-op with two friends for our game night on and off for a few months, and the variety of modes were fun, along with figuring out what character worked best for me. After a patch, the other modes were trimmed and the game was just one core versus mode. Didn't play much more after that happened, I enjoyed the modes that were cut.

Essentially a more accessible and toned-down version of Smite. My only complaint is that Bacchus is not on the roster, his inclusion would immediately make this a five-star game.

had a fun run with my friends on this (athena you are so op)

Honestly forgot I had this, will probably give it a go

It would be more entertaining without all the dumb monetization choices. A unique take on "platform fighting" with a high enough skill ceiling to give it some diversity.

it was good for about ~10 rounds but i like the god/goddess theme they got goin

Mmmm ngl kinda fun, but needs a lot more work, especially when it comes to making the gameplay smoother and the gods a little bit more unique, it's hard to tell who is who sometimes

This might be one of the midest games I have ever played in MY life. Almost feels like a children's game. Gameplay is uninspired, characters are chibi versions of the MOBA game Smite so it's kinda unoriginal. And jesus, the mechanics are so easy to abuse and exploit it's kinda funny, but it isn't, it's sad. Game is extremely easy to learn, movement is basic and as I said it's uninspired. Since i've started playing I haven't lost a single game. The battlepass is infinite and it has a shop that is duller than a broken sword from DS1. C'mon HiRez quit giving birth to dead children and collabing with influencers that don't care about your games.

swear most people online are bots

a pretty neat fighting game but has no updates or playerbase so it falls flat as soon as you queue for a regular match