Reviews from

in the past

One of the only single player games that made me sweaty.

Great fun, good story for this kind of game, ancient gods was alright, just more fun levels.

Doom eternal is a game of constant and intense action, which has remnants of gameplay that comes from Doom 1993, with a story that leaves nothing to be desired and balanced bosses and enemies, it has collectibles that make you want to pick up and hidden "phases" of the franchise's old games

Regarding the difficulty mode of this game, I played on hard and I believed it wasn't that difficult, besides getting a little stuck on bosses.
It's a good FPS game where we kill demons with punches

Just pure adrenaline-fueled mayhem. Playing this game feels like ripping lines of coke off the dashboard of a flaming Formula One race car while Mick Gordon synthesizes a lawnmower for the soundtrack. I had to take breaks after every few encounters because I felt exhausted in the best way possible (This is especially true for both of the game's excellent DLCs). The platforming can be slightly janky at times, some of the boss fights are a little sub-par in their design, the story is meh (Its DOOM what do you expect you're not here for that anyway) but those are nitpicks when the combat is this amazing. This game is not only extremely fun but also actually pushes the FPS genre forward as a whole due to the innovativeness of it's combat puzzles and because of that I will absolutely be picking up DOOM: The Dark Ages when it releases.

Exhibit A for why there are right and wrong ways to play games. It's an FPS with the depth of a character action game, and they've achieved that by forcing you to play in the most fun way possible - jumping and dashing around like a maniac while switching weapons and using all your abilities all the time. It's the only game I've ever played where I can't do more than one or two levels at a time, because it's too intense and I get tired from playing it.

Doom Eternal and its dlc are great fps content that feel so great to control. The story... is a doom story, so you're not really going to pay too much attention on it. but I will admit it is pretty interesting, this game has some fascinating lore hidden deep in the codecs, or whatever they're called; and I really like how they characterize doom guy here. I gotta admit though tag 2 was kind of confusing when it came to the story but you get it in the end. The gameplay is amazing. I like how much tools it gives you so you can really play how you want, and you become a movement beast. This game has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling which I really love about it, the exploration stuff is just the cherry on top. and i gotta say this looks great for a switch game docked and undocked. sure some textures are glitched to literal hell, but all in all it doesn't look that bad. The music is stellar, Mick Gordon did a spectacular job with it. In Conclusion worth at whatever price its at, at any given time. I forgot to mention but the multiplayers okay, I only played a little bit of it because of how dead it is.