Reviews from

in the past

It's surprisingly fun to create your own bizarre character and play against a friend.
Two ugly ass mfs beating the shit out of each other

Can't quite remember what's the difference from other UFCs but it sure is a solid one, can see myself enjoy it or play sometimes against friends. Altho' didn't go for the plat, leaving it for later, we'll just have to see.

These guys are both certified strikers so we’re gonna see some kickboxing in the octagon ton—OH Spinning back fist outta nowhere. What a, what a strike. He might be out. Get in there and fini—OH look at those beautiful leg kicks

it's fun but this game has genuinely brought me to some of the lowest points in my life

i just don't find this one as fluid or fun


I created the goofiest fighter possible with the tattoo on his belly saying "I love gnomes". He proceeded to win 2 belts in different weight categories. This game can be fun and definitely made for couch play with buddies. Didn't even touch online.

Pretty fun. Hard to be good at, or maybe I suck who knows, maybe both

In my Sophomore Year of College, one of my dormmates told me that he was going to get me into UFC, and I responded with "Sure, okay man". I'm now a UFC fan not by my choosing

First of all, whoever gave you that quote is a fuckin' pussy and a fuckin' #4&&07 and a fuckin' liar and everything else whoever gave you that quote. Everything that comes out of your mouth is fuckin' stupid. Why would I give a shit who represents who? Yeah there's no doubt. There's some guys out there that have managers that are absolute sleezy dirty fuckin' scumbags. Hey Loretta, if you're gonna write a story, you fuckin' moron, make sure it's fuckin' true and you have some facts, and if you're gonna put some fuckin' quotes in there, get some quotes from people who have the fuckin' balls to put their fuckin' name on it. I mean, how do you write a story from a guy who fuckin', it's like an interview where they put a fuckin' black thing over the guys face, change his voice and shit. Fuckin' dumb bitch. Fuck you Loretta.

I'm embarrassed by the amount of hours I have in this game

AInda acho o UFC2 o mais legal, mas confesso que gosto do modo carreira do jogo.
Nada demais e acho em alguns pontos ele bem defasado em relação ao UFC2.
Jogo ali pra pegar sem pretensão nenhuma e provavelmente nem irei termina-lo.

AI beat my ass 14 times in a row

Somehow this game is worse than UFC 3 when it comes to career mode. It's pretty basic and they removed all the different gyms for some davis guy's gym that is barely in the game at all so I don't see why they even added him.
Inviting fighters is also shit because they're there for 5 minutes unless you unlock whatever move you invited them for and you can never call them back if you got all their moves.
Oh you want a main event during a Fight Night? Keep dreaming buddy because the only main events you have are title fights or on the off chance, if the champion gets injured during camp, you can accept a replacement and be the main event instead of the title fight, what a nice thing aye?

Gameplay feels a bit smoother though, moves also have different speeds and animations depending on how good the fighter is at them which makes it a bit more immersive at least.
Submissions are a bit meh, the mini-game gets boring after a while and is a bit dull but the striking and wrestling is still fun like UFC 3.

The other game modes are alright, not much too say about them except that they're basic and fun at times.

Idk how EA sold this and thought: "good product"

I thought I was going to play a mediocre fighting game but I surprisingly had a lot of fun with this one, especially the whole "customize your character and learn new moves".
The gameplay is really fun and I enjoyed the idea of doing livestreams and answering to other fighters on social media.

so fun. Atti if youre reading this im better than you

I play this very regularly and have a blast with it. Despite its problems its a really fun fighting game. Career is a one and done type thing there's nothing special there. Online mode is absolute cheeks as the matchmaking is atrocious. Baring in mind I am dogshit at this game, I can beat the CPU's with ease but any half decent online player would kick my ass but I have fun beating up computer versions of my favorite UFC fighters

"Fun" fighting game. DO NOT PLAY ONLINE.

The fighting experience in this game is definitely one of the best yet. The realism and skill that you actually have to have to play this game makes it challenging but also rewarding. The career mode could've definitely been better or more immersive but it still was fun nonetheless.

Finally decided to go for the platinum which I did get, with some help for the blitz, so not as much as satisfying by doing it myself but it's a great game with a lot of skill to learn through it

This is the most relaxing game I think I have ever played. There's something so cathartic about playing this on easy and kicking someone in the head until they collapse into a pile of unconsciousness. I don't think there's another sports game that's fun at lower difficulties. Winning in Madden 100-0 or something is really boring. This has not gotten boring yet. The pre-game hype make me think, "Haha. This computer AI thinks they have a chance. Now they have brain damage."


Es ist einfach nicht meins

This review contains spoilers

My top 5 ufc fighters rn:
Shavkat Rakhmonov
Alex Pereira
Charles Olivera
Leon Edwards

It's alright, just ridiculously repetitive and boring like all other ea sports games (including Fifa as a football fan).

( ) Horrível
( ) Ruim
( ) Pixel Art/Retro
( ) Aceitável
(X) Bom
( ) Ótimo
( ) Cada quadro foi pintado por Da Vinci

(X) Que história??
( ) Até tem história, mas não entendi nada
( ) Tem história só pra não dizer que não tem
( ) Uma história digna de prestar atenção
( ) Uma história bem elaborada
( ) Mais complexa que Machado de Assis

( ) Tudo trabalhado igual a coluna de uma senhora de 90 anos
( ) Horrível
(X) Ruim, mas com muita determinação até que vai
( ) Esquisito no começo, mas você acostuma
( ) Gostoso de jogar
( ) Orgasmo para os dedos/mãos

Trilha sonora
( ) Preferia ser surdo
( ) Deixa mutado
( ) Nada de especial
(X) Boa
( ) Memorável
( ) Toque isso no meu funeral

( ) Horrível
(X) Ruim
( ) Ok
( ) Bom
( ) Absurdamente gostoso de ouvir

Nível de diversão
( ) Tão legal quanto assistir uma poça d'água evaporar
( ) Da pra passar um tempo
(X) Vai te prender por horas!
( ) Meu mundo melhorou depois de jogar isso aqui
( ) Já amanheceu ???

( ) Dá pra jogar
( ) Os bugs deixam o jogo mais divertido
(X) Alguns bugs
( ) A palavra bug é desconhecida
( ) Esse jogo saiu perfeito do forno

Tempo de jogo
( ) 1-5 horas
( ) 8-15 horas
(X) 15-35 horas
( ) 35-50 horas
( ) 50-100 horas
( ) +100 horas

Para melhor experiência
( ) Desinstalar
( ) O jogo é Offline
( ) SinglePlayer
(X) Todas formas são OK
( ) Multiplayer - SinglePlayer gosta muito rápido

Vale a pena ?
( ) Arrependimento
( ) Reembolsa isso ai
(X) É bom, mas pra zerar uma vez só
( ) Recomendo!
( ) Muito bom de jogar
( ) Bom pra caralho, JOGUEM!
( ) Queria apagar a memória só pra me encantar de novo

Considerações finais

(Pontos Positivos)
-> Muita variedade de golpes.
-> Variedade de modificações que dá pra se fazer na aparencia do seu personagem.
-> Poder distribuir os atributos do personagem como quiser na sua carreira.
-> Dá pra se divertir legal.

(Pontos Negativos)
-> As vezes os golpes se sobressaem, dou um comando pra um golpe, e ele tenta quedar porque os botões para fazer a mesma ação são parecidos.
-> A carreira poderia ser bem mais elaborada, exemplos: mais diálogos, mais interações nas mídias sociais, história mais bem elaborada, etc.
-> É quase impossível lutas irem para decisão, especialmente numa luta de 5 rounds.
-> Poderia ter mais marcas da luta durante a mesma, olho inchado, mais sangue, marcas de chutes na perna, etc.

Uma enorme evolução comparado ao 3, mesmo sendo um dos piores por causa de vários sistemas que foram piorados para manter o jogo fluido