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in the past

considering i've not only been a pretty regular writer of smut since i was a teenager but also somebody who would consider fate/stay night (a vn notorious for its laughably trashy sex scenes) one of her favorite stories ever, it's almost impressive that type-moon managed to make something so terminally pornsick that it's permanently deterred me from wanting to ever step foot near it

so far it's really boring. can't belive they haven't ditched the RPS system yet either.

...that's right.
In the end of times, when all warmth has cooled---

One day, may this vague "heart" serve as the final salvation for all intelligent life------

Did the Gilgamesh route and CCC ending. Definitely plan to do all the Servant endings.

What a giant improvement on Extra in almost everyway. I really enjoyed the shift towards being more of a visual novel than a dungeon crawler, since the combat system was so bad in Extra (it still is). The deep dive on love in many forms, through the overt horniness of the game on a fundamental level were both hilarious and insightful towards the story. Characters were also so much better than in Extra, with characters I didn't care about in that game (Gatou, Leo, even SHINJI) having amazing moments and characterization, and the new characters being great additions to the cast, with special mention to BB. FANTASTIC soundtrack as well. They cooked so hard....

this horny dungeon crawler with bad combat cares more about the inner lives and humanity of its women characters than every million dollar AAA girlboss piece of shit you'll ever play. that's fate, babey



This game is such an improvement from the og, the gameplay still kinda ass but it's more polished so it isn't as unenjoyable than in Normal Extra, I found the dungeon crawling more engaging specially since they play more into the story, and the story itself is so soooo good.
I didn't expect to like this game as much as I did, specially since my first contact with it was one of the moves in the last boss that looks like the most coomer shit ever, but turns out the game is much more than that and it's really great


Even after my battles ended, after I made my wish, after my role was fulfilled-I kept thinking and thinking about a girl who was important to me.
And here she is.

Absolutely phenomenal game. Side characters like Shinji and Leo get more of a spotlight and bigger roles in this game compared to Fate/Extra made me absolutely love them.

Sakura's story was beautiful to experience

Where CCC really shines is in how it handles antagonists, who are given the focus in development and are able to go from intimidating to alluring to sympathetic, sometimes over the span of a single interaction. Look past the fanservice aspect, and the story's use of sexuality for characterization is quite unique.

The gameplay has a lot of the same issues as Extra, but improvements here and there make a big difference in the experience and make it much more enjoyable.

Also, my favorite pairing in Fate gets married and it's canon, absolute peak fiction.

This game is a self-aware horny shitpost.

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When one speaks of love,
one shouldn't speak of the reason behind it.
I want to hold / embrace / you like this, because I love you.

This was certainly a game. It was fun yeah and the story was great but by the end I was exhausted. I’d recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the original psp Fate Extra

Huge improvement on the combat. Also like the story way more BB is fantastic did all the routes though l had to bust out a j-dictionary a few times

This is the Black Panther of all gooners worldwide.

very commendable how you can tell everyone on the staff other than the music composer was working on this with one hand

A stellar game that holds nothing back and revels in it. The story is a creative rollercoaster that deftly balances humor, tragedy, an earnest dive into the concept of love and absolutely unashamed perversion. Compelling dialogue and situations are presented at a refreshingly brisk pace and rarely did I ever feel like I was forcing myself to get to the next enjoyable moment, though I will admit to making liberal use of PPSSPP's fastforwarding in battles. The evocative imagery puts most other games to shame despite the limitations of the PSP and the soundtrack, much like the first game's, is top notch.

I did find the combat notably less enjoyable than I did with the original like a decade ago but I still don't think it's as bad as everyone makes it out to be, and I really liked how it never felt like the devs wanted to just make a VN instead since they made constant efforts to mix story and gameplay in creative ways.

The characters from the first game are used exceptionally well and show up with a lot more charisma with even a side character like Gatou becoming a highlight. The new characters are also great additions and emphasize the game's themes while having interesting stories in their own right. Being a Sakura chad and getting not one not two not three but FOUR Sakuras is a level of pandering few gamers will get the chance to experience and I pity you all. Also naturally getting to team up with Gil is amazing and makes the mostly-unchanged 2nd playthrough entirely worth it.

I like boobs.

A phenomenal sequel to OG, did Normal/Gilgamesh End, Hakuno's story and character being further heightened in a new way here. This is a "new" Hakuno that goes through different events but still feels Hakuno at their very core. Developing new bonds and remixing old dynamics at the same time allowing for everything to feel new and fresh. They continue to be one of my all time favorite MCs in CCC.

Gilgamesh was an amazing servant. Him not being in OG makes him feel very fresh and even compared to other Gilgamesh appearances, his bond with Hakuno is so fun to watch develop. He shows a wide range of emotions, his usual calm, composed demeanor often broken by various actions and characters. Getting to see his backstory in this game is really cool as it's presented very well. He has so many fun interactions with other characters as well, Shinji, BB and the Egos, Rin etc. Getting his point of view, that of the undisputed King of Heroes was fun and his personality and status very much feel opposite of Hakuno, resulting in funny and meaningful moments.

The rest of the cast is much better in this game I feel. Certain characters like Rani, Rin and Julius don't have as much focus or as much time as OG (respectively) but they get incredible moments regardless even if their role is different here. Shinji, Julius, Gatou and Rin have some incredible content here. Shinji being the most improved from OG to CCC.

Jinako is a great new character for the main cast. I enjoyed her content and her dynamic with Karna as like, the ultimate mismatch Master and Servant. Her scenes with Hakuno and Shinji were great too. Love her backstory and how it works with her character in the story.

Kiara and Andersen were fun too, I know Kiara gets more stuff in CCC ending so I'll see that soon. But she was still very interesting here and clearly set up to be more so it isn't a surprise she has more going on. Andersen was a very interesting servant as being strictly non combat was fun and his perspective was fun to hear. His scene with Melt was peak.

BB, Meltlilith and Passionlip were all great antagonists. I know BB gets more stuff in CCC ending probably but she's still great here. Her bright and bubbly and twisted personality allows her to have a really commanding presence in all of her scnenes. She's always fun and creative and entertaining while still having serious undertones and intimidating power. Meltlilith and Passionlip both had great stories as well that I liked a lot. Different sides of a coin that tie into the game's themes well.

Sakura is great here, she'll get more in CCC ending I assume but I really like her relationship with Hakuno already, Hakuno being the only one who paid her any attention when she needed it, Hakuno caring how she's treated by others even their friends, etc. Seeing Sakura put on her bravest face constantly when met with her fellow Sakura based AIs was hard to watch sometimes but also really interesting.

Elizabeth was a really fun servant antagonist, being passed around to different masters let her personality really get shown off on all fronts, changing how the cast and player views her over time. Loved her last story section a lot.

Gameplay wise it's more fun than OG as it's more refined, Gilgamesh's skills are pretty fun, his animations are cool and his Noble Phantasm is very funny.

Acquiring Secret Gardens and punishing your opponents was a pretty fun way to handle climactic scenes. My only issue gameplay wise is the requirements for Gil's SG and ending were just an unnecessary thing to think about, really should have just been part of the story imo.

OST, animations and Voice Work all great too.

Really fell into the themes of this game a lot more than OG as I feel they're stronger and more apparent and I love OG's. But CCC's display of love in various forms was really interesting to me. Characters like Lip, Melt, Elizabeth, Kiara etc. All showing different variations of toxic love was great. Some purposefully destructive, some accidentally destructive, some manipulative, some naive. I feel it'll be even better in CCC ending so I'm excited for that. I do feel Normal end felt a little weaker, while good it definitely just feels like it's shouting that there's another ending at you. Gilgamesh's was good too but not his best content.

All in all another phenomenal Fate/Extra experience that will only get better as I continue.

I love you Hakunk Kishinami.

I played three different Fate games last year and was pleasantly surprised to have CCC end up as not just my favorite game of the bunch, but one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

A lot of Fate spinoffs try to downplay or deny the eroge elements of the original game, but CCC refreshingly leans into it by asking, what if we made a game all about sex and desire, and very specifically about women's feelings about sex and desire. If you play this game as the girl protagonist (you should) it's a beautiful lesbian romp, moreso because the game is pretty deft about shifting between its sex comedy and character drama modes. Everybody in this game is a weird pervert but nobody is left on the floor as simply comic relief. You're invited to laugh at their antics but also to understand where they're coming from. You WILL get sad about the emotional problems of the big titty Sakura clone. Hell, you might even get sad about Shinji.

The game makes great use of recontextualizing its cast both as characters you originally saw in Fate/Extra and as characters who are retellings of the original Fate/Stay Night cast. Stay Night's themes of instrumentalization, repression and love are excellently reprised, especially in the character of Sakura, who serves as the heart of the story and the element that really makes CCC special. Once again, play as a girl! You owe it to yourself to experience gay Sakura.

"But Olivia, isn't the combat bad?" Just use save states if it really bothers you that bad. I know you all played Baldur's Gate 3 last year it's not worse than THAT.

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to be honest
i would say
so um

gameplay que faz você querer dar um tiro na propria cabeç

I like og extra more honestly. Just couldn't get into the story as much cause of BB and the alter egos. Still it has Nero and Jinako and gave Shinji, Leo, and some others cool moments, so I enjoyed my time overall.

As of writing this, I have completed the Saber route, Gilgamesh route, and CCC route.

After playing this, I see why it is called a companion game. While telling its own story, it gives more time to the already-established characters while also adding new ones. Giving you plenty of opportunities for characters to get more characterization that wouldn’t really make much sense in Fate/EXTRA. CCC also gets an overarching villain with BB, which I would count as a strength over the original Fate/EXTRA. Also, it is fun to watch her do her usual thing of being an evil imp. Bringing up BB, I should also mention how, boy, this is way more horny than EXTRA. Not just horny with designs, but plot horny; it’s up to you if you have a problem with all the stuff that comes with that; it didn’t bother me.

There are some slight problems caused by this being a sort of sequel, but not really a sequel. An important aspect of a lot of Fate works for me is the developing relationship between Master and Servant, and you lose that in this in a not satisfying way. They try to reset your relationship by giving you memory loss, but it’s nowhere close to capturing the original Fate/EXTRA. Honestly, it felt like a pointless plot point. I assume they did this so you could go into Fate/EXTRA no problem if, for some reason, you played CCC first. It probably would have been better to have CCC be a more direct continuation of your relationship with your Servant from EXTRA.

That is why picking Gilgamesh is so great because you get that developing relationship part back. It’s really interesting to have this feeling of walking on eggshells around your own Servant. He is such an ass in a way that is really entertaining and, honestly, kind of endearing by the end for me. Also, picking him straight up makes CCC’s story better. If you are reading this without playing CCC, I strongly recommend picking Gilgamesh.

I’m still not crazy about the rock-paper-scissors combat, but it is still a definite improvement from the original. Things in general look better presented with menus and animations. All the music is good, but I found the battle OST to be a step down from EXTRA. I miss the jazz.

Ultimately, I like the original Fate/EXTRA more than CCC, but there are aspects of CCC that are improvements, and it is definitely worth playing if you are a fan of Fate/EXTRA.

This game introduces the braindead lizard idol. How can it be bad?

Amazing sequel to Extra, story and characters are very good, I haven't seen many games that focus on twisted love and "tastes", it's super different to the first Extra, and super horny, I don't know why the change of direction, but it's fine, it's a pretty unique game.
The gameplay is so much better, in Extra you might need 20 minutes of griding just to get a single level up, but here? In that time you might get 3 level ups, dungeons and exploration are much better as well, combat is the same though, so get used to it :P
This game also introduced beloved characters like BB, Meltryllis, Elly, Hans, and I guess I should also say Kiara...(Karna's first appearance is complicated, so not mentioning him). BB and Meltryllis being my favs, Melt is super intimidating at first, but you later learn she is...incapable of understanding other people's love? I like how relatable she is with that (she is also twisted and a murderer, but can't relate to that). As for Big B1tch, I don't really like how she takes so long to say what's she's trying to do, overall it looks like she is being evil (and annoying) for the sake of being evil, but turns out she did all of what she did because she loved Hakuno, might be a strange reason for some, but I find it strangely lovely, there's something about the ai Sakura's impossible love for Hakuno that I just can't dislike.
Also bride Nero sucks, og dress better

I didn't really liked the original Extra, the combat was a pain, the pacing was horrendous and nothing happened until the ending. Now I'm angry because you need to play it to enjoy this gem.
This is by far a better game, better story, same characters but with better exposition, better pacing and while the combat it's still the same it requires far less farming.
The game has 2 routes, but it's probably better to call them endings. In short in the normal story you resolve a problem while in the CCC story you ask yourself how this problem came to be. I tought the game was ok when I finished the game the first time and it was obvius that you dint know everything that happened. In the CCC all those holes get explained but I dont like you need to do a NG+ to actually understend the whole story throught additional scenes that are possible to see un a new game but extremely hidden, it's still a 30ish hour game. I really liked my second run and it was worth it, a nice story about love and AI. Sometimes it gets a bit too quirky and eccentric but that's ok. Keep archer and Archer runs for the CCC ending.

Well, this is certainly a huge step up from the first game.

Unlike Fate/Extra, Fate/Extra CCC actually tries to utilise its setting in an interesting manner. The episodic nature of the first game is abandoned for a much more flexible story structure. The cast is kept small and mostly recurring from the first game in a very character-driven story. The extremely unenjoyable gameplay from the first game has auto battles and more interesting opponents added as a band-aid fix, but that's good enough for the most part. The music is amazing, KATE, James Harris and others from the original F/SN and F/HA return to give equally memorable soundtracks.

The story is far more ambitious this time around. Unlike just having an episodic tournament structure, this game sees a change of scenery and actually has a compelling overarching villain. This is one of the better examples of strong and emotional character writing in the Nasuverse, especially with how it's consistently good across the board with the entire cast. I also think I found my new favourite silent protagonist in Hakuno Kishinami (female version). She's not quite fully silent — the visual-novel style NVL text monologue sometimes leaks out as a dialogue that can be responded to by other characters, but still. Her struggles are very believable. The scenery in this game is more gorgeous than the first, with a recurring cherry blossom tree motif.

Unfortunately, despite consistency, this story still has plenty of meandering in the early couple of chapters. It feels like stuff just happens. Oh well. But the biggest actual problem is how you have to replay the entire game to get the true ending, let alone if you choose to do other servant routes, which have essentially the same ending. This isn't just skipping through a VN's previously read text and selecting a few choices, you have to re-battle everyone and redo puzzles. It was quite frustrating, I can't imagine doing this natively on a PSP instead of an emulator that lets you speed up the game drastically.

The peaks of the story and finale have made this the overall the best Nasuverse product for me, making me regain faith in Type-Moon after slowly losing interest over the years. I think Tsukihime Far Side and Heaven's Feel are better, but as an overall work, CCC is a clear winner.

First of all thank iwakura for his great work in translating the game into a language I understand.

Playably it has improved compared to fate/extra things like the game chooses you decent combinations after fighting several times against the same enemy, if you get killed you can hit retry instead of losing all your progress, being able to save in the middle of dungeons.

However, I was disappointed in the plot sense. I was expecting something more serious like the fate/extra story or some connection with extella. The plot basically is not having dared to make the game +18 because they have been left wanting. Apart from that, it doesn't have much "plot sense" for not wanting to make spoilers of the first part and assuming that you've played it, there are things halfway like not finding out the name of your servant in the game, assuming that you know relationships with other characters because they give you sentences without context if you haven't played the first game.

In short, game if you liked fate/extra and want something more of that style. It's not a continuation, it's more of a "what if" that doesn't really add anything to the plot of the original game.

Primero de todo agradecer el gran trabajo de iwakura de traducción del juego a un idioma que entiendo.

Jugablemente ha mejorado respecto al fate/extra cosas como que el juego te elija la combinaciones decentes tras luchar varias veces contra un mismo enemigo, si te matan puedes darle a reintentar en vez perder todo tu progreso, poder guardar en mitad de mazmorras.

Ahora bien, me ha decepcionado en el sentido argumental. Me esperaba algo más serio como la historia de fate/extra o que hiciera alguna conexión con extella. La trama básicamente es no haberse atrevido a hacer el juego +18 porque se han quedado con ganas. Aparte de eso, no tiene mucho "sentido argumental" por no querer hacer spoiler de la primera parte y suponiendo que lo has jugado quedan cosas a medias como no averiguar el nombre de tu servant dentro del juego, dar por supuesto que conoces relaciones con otros personajes porque te sueltan frases sin contexto si no has jugado al primer juego.

En resumen, juego si te gusto fate/extra y quieres algo más de ese estilo. No es una continuación es más bien un "what if" que realmente no aporta nada a la trama del juego original.