Reviews from

in the past

É o tal Game of thrones dos jogos, mas com muito grind

This game came out when I was 8 years old, I don't remember if I got it by mistake after hearing about how good Final Fantasy on the PlayStation was (obviously meaning FF7 lol) or just happened to pick it up randomly, but I'm glad I did.

It's highly political fantasy story may have gone way over my head at the time, but I remember still being drawn into its depth. At that age I was still probably mostly engaged in very simple "the hero is the good guy who saves the day and gets the girl at the end" stories. To play a game where you reject your family noble blood, fight for the commoners in a war involving rightful heir to the monarchy, making friends along the way only to be backstab by them, finding long lost friends only to find they've grown to value things much different than you shared as younger soldiers was incredibly compelling.

The gameplay was unlike anything I'd played before. Moving your characters around a board as if you were playing a game of chess with environmental advantages/disadvantages and RPG elements was so beyond my skill at that age. The class and weapon system allowed so much customization. Mixing and matching abilities and weapons from certain classes could literally break the game in the same way using cheats would. It felt like such an overwhelming sandbox of potential.

The rereleased version sub titled "The War of the Lions" has basically replaced this original version of the game on all store fronts. But I feel it's voiced 3D animated cutscenes removed a lot of the charm the in game graphics and text boxes had even though the gameplay is exactly the same. I'd recommend this version over that one any day.

Got me into RPGs again. A world-historical classic. Its only flaw is that there isn't an endless mode.

This is what peak Final Fantasy writing looks like.

based game but ivalice is the worst thing to ever happen to FF

Found this off-putting at first, doing that high fantasy thing of referencing names before we can put them to faces, then presenting a dense thicket of betrayals and shifting allegiances that never quite satisfies. (Could be a PS1 translation issue, though I never had that problem with other Final Fantasies of this era, which are notably populated by a smaller number of intense personalities - this is recognisably a different authorial voice.) But the combat system - once it clicked - became incredibly addictive, a mind-boggling combination of Pokémon and chess. The big battle in the slums early on is a major obstacle that forces the player to pay attention to their players and every single move they make - and from then on, the game presents an impressive series of scenarios that display not just tactical but emotional variety, gamifying often complex human behaviour on its isometric stage. There’s a stage where you have to rescue a friendly character on a rooftop from assassins, and the character’s first instinct is to run headfirst into combat - which is frustrating (they die very quickly) until you realise that they’re emotionally affected by the events of the cutscene prior and therefore reckless, even suicidal. The game keeps finding ways to ground its tactical scenarios in concrete human realities, and if the magic evil stones business is ultimately less than satisfying, things do pay off with this devastating epilogue that’s tossed off after the end credits, but completes the narrative in a classically tragic sense. If this is a game about the human instinct to strategise - to acquire power, to overcome grief, to deny death - it concludes the same way WarGames does: the only winning move is not to play.

This game has it all: Amazing music, it's really fun to play, has a great story... This game has 4.7 stars in my heart

I am not huge into tactics games in general and this one didn't change my mind, especially with how long each fight goes on for and honestly, if i didn't for some reason own 2 copies of this game i probably wouldn't have bothered but here we are and it's a good game i can't deny that and the art style is really cute and the story is engaging even if tropy

Just beat this with an army of meteor-casting chocobos. All-time game.

while flawed in many ways extremely charming rpg that influence a lot of the tactical rpg genre of today

i completed in 47 hours my team was ramza calculator wizard,agrias,monk with geomancer,time mage with chemist and summoner with geomancer

Gameplay 9-9,5/10
even though it has awful balancing,just the sheer amount of creativity you have for a final fantasy game in the 90s is unmatched,is especially fun if you dont abuse the broken stuff like calculator or auto potion,there difficult spikes though.what might just be my favorite thing is the job system,really creative to balance the skills and make so that one character cant just be everything it will always have a weakness,and it also bring a lot of charm with the unique clothes that they have.soomething that this game is missing is exploration since you are in like a board you cant walk really through ivalice.what mostly breaks the game are the unique characters that are just so busted that they make generics bad in comparasion

in dificulty the game in the start is hard but apart from some spikes,it becomes pretty easy with how absurdly busted you can become

special character tier list:

battles dificulty tier list:

job tier list:

Graphics/Aesthetics 10/10
beautifull,just beuatifull,the game graphics are really unique in that they use 3d with 2d sprites and it makes it look so unique,never seen a game like it,it really differentiates it from other rpgs and it looks so unique,another thing the cover art from this game is my favorite from all final fantasy games and is up there with games in general,i really like that they dont just use the main characters,because they really arent who you fight with,instead we see some knights that will get killed quickly,and it just looks so cool

another thing that i really like is the use of the camera in cinematics,is so dramatic the camera being really dynamic and moving in where the player should look,it feels like an action movie,i love it

content/replayability 7,5/10
sure they are very few side missions but the game is still pretty lenghty so it gets a 7,5/10 in content and it gets a 8/10 in replayability thanks to the challenge runs,unique teams and that when you play the game multiple times the story makes more sense

ending 7,5/10
not the biggest fan of the final fight nor that ramza and co survived with no reason being presented,it would been way better if the game stay thematical and had some balls and killed ramza and co,but i liked the funeral scene until that and i liked the post credit scene,actually i have no reason to not think that ramza and co were ghosts,so it will themematically make a lot,a lot more sense and will be a lot better

soundtrack/sound effects 9/10
amazing loved the music it really fit with the game and the sound effects are so ominous like when a stone activates all that noise with the laugh sound so scary,extremely well done

story/characters/writting 7,5/10
leave this to until last because is still the part im most conflcted with the game,since there is a lot of good and also a lot of junk,but overall the junk is not greater than the good

in the writing,they are some amazing moments that are well done like the germonik scriptures and they are awful moments that makes no sense like when oran for no reason breaks character and tells ramza that his friends are with him,making no sense because before that there wasnt a word that indicated that he will say that or that it even makes sense that he says that because that is the second time he sees him in the whole game

that brings me to one of the worst part of the game,the characters,they re few and even the few have low screentime and are underdevolped or just plain uninteresting,and even then most if not all the characters are just way to vanilla,there are like really really few characters that i think are interesting and not extremely underdeveloped

something i really love is the way the story is told,since its being told from the perspective of alazlam,an historian of the modern ages and the whole game is him explaining the true story of the war of lions,that is a version of the war of the roses,it is an extremely interesting way to tell the story and brings a lot of juice to the game

my favorite thing from the story has to be the worldbuilding,it is perfect,it is really hard in 50 hours tell a story of a place and make it timeless,but ivalice accomplishes that in full colors,there is a lot of lore and nuance to the continent with legends,organizations and history is perfect 10/10

something that i like and was the reason i play the ps1 version,apart from the cover and the release date,was the translation and let me tell you is amazing,dumb but amazing,there are so many iconic lines that are just so raw and funny,one of my favorites is BLAME YOURSELF OR GOD ,so raw and when put in context this line is funny af,and there are a lot of lines like this in the game

i really like that even though the game takes place in the middle ages people talk like the would in the modern age,is bizarre and raw but it makes the game easier to follow,funnier and less pretencious

overall,may have his jank but this is some of the best rpg i played,some of the best gameplay,worldbuilding,quotes,graphics,sound,just is nothing less than 10/10

Release this for Steam already damn it! The PSP port was a broken mess.

lmao all these years and still never beat it. Probably just gonna' be fighting random battles till Death pulls the controller out of my hands.

This is an incredible and ambitious Tactics/RPG. For starters, this game has an extensive tutorial and the ability to recap the story and rewatch cutscenes. All are first that I’ve seen in a PS1 game. It also has a vast amount of lore leading up to its story. The world of Ivalice truly feels alive and great care went into its history and world building.

By far the best thing about this game is it’s job system. There are 20 jobs (classes) and unlocking them is a thrill in and of itself. You can assign a job to a character and equip them with skills from other jobs. The result is near endless experimentation by mixing jobs and skills. I could easily see myself making a team of Summoning Archers or Time Mage Ninjas in the a future playthrough. There are many possibilities. As glorious as the job system is, it can become quite overwhelming. To prevent wasting job points, I often felt forced to change jobs once I mastered one. Doing this for 5+ characters felt like a hassle. This becomes more apparent the longer you play. Thankfully, your primary job’s set of skills can be used as secondary, preventing you from starting from scratch when changing to a new job.

I loved playing this game, but there were a few flaws. Some attacks/abilities are unclear as to what attributes are important for their power/success rate. There is guide online but it is extremely complicated. During boss fights, the game suffers from difficulty spikes and/or scripted battles. You’ll learn quickly that these battles need to be done ASAP, as the boss and their minions will slaughter your party, but it diminishes the strategic element of the game. These fights usually end when the boss is in critical condition, making them seem anticlimactic as they vanish off the screen, only to fight them later. This happens often. There are also times where you’ll have consecutive battles. If you aren’t properly leveled up and save in between these battles, you could be stuck in a fight that you can’t win.

I didn’t find the story outstanding, but it is unpredictable and complex, with drama and mystical elements that I always find appealing. The strategic battles can create some unforgettable moments. One battle, I stole a bosses’ sword, so he was forced to punch me instead of using his regular attacks lol. In another battle, a boss and his minions nearly wiped my party but I killed him with what would’ve been my final attack.

This game has an insane amount of detail, a nice soundtrack, and the job system is addictive. I can’t imagine that there are many PS1 games better than this.

melhor rpg tático já feito

This review contains spoilers

This was my first Final Fantasy ever so I may be a tad bias but I absolutely love this game. The story, characters, soundtrack and gameplay all result in an awesome experience I recommend to anyone who liked tactical RPGs or FF in general.

It's not perfect and has issues with insane difficulty spikes, one which if you fuck up and progress and can't win you are screwed and will probably have to start a new file. You know the one. Also, there's a broken combo in this game that makes end game laughably easy when built right and the translations aren't perfect.

The game also has an issue with the low amount of custom character you can have. If you stick with the ones you get at the start and obtain/keep every story NPC and maybe catch a couple of monsters you are done. There's no room for more characters. Probably due to PSX limitation but it makes jobs like Mediator woefully irreverent due to the low chance of befriending units then if you do you probably have little to no space to actually keep them.

Speaking of end game there's very little after the main story too but it has nice easter eggs with FFVII characters and a dungeon and a few other things. Despite that, the base story alone is worth a playthrough. Good stuff and can scratch the medievil fantasy itch that has been missing from JRPGs lately.

This is one of the best FF stories that is unfortunately overlooked due to it not being a main title and the type of gameplay.

Ivalice, oh Ivalice. Tactics marked my first foray into this wonderful world when I was a toddler watching my father play. I would sit by his side, strategy guide in hand, tattling whatever information he needed. I’ve still got it, even if it’s hardly held together all these years due to how many times I pored over its contents. It’s safe to say Tactics means a ton to me emotionally, and has shaped, for my entire life, what kind of games I enjoy. I have since revisited it a good number of times as I’ve grown up, be it on the PS1, PSP, or other dubious means, all the while my love for it never waning. I suppose now is as good a time as any to explain exactly why.

Nothing has topped Tactics as my favorite Final Fantasy game, and this is due to nearly every facet of it being phenomenal and top-of-the-line, not only in the FF series, but this entertainment medium as a whole. Every person on the development team is extremely talented, and their work in the rest of the franchise henceforth has made waves. Tactics has flaws of course, some of which are egregious and make it obscenely hard to play for those unfamiliar with the genre, however I feel everything else more than makes up for it. "The grandfather of tactical RPGs," some consider it. While I tend not to relish such terminology… I can see where they come from.

Little other games come close to Tactics’ satisfying gameplay and team-building. It truly has it all. Since it operates on a per-unit turn basis as opposed player/enemy/npc phases (ala Fire Emblem) battles are dynamic, fast-paced, and frantic at times. Having low overall unit count adds to the quickness of battles, too, though you’re often outnumbered. The maps are diverse and gorgeous, and provide unique strategic play that will completely depend on your party composition. Unit facing dictates damage and hit rates, environments have elevation differences and hazards, and line of sight is a consideration for projectile-based abilities, so positioning matters more than ever. Maps being fully rotational is very intentional, as there are nooks and crannies that could be hiding foes. There are even items hidden on select tiles that can only be discovered when someone with a very specific ability stands on them… the result of which depends on a certain stat. Point is, there’s a plethora of gameplay mechanics that are fulfilling to learn and take advantage of; it’s so dense I could not possibly cover it all here. For instance, I had no idea about the Zodiac compatibility system until at least a couple playthroughs. Of course, whenever I replay it now, I spend a good half an hour ditching the starting party and tailoring one with optimal Zodiac synergy. There is a solid in-game tutorial at least; something surprisingly uncommon for games back then.

Let’s be real here: the highlight is the job system. Everyone knows it, or at least, I hope they do. Final Fantasy V might pull the job system off better as far as balancing goes, but the foundation of Tactics’ battle system and how said jobs are able to be utilized in a strategy RPG setting is what pulls it ahead of all other incarnations for me. I actually think the lack of balancing is a strength in a way, due to the game being so easy to break with certain class and ability combinations. I won’t get into the most grotesquely-powerful ones for spoilers’ sake, but it’s genuinely a ton of fun finding new ways to bend the game’s balance in your favor. “Muh replay value” except it’s actually legit here. The job sprites and portraits themselves are adorable as well. Chock full of passion and character. That extends to the artstyle as a whole, actually. It should be mentioned that the act of grinding is a bit funny, with the gaining of JP being tied to the actions you take, as opposed to the battles you win, so you end up whaling on your own party members while the sole remaining enemy is tortured, rendered completely unable to fight back, or both.

I am likely taking for granted a lot of Tactics’ ingenuity, having been around it almost my entire life, so if there’s one thing to take away, it's that it's damn fun. I can pick apart the intricacies all day, but that fact remains. One thing it isn’t though, is perfect.

A poorly utilized function of the job system are the human enemies fought, both in random encounters and story missions. While their primary jobs are fixed, I’m fairly certain that every single other ability of theirs is randomized. I’m an advocate for the unpredictable, however this causes them to either never take advantage of their full kit or be incredibly weak with their secondary abilities. An enemy summoner receiving the Aim command is either never going to be able to use it, or use it so poorly they open themselves up for a OHKO because they’re a squishy mage who decided to approach your dual-wielding brawler ninja. This is much more apparent in the mid to end-game, where your party is reaching its penultimatum, while enemies retain their relatively primitive ability setups. At the very least they’ve got good equipment to steal/catch.

I also don’t like the Gained JP UP passive ability. Yes, this incredibly specific one in particular that’s worth an entire paragraph in this review. It’s available to everyone the moment they’re recruited with minimal investment, and is basically opportunity cost if you don’t use it, since all it does is make the game slower if you wish to learn more abilities and make unique builds utilizing other passives. Romha- er, “mods,” that remove this ability and/or simply make its effects innate to every character receive my highest praise.

The balancing as far as difficulty goes is a different beast. Everything else is a nitpick compared to this. There exist such incredibly steep difficulty spikes that one has to wonder what the developers were thinking. Dorter Slums and the Execution Site are a couple of these spikes, but they feel fair and are knowledge checks to see if you’re learning the game and experimenting with jobs. Wiegraf 1v1 and the whole Riovanes Castle sequence though? Yeesh. Every playthrough I spend preparing for them, and I can only imagine how jarring it must be for someone playing for the first time, since I’ve really never gotten to play it blind. This isn’t even getting into how it’s possible to softlock oneself in these battles due to how the in-between battle saving works. It’s become common rhetoric to keep multiple save files when playing Tactics, and this is why. I do it in other games too, whenever it’s possible… just in case. Legit PTWD (Post Traumatic Wiegraf Disorder). I don’t care about this as much as the difficulty spikes, but near the end of the game - depending on how you built your team - everything becomes about overpowering and brute forcing enemies rather than strategic play. Orlandeau is a common stickler for this point, however him being busted beyond belief is for narrative's sake. Anyone else can become juggernauts on the battlefield with the right abilities. It isn’t difficult to achieve this, either, so whenever I replay, I tend to limit myself, steal gear, and/or find hidden items to add more layers of strategy. The difficulty curve, or lack thereof, is the main deterrent I find when recommending more people to play it.

Throughout the story and optional side quests, unique guest characters are recruited, and overshadow generics due to their base classes being oftentimes very powerful. I still like making unique builds with them, even though they can carry themselves quite effectively by default. As mentioned previously, Orlandeau is infamous for breaking the game’s balance in two, so much so in fact that I feel like he’s an apology for the pain players endure in the first half of Chapter 4, however nerfing him in a hypothetical remake would downtrod on his immense strength that the narrative spends so long talking up. Not to mention he’s completely optional to use and deploy. Nowadays I tend to strip him of his gear and send him to the bench for the added challenge if nothing else; Excalibur makes anyone busted. I have a particular fondness for Mustadio, because guns are cool. Yeah, this game has guns. He makes for an amazing support unit that can dish out serious damage once elemental ones start to become available.

Tactics features permadeath, which results in all recruited characters eventually fading into narrative obscurity once they’re no longer relevant to the plot. Kind of a shame but it’s understandable. It’s very convoluted to account for every given scenario where certain characters might not even be recruited/alive. This aspect ultimately doesn’t take away from much, and that’s because everything else about the plot is stellar. It’s taught me more about class struggles and religious dogma than any history and government class I’ve been in. The twists hit incredibly hard, and the epic moments are genuinely so. Realizing there’s an entire demonic scheme involving the church that’s happening below the central political strife is such an incredible revelation. It sticks the landing too with the ending! For those who want to dig for the details, it’s possible to read up on the history of Ivalice via in-game entries and rumors to gain a further understanding of the game’s current and past events. After all this time, having experienced hundreds of other games and movies and shows, it remains the case that Tactics’ plot is intricate, gripping, mature, and legitimately one of the best in any form of media I’ve experienced.

It wouldn’t be nearly as good as it is without the excellently-written Ramza and Delita, protagonist and deuteragonist, respectively. Despite playing and experiencing events through the former, Delita receives so much development and characterization that it feels wrong to relegate him as anything other than a protagonist. The two play off each other masterfully. It’s hard to get into detail without spoiling (so I won't) but these two have solidified themselves as one of my favorite duos in all of gaming. To this day, people discuss them, and the game is over two-and-a-half decades old. The villains are particularly well-written, too. A lot of moral gray area makes them interesting to have to deal with, to say the least. No one gets a happy ending in this tale.

I suppose this is when the translation should be brought up. It’s so bad it’s good, and has brought unto us a good handful of hilariously iconic lines. I think it does its job though; it’s mostly the spell call-outs that are oddly worded. With how deep the plot and characters are, I think Tactics definitely deserved a better translation. Think somewhere along the lines of Vagrant Story’s… and that’s where the War of the Lions remake came in. The entire script had been uprooted and given a shiny new Shakespearean coat of paint, which is better in a lot of aspects, but it softens the blows of some of the more famous quotes of the original due to how flowery the words are. “Animals have no God!!” is punchier than “The Gods have no eyes for chattel,” among others.

Not exactly sure where to slot this in, but Tactics’ music is… oh my god. Even after these last couple decades, I have never gotten tired of listening to it. Legitimately every track is bound to instill some sort of emotion, be that through its palpable battle tracks or the crushingly melancholic ones. It’s CRIMINAL that many of them play for only one or two battles at most, but I’d wager that makes them hit even harder. I had considered listing out my favorites, though I fear it’d turn out to be quite literally everything. Antipyretic, Under the Stars, and Ovelia's Worries are personally notable due to their sheer tonal shifts midway through. Damn it, I did it anyway. If “punctual” could have a new definition, it’d be Tactics’ soundtrack.

On second thought, there can be two definitions, and that would have to be the sound design. Very likely the punchiest and most unique in any game I’ve played. Scoring a critical hit as the screen does a sudden zoom-in absolutely sells the impact. Even stuff like doors closing, or drawbridges opening, sound real neat. I have the “grope” noise ingrained into my subconscious. I imitated it out loud while typing that. IYKYK. It’s an utter shame that the War of the Lions remake butchered the audio quality… it’s like MiDi vs orchestral, except applied to every sound in the game; all of the echo is gone. What’s left are weak and shrill sound effects that, at their worst, are genuinely painful to the ears. It makes it hard to recommend over the original. So I just don’t.

Tactics does so, so many things right; I do not kid when I claim it to be superior to most - dare I say, all - numbered Final Fantasy entries. The gameplay is too tight, the plot is too deep, and the characters are too compelling for me to think otherwise. So, I hope I can speak for a lot of people when I say we're praying for some sort of rerelease that will feature the original’s sound quality as well as WotL’s content, or something along those lines. Tactics deserves to be experienced by a wider audience.

Wow this took me forever. Stopped and restarted this like 3 separate times but I finally cranked it out. Love the job system. This is probably in my top 3 FF games. There's some egregious difficulty spikes here and there but the worst case I just had to grind for two hours. I definitely get why people are so obsessed with this game since there's so many possible ways you could beat it but yeah it's excellent.

My #1 game of all time. The story is superb and the various twists and turns made an impression on my 9 year old brain, who wasn't used to such a thing. The tactical nature was a fun addition to the franchise, and the job system adds a lot of replayability. Add the music and some well written characters and it all comes together for me

i love this game, someday ill finish, PROMISE!!!! I have it on ps2 and android now....

I think this is a very cool game. I adored the pixel art and the music of it so much. I also really liked the story and found it much for unique than I originally thought it would be. However, I did also find it a little difficult to get to grips with, but that makes sense considering how many tactics games have released since this one.

completed through emulation. Was really enjoyable.

FF Tactics is brutal, in every sense. It's one of the hardest games I've ever played for sure.

Yet it was so worth it.

The game is merciless but allows you an insane amount of freedom in the building of each of your units that by the time you do get that absolutely broken build you've wished you had the entire game, you'll be in heaven.

Couple that with a rich story with a very heavy ending, that, will leave your reflecting on for days, did Delita do the right thing? Will the people one day awake to the fact that Ramza was the hero, or is he condemned to be shunned by history? Do the end justifies the mean?

Not everyone will love this game, I myself got quite frustrated at it sometimes, but I can only respect such unfiltered artistic vision.

Still one of the strongest stories in the franchise.

At no point in the second half of this game did I have the slightest clue what was going on with the story, but I had a great time regardless!

Lento y soso como pocos que recuerdo.

Good Game, Vandal Hearts is better tho :o <3