Reviews from

in the past

Playing on Atari 50, my goal with this one was to be decent enough to hit extended play. That turned out to be a tough task! I would have pumped plenty of quarters into this one in the attempt and probably would never make it with the intended 2-player co-op.

Once again, I can see this as a potential inspiration for many games to come. The graphical detail is also a leap forward from the likes of, say, Sprint 8. But it seems to me to be missing one obvious component: there's no firefighting elements, at all. Might as well call it "runaway tractor-trailer." I guess it might have been beyond the capabilities of the time to have a water hose effect, let alone fires to put out.

Played as part of Atari 50.

Very much get the feeling that this just isn't the same single player as it would be co-op. The computer-controlled second player lags behind your inputs in a predictable but annoying way which forces you to oversteer a lot of the time. Add to that the tiny viewport making reaction to obstacles really tough and it's not much more than a novelty, with the full-screen nature of Sprint 8 still keeping it safely as my favorite racing game so far. But this could probably be fun if you had two people really locked in on it!

The concept of maximizing your speed and overall score by cooperating with another player is actually quite neat. Those crash scenes are pretty startling though.