Reviews from

in the past

Joguei uma partida, morri, fechei e explodi a sede da EpicGames com uma banana

Definitely better than last season, in-which the only thing of note was that they nerfed MUD, but so far this doesn't have a ton to really keep me hooked, and the battle pass kinda blows.

BR isn't even worth playing anymore for the most part I only play prop hunt, I can't stop hearing the prop ping please make it stop

not as dogshit as the last season, but honestly i cant really even say much else about it. its just more fortnite on this shit map

Very good in terms of gameplay, one of the worst battle passes tho

Game 1
4th place
5 Eliminations
2 Assists
1269 Damage to Players
16 Headshots

Game 2
37th place
3 Eliminations
0 Assists
976 Damage to Players
13 Headshots

Game 3
3rd place
4 Eliminations
2 Assists
936 Damage to Players
4 Headshots

Game 4
21st place
4 Eliminations
1 Assist
307 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 1
3rd place
6 Eliminations
3 Assists
1938 Damage to Players
13 Headshots

Game 2
48th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
305 Damage to Players
152 Headshots

Game 3
48th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
324 Damage to Players
7 Headshots

Game 4
16th place
3 Eliminations
2 Assists
1666 Damage to Players
25 Headshots

Game 5
#1 Victory Royale
8 Eliminations
4 Assists
2995 Damage to Players
18 Headshots

Game 1
6th place
8 Eliminations
2 Assists
1967 Damage to Players
17 Headshots

Game 2
28th place
1 Eliminations
0 Assists
187 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 3
2nd place
4 Eliminations
2 Assists
1658 Damage to Players
19 Headshots

Game 4
7th place
7 Eliminations
0 Assists
1795 Damage to Players
27 Headshots

Game 1
31th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
486 Damage to Players
3 Headshots

Game 2
49th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
104 Damage to Players
3 Headshots

Game 3
37th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
671 Damage to Players
9 Headshots

Game 4
51st place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
259 Damage to Players
2 Headshots

Game 5
46th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
488 Damage to Players
1 Headshots

Game 6
12th place
4 Eliminations
3 Assists
1308 Damage to Players
6 Headshots

Game 7
39th place
1 Eliminations
1 Assists
338 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 8
24th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
229 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 9
31st place
1 Eliminations
0 Assists
308 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 1
3rd place
4 Eliminations
2 Assists
1342 Damage to Players
13 Headshots

Game 2
#1 Victory Royale
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
924 Damage to Players
4 Headshots

Game 3
11th place
6 Eliminations
3 Assists
1444 Damage to Players
22 Headshots

Game 4
46th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
97 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 5
25th place
3 Eliminations
1 Assists
1180 Damage to Players
17 Headshots

Game 6
31st place
3 Eliminations
1 Assists
874 Damage to Players
5 Headshots

great season so glad they made the game fun again

but now that you've added Michael Myers you need to keep going and give me Ghostface

A big improvement over last season, even tho I wished it did more. Even with its improvements to the loot pool and poi’s, the lack of new content really made this season just a very average one to go through. Overall, A lukewarm way to end a lukewarm chapter.

this is literally the worst season fortnite has ever made. Wich one am I talking about? any of them, each season it gets worst, thank god this is the last one (@KawRejsGoms destroyed the epic games headquarters with a banana) (read his review for a better understanding)

(AS OF 08/31) This one is pretty fun good job epic games

Game 1
26th place
4 Eliminations
0 Assists
650 Damage to Players
15 Headshots

Game 2
86th place
1 Elimination
0 Assists
162 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Did the first set of quests and...ehhhhhhhh. Not really a fan of the heists and will pretty much only be returning to the places surrounding them for quests. I don't like fighting NPCs in these games, 99 opponents is enough, thanks. It's still fun enough and the new weapons are decent even if they don't add much to the overall feel like last seasons broken shit. Battle pass is fun with some decent cosmetics. Honestly just looking forward to the update that gets rid of/shrinks the shitty forest area. Also you're losing a point for reminding me Ice Spice is a thing. Fuck you.

P.S between the manga's final saga going strong, the introduction of Gear 5 in the anime, and the well received live action series, this is the season we get a One Piece collab, right? RIGHT?

Game 1
49th place
1 Eliminations
0 Assists
262 Damage to Players
1 Headshots

Game 2
37th place
0 Eliminations
1 Assists
25 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 3
50th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
0 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 4
48th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
622 Damage to Players
4 Headshots

Game 5
44th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
251 Damage to Players
2 Headshots

Game 6
15th place
4 Eliminations
3 Assists
1248 Damage to Players
5 Headshots

Game 7
22nd place
1 Eliminations
0 Assists
247Damage to Players
2 Headshots

Game 8
20th place
3 Eliminations
1 Assists
654 Damage to Players
5 Headshots

Game 9
49th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
28 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 10
45th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
648 Damage to Players
7 Headshots

Game 1
34th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
307 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 2
26th place
3 Eliminations
0 Assists
957 Damage to Players
7 Headshots

Game 3
35th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
572 Damage to Players
4 Headshots

Game 4
39th place
3 Eliminations
0 Assists
480 Damage to Players
4 Headshots

Game 5
18th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
629 Damage to Players
2 Headshots

Game 6
7th place
3 Eliminations
5 Assists
1512 Damage to Players
9 Headshots

Game 7
5th place
5 Eliminations
1 Assists
1041 Damage to Players
9 Headshots

Game 8
12th place
5 Eliminations
0 Assists
1809 Damage to Players
11 Headshots

Game 9
34th place
0 Eliminations
1 Assists
69 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 10
4th place
8 Eliminations
1 Assists
2224 Damage to Players
35 Headshots

Game 1
29th place
5 Eliminations
4 Assists
1529 Damage to Players
15 Headshots

Game 2
3rd place
2 Eliminations
1 Assists
305 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 3
45th place
2 Eliminations
1 Assists
501 Damage to Players
5 Headshots

Game 4
3rd place
9 Eliminations
1 Assists
2587 Damage to Players
22 Headshots

Better than season 3, we're back

Good season until Deku Smash was brought back. It gets two and a half stars because the weapon pool is actually pretty decent and fun sometimes

Game 1
12th place
6 Eliminations
2 Assists
1244 Damage to Players
6 Headshots

Game 2
16th place
3 Eliminations
4 Assists
1376 Damage to Players
5 Headshots

Game 3
50th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
0 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 4
6th place
6 Eliminations
1 Assists
1202 Damage to Players
4 Headshots

Game 5
9th place
5 Eliminations
0 Assists
1252 Damage to Players
7 Headshots

Game 6
50th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
142 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 7
2nd place
6 Eliminations
5 Assists
1978 Damage to Players
15 Headshots

I started playing this late—which is when all the tryhards pop up, so I didn't enjoy Last Resort as much as I wanted to. I don't like the heists and the quests still suck. I guess the thing I liked most about this season was the loot pool, but there weren't many stand out weapons for me outside of the drum gun, stake shotgun, and katana. I don't care for this season too much but it's way better than the last one. With the bad things I've heard about the upcoming nostalgia bait season, I don't think I'll look forward to it. Cherish these last few days while you can.

December 1st, 2023 update:

Another "meh" season saved by its collaborations and loot pool.

Rocket Ram is GOATed.

The loot pool is better and the swamp area being somewhat shrunken down (or at least less focused on) help make the core game itself more fun to actually play this season, but everything else surrounding it still remains really eh compared to the previous seasons. The battle pass still wasn't good enough to warrant spending for, alongside the seasonal quests being formatted in a really strange way that hinders doing multiple tasks in one match if you could survive doing so. I don't understand this generation of shooters having an obsession with this godawful Hulu ass UI design because the lobby didn't need changing to this massive scrolling list that actively hides the core gamemodes (what the hell, Epic?), the already mentioned quest and map menus should have gotten changes instead.

Epic in general feels like they're struggling to both maintain a playerbase as well as making sure they keep spending money. The massive layoffs at the company that got media attention outside of the game is one thing, but you can also see it in the game itself with things like forcing in incentives for Crew subscriptions to be recurring rather than subbing for a month and immediately cancelling for one skin, a pass and some currency. Crossovers seem to be dwindling down now that other companies are seemingly less interested in Fortnite trying to be this massive "metaverse" that it kept trying to be advertised as. The UI redesign was clearly to encourage more playtime in the Creative worlds, but Roblox this ain't and I just don't get why Epic doesn't seem to understand this. Fortnite at its core is a genuinely very good third person shooter, it should keep sticking with what its good at rather than trying to be this bizarro multi-game engine that it will never be able to compete with the bigwigs on, especially when it's nowhere near as accessible as its competitors are in terms of platforms and hardware requirements.

honestly i probably spent more time on that horde rush mode they added midway through than the actual battle royale mode itself