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in the past

Like all good trilogies, this ends with the third one.

Everything is nicely connected, characters return, TWISTS HAPPEN, jobs change, bad rooms are entered, hats are stolen and/or worn, poems are written, and a scooter is rode. My God, is a scooter ever rode.

I don’t know how you could ever make a longer experience out of these games, and I don’t care to imagine, but it does seem a crime that our time with Frog Detective ends here.

crime is, of course, not real, and I should not have made up this crime. I am sorry.

As the final game in the trilogy you can really feel the love that was put into this project to make it remembered
with new abilities and a bigger map.

also pretty shot and not overstaying its welcome
lovely dialogue and memorable characters with wonderful design as the other games
funny conversations and plot by the lovely Grace.

Thank you for a nice little adventure

Igual de carismático y divertido que los dos juegos anteriores pero ahora con una notable mejora en los "valores de producción" y con un scooter muy mono. En general la trilogía entera está llena de diálogos tontunos y divertidos que valen bastante la pena.


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i love this series it means so much to me and frog detective wearing a hat made me cry

A gripping mystery that will change the way you view the world. The perfect ending to the trilogy

Everyone should play this

My god he’s done it again, another great case solved by the even greater Frog Detective, way to go champ.

Love wins! I love cute little gay frog detectives

Thats the last time I ever ignore a request from the internet for my banking info

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- Another great game, but does not reach the highs of the second one

i can't deny it; this game rocks. it is hilarious. it has a scooter. frog.

it has everything a good game needs.

"Prison is bad" - Frog Detective.

um bom fechamento pra trilogia, diferente do 2 ele tem um cast bem carismático e tem mecânicas mais divertidas, infelizmente ele ainda tem o caderno e talvez pra alguns fique chato fazer a mesma coisa que fez nos outros 2 jogos e isso pode fazer pessoas desistirem de jogar antes de chegarem na parte boa o final, um final aconchegante e intrigante pros padrões da serie que faz você sentir que valeu a pena passar por os pop up do caderno durante o jogo vale a pena

Best one yet, fuck cops. Seriously a great example of color and writing and completeness of a small game without over-polishing or overdoing anything really. Very cute.

Miles better than Frog Detective 1 and 2 simply because of the introduction of the little scooter! I actually enjoyed this one, so I’m happy that the third installment wasn’t a let-down like the first two.

This is the high point of an already pretty fun series. Sure, they're simplistic games, but Frog Detective is an incredibly lovable character and I'm so happy with how this trilogy wrapped up.

this game has everything. plot twists, commentary on bureaucratic and police corruption, prison abolition, THREE credit sequences, and most important, a frog doing scooter tricks in the wild west

The stunning conclusion to a violent thriller series about a grimy frog just trying to make the world a better place, one mystery at a time. Will Frog Detective solve the last mystery, or succumb to the corruption that has been plaguing every town he passes through?
Stay Tuned.

Este juego calienta el corazón y purifica el alma.

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They gave this frog a gay love story and it really doesn't get any better than that.

got all the achievemtns hehehehehehe

frog detective said abolish prisons :)

adorable. i cried. agh i love frog detective :)

One of the best games I've ever played, hands down.

What a great way to end the trilogy. The writing is the best it's been, with some genuinely great subversion. I had a big dumb grin on my face basically the whole way through.