Reviews from

in the past

legal no inicio mas com o tempo fica chato

A simple yet satisfying experience. Before I 100% this game, it was my go-to when I wanted to just relax and turn off my brain for a bit. Sometimes I'll still go back a play through a run from time to time.

This game is insanely barebones but because I just make up stories in my head it becomes very fun.

There's nothing special or memorable to take note about this game but just nice to run it to the end.

A Porra Games fez muito sucesso no ramo dos videos games sendo seu maior sucesso de vendas o "Dom Porra 3"

here are the reviews for our latest game: Game Dev Tycoon
Electric Gaming - 8/10: I really enjoyed it!
National Games Grid - 6/10: The in game time is just too fast.

yada yada yada you get it. overall, pretty fun little game to get on a sale, though it is one of those games that are more fun to watch than to play

one day, 12 hours played (Y)

Very nice game if not a bit barebones, the stories that I crafted in my head really elevated the experience

Played this instead of paying attention in any of my gamedev classes

A decent little way to spend an afternoon. In the grand scheme of simulation games, this one feels a bit simple and reductive. It strips down and simplifies the art of game development as a means of streamlining the experience, but in doing so, it cuts out a lot of the replayability and the players ability to create their own success stories, due to the fact that what is or isn't successful is determined by a set of hard and fast rules discovered by doing sales reports on prior titles. If you buy it on sale, you'll have a fun couple hours naming your games nasty sex puns or something, but I don't find too much entertainment value beyond that.

I made a studio called Penis and made a game franchise called Cumsock

I like this game, its fun, and, pretty replayable

like its not bad but its fun for about an hour

Es muy fácil decir que este juego es malo por no ser realista, pero considero que es muy divertido de jugar de principio a fin, hay poca queja por mi parte, que a ratos el juego se vuelve un poco un trámite hasta que das con la tecla pero no sé, el loop me gusta.

depois de falir 5 empresas ininterruptamente, eu cansei de jogar e nunca mais toquei

È muito divertido mas enjoa depois de um tempo

-Great simulation;
-Enjoyable story;
-Worthwhile post-game progression;
-Awesome workshop support

Simple, but very fun and addictive. I come back to this game at least once a year. It's short enough that you can beat it in 1-2 sittings, but is highly replayable.

It's fun but you basically just have to follow the IRL trends from whatever time period you're in and you can kinda cheat your way through the game. I wish that you had to actually do research to gauge what games people actually want.

Pretty fun little tycoon game. I love playing this while listening to music/podcasts or watching something. It’s just fun to click around and make a bunch of silly games. Once or twice a year I play this for an afternoon and have a good time.

It’s pretty barebones, which I personally like. It’s kind of like a game of CIV 5, where I’m just kinda going through the motions after playing it so many times. Every playthrough is similar, but no playthrough is exactly the same.

It's always a nice time to come back to this every few years and sink a good few hours of a day into finishing the main game before giving up and completely bankrupting your company for the hell of it