Reviews from

in the past

For the love of god please just play it

This is a review of the entire question arcs, i made one for each chapter so if you want my screaming individual opinions go there.

Higurashi When They Cry Question Arcs is a new experience for me, even if i did play some VN before, nothing was like these. To me, the first 4 arcs are basically horror stories, but after advancing through the series, they are not scary because of the horror elements (even though it's pretty amazing how much of an immersive experience they are), it's in the title: question arcs. Humans like do racionalize things, when you can't you will be scared. It's impossible for me to experience the story again with the same feelings, because i now know everything, so they are at the very core a big maze of mysteries for the author to challenge you with, and that's where the game is.

The story itself is made of a lot of pretty high moments and very bad lows, the slice of life it's important so you can care about the characters but i do think it's too much sometimes.

There is not much to talk without spoilers, so what i can say is that if you like mystery stories, to have an immersive experience enviroment, read it. Ryukishi did a very good job and you will not left dissapointed, just be aware that your finger will hurt a lot.

This is a very long visual novel, expect to spend a couple of months reading the question arcs.
This novel is a horror murder mystery. The first four arcs give you all the mysteries and the last four arcs answer them. I recommend trying to formulate theories and share them with friends. It makes the experience much more interesting.

The higurashi weren't the only thing that cried.(I did, it's me, I sobbed like a little baby.)

All the praise it gets is so well deserved. A VN the mystery it provides is incredible, with each arc providing a different scenario that makes one question whats real or not, and how it all fits.
Whilst I'm not sure if overlooked, the sound design is also amazing, making good use of enviornment SFX to set tones, whether its by overloading the players senses with the msuic of cicadas, or creapping into a deadly silent atmosphere and vice versa, it just does it so well and has stuck with me since.

Ojii-san, pare de falar dos meus pentelhos.

I like the question arcs. The 3rd one is my least favorite, but they're all solid overall

it's a... pretty long vn and takes alot of time for it to piece things together, but when it does, it is excellently written

An intriguing odyssey into madness and paranoia, interspliced with heartwarming odes to friendship, and the beauty of community. not fond of its pacing however.

ive loved this series for a LONG, long time now; i found it through the anime, way back when i was still a kid in elementary school, way too young to really understand the story it was trying to tell and largely into it because "oo scary blood cool !!!"

revisiting it as an adult, and reading the games subsequently, was the best possible decision. it + umineko share the same space in my heart. i cannot choose between them theyre both incredible. augh.

If I can bring myself to truly love one of you, know that it is because of this game.

This is a difficult one to review, because Higurashi has high highs and low lows. If I added my scores for each episode all up together, I doubt the average rating would actually equal 4.5 stars, but when taken as a full story, Higurashi is a master of its craft and there's no denying that. It's bloated and frustrating at times and probably could have been told in half the length without sacrificing any detail or quality, but when it goes big, it's truly a spectacle to behold.

This review contains spoilers

keiichi maebara is the most goated man in existence

Un poulet s'est évadé de l'enclos des fat sexy chicken, le voici

Très certainement l'histoire de fiction tout support confondu qui m'aura le plus marqué, brillante, profonde et rempli de rebondissements, on passe par littéralement toutes les émotions. Durant ces près de 100h de lecture, on est plongé dans une ambiance unique du village d'hinamizawa. Quand tu finit enfin cette grande aventure t'a vraiment l'impression d'avoir vécu une Oeuvre avec un grand O, rien a dire vraiment, je me rappelerai de cette histoire toute ma vie...

Tem seus fortes e fracos, Onikakushi-hen mesmo tendo um começo lento é uma introdução mt boa, Watanagashi-hen é peak e Himatsubushi-hen é uma conclusao boa pra essa metade da história. Lendo a adaptação pela primeira vez, to achando a história mt bem mais contada, sem pressa e com muito mais tensão sendo criada pelos monólogos. obviamente não é 10/10 mas é mt mt bom msm

So far as humble beginnings go, this is as humble as it gets. Though for all intents and purposes, Higurashi's Question Arcs are effectively the trojan horse that prepares you for the 'tour de force' that is the Answer Arcs, so long as you're actively trying to engage with the material beyond the surface.

Pretty well put together mystery. Each chapter gives slight clues to work with on slowly figuring out some parts of the mystery, but nothing is ever so huge or obvious you can make any deduction with absolutely certainty, and I think that’s the goal mysteries should strive for.

Additionally some of the narratives for the individual chapters are quite middling, with slow pacing particularly in the early to middle portions, but each Question Arc chapter is less about attempting to be their own complete narrative and rather fulfill a specific purpose in the mystery and the overarching narrative of all the chapters.

Also Hello! from the original soundtrack fucks so hard idk why they’d replace it in the steam release…

The latest visual novel I have completed. (4/3/2024) Personal Fave.

Ah, what a nightmare this series is. See, Higurashi has been rotting in my steam wishlist for almost a decade at this point because buying it is a fucking menace. What's Higurashi Hou? What's Higurashi Rei? Rei+? Isn't there a single game I can buy with everything in it? Nope! And some chapters never got translated at all so you gotta mod them in, and some chapters aren't even in the mod! It was a lot, but after seeing Umineko getting more and more popular I bit the bullet and bought the full collection. I think this is the proper thing to review for the first 4 chapters but the fourth chapter is kinda a side story and not considered part of the real question arcs-whatever! God!
Anyway, Higurashi! One of the most beloved VNs ever made and one of the hardest to get into because it's very very wordy. Took me about 22 hours to finish the question arcs and I'm a very fast reader. Normally fluff doesn't bother me too much in vns but this game's pace at the start of the first three chapters is absolutely glacial. Probably doesn't help that the game repeats the same joke (male character is horny in extravagant way) in every comedy section a whole lot. I really didn't care much for the slice of life sections by the end, but they only really exist to set up the horror part. I'd be a lot less generous to it if it wasn't in service of rebuilding a sense of normalcy.
And man, once that normalcy breaks, each chapter is uniquely captivating. It's soooo good. The suspense is fantastic, and the overarching mystery knows exactly where to poke and prod to make you throw out all your theories again and again. I don't know if the answers arcs will be satisfying, but if the writing is of the same quality I can't imagine they're going to be anything less than fantastic.

Kinda hit or miss and long length isn't fully justified, eps 3, 5, 7, and 9 are my favorites

Overall review of all 8 Chapters and Rei. Have yet to complete the Console Arcs. Great sound novel with great twists aside from a few hiccups like how little clues were given towards who the true villain really was. But overall, I recommend. Please use the 07th mod for better UI, sprites, backgrounds and voice acting!