Reviews from

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aqua with cat ears like if you agree

Démo technique sympa, avant de jouer aux autres KH.

cool tech demo but i probably wouldve rather just watched the 5 minutes of plot relevant cutscenes on youtube

Tech Demo que resume bem a gameplay que virá para o terceiro jogo, não tem muito o que dizer.

Fantastic Prologue to Kingdom Hearts 3, this is just an amazing short and sweet 2-3 hour game, it is said to be a "Demo" for KH3, where it give a hint of the mechanics and new visuals with the Unreal Engine, and let me say it looks CRISPY and Amazing. I started to like Aqua's character alot, shes Strong as hell, both with magic and mentally, and she's gorgeous.

Can't wait to dump 100 hours into Kingdom Hearts 3!

Catgirl Aqua. I rest my case

(In all seriousness a good tech demo for an engine Square would eventually drop for Unreal Engine 4 for KH3 which was the best decision. Terra and Ven looked awful in this lighting engine)

Eu tenho a impressão que esse jogo roda em uns 20 fps, pq não tem sensação de fluidez nenhuma. Os cenários são belos, muito bonito mesmo, mas o jogo ser tão curtinho (2 horas), me faz esquecer a maioria dos pontos positivos.

é so uma passagem, MAS QUE PASSAGEM FODA, o jogo apresenta como será kh3, e cumpre bem seu papel.

I hoped it was a full game or a part of Kh3.

taking off his shirt for continuity

Fun little side story to get you ready for KH 3. I've been playing all the handheld games I missed to get ready for 3 and this was the final KH game I hadn't played.

Given it's short length (about one typical world in a full game) it felt more like a tease than a complete game. However what it teased was great. The graphics are phenomenal and the combat/movement systems were smooth and precise. This did get me very stoked for KH3.

it's a 2 hour demo for KH3 what do you expect
has cat ears tho

the cat ears were worth the 2 hours

ok, just made me booba at kh3 graphics

a glorified demo that gets credit because my girl aqua got the screen time she deserves after her campaign in BBS being so so, 2 extra hours to be specific and a catgirl hat. still, epic game has no excuses for this port to be so lackluster, no configurations menu what you see is what you get

I genuinely have no opinion on this game but if I had to rate it ig id give it 3 stars

Looked gorgeous and played just as well. Shame it all led up to nothing.

neat tech demo, nothing more, nothing else