Reviews from

in the past

Recuerdos de la infancia, un juego que tengo que jugar cada x tiempo por los buenos momentos.

This game plays even better on this modern adaption. Fixed the whole press R2 and L2 to move the camera issue.

Overrated. Hasn't aged well in my opinion.

I think a majority of the fun I could have had with this game was lost when I decided to play it on proud mode, because this game does not feel like it was meant to have a hard mode. It wasn't too bad at the start, but the final 10 hours or so was just filled with incredibly stupid deaths and bosses that have moves that do an insane amount of damage and are hard to dodge. A few of the bosses do feel like they benefit from being made harder, but then I regret everything again when I got to that one hallway at the end where it felt like enemies never stop spawning while a door slowly opened. That hall was probably the most I died in a single room, and none of those deaths felt fair in the slightest.

This review contains spoilers

I'll be honest, I couldn't finish it
I reached end of the world, beat Chernabog, but I couldn't beat the waves of foes... end of the world one of worst Levels in games.

so, I watched the Remaining half of the game, that's it

for the combat system some times it's so annoying
for the story is so boring with some cringy moments

there's some great worlds in the game like Halloween Town
and of course the trashy ones like Atlantica

for the enemys, they're good
but not when they respawn in way that can't let heal or not get damaged while moving (that's the reason I couldn't finish the end of the world)

for the boss not all of them are that good
specially Atlantica boss ans Chernabog some others

I hope the next kingdom hearts game that I'll play will be good..

Ok its not perfect I know, I love this game a lot. Had the PS2 version as a kid but never beat it till playing this version, combat is solid for the first game in the series and music is amazing. I don't know why I decided to 100% this game but man it was a long grind.

"Remember, Sora. You are the one who will open the door to the light."

Sim vadias, eu chorei com jogo de criança.

Meu primeiro contado com a série Kingdom Hearts foi no terceiro game, não tinha entendido absolutamente nada então foi uma péssima primeira impressão.

Quando finalmente decidi começar do início, o estrago foi feito. Simplesmente encantador, cada momento desse game é delicioso, Tetsuya Nomura você é O cara.

Ele simplesmente misturou Disney e Final Fantasy e acabou criando uma das maiores franquias de RPG que eu já tive o prazer de jogar.

Acredito que mtos não levam a sério a franquia por se tratar de personagens da Disney, bom, não sabem oq estão perdendo. O game é um ótimo RPG, inclusive bem desafiador em diversos momentos dependendo da dificuldade escolhida, se misturar com universo Disney só torna tudo mais mágico.

Se você é uma dessas pessoas, apenas de uma chance que garanto que vai se divertir.

A really cool ARPG battle system that I felt I used to it's full extent by the end of my Proud difficulty playthrough. At times I felt like I was playing Shin Megami Tensei, what with dying in 2-3 hits and needing to cast defensive magic constantly to offset it. Way past the point of no return I was begging for an option to switch difficulty mid-playthrough. It's a shame that the options seem to be 'extremely easy' or 'ball-bustingly hard'.

Graphics and effects are gorgeous, perfectly marries the Disney & Squaresoft aesthetic which helps sell the story as well. A perfectly fitting narrative for a kid's game by framing Sora's childlike wonder as a literal force for good with the light/dark analogy. Also appeals to adults who have long lost sight of their inner child; Riku is so dead-set on growing up that he caves in to negativity (Darkness) as a means to an end. A perfect analogy for a game matching universe-ending stakes with Disney cartoons.

Despite never playing this growing up I still think this game is quite special and it makes me wish I knew more about this series before I decided I was too old for it, at least before real adulthood replaced puberty and I got over that.

A magia da Disney, literalmente. Visitar os vários mundos é como recordar os filmes da infância.

¿Qué decir de Kingdom Hearts que no se haya dicho ya? Pues que es una de las franquicias que más han influido a una generación entera, a tener un estilo tan único que es altamente reconocible incluso para gente no metida en el mundo de los videojuegos y una de las mejores bandas sonoras que se han hecho jamás. La saga habrá perdido el rumbo y habrán enrevesado la historia y todo lo que queráis, pero su primera entrega fue todo un bombazo. Incluso su historia me parece fantástica, puesto que aún no habíamos entrado en el terreno pantanoso en el que se metieron después.

Una trama que mezcla a la perfección los mundos Disney con nuestros personajes y los de FF, hay una homogeneidad real y no siento que los personajes sean unos puñeteros intrusos que han sido colocados en las propias cinemáticas de las películas de mala manera como en KH3. No hay ni un sólo mundo que siga a rajatabla los sucesos de su respectiva película y adapta la trama o crea una nueva para que se integre en el universo KH, con los sincorazón y con Sora y compañía.

Por otro lado, la gente echa mucha mierda del sistema de combate, que se siente mucho más ortopédico que lo que después se conseguiría en posteriores entregas, y he de decir que tienen razón pero no del todo. Si el sistema era ortopédico, es más por la cámara que por otra cosa, porque el sistema de bloqueos, parrys y técnicas es muchísimo más complejo de lo que sería después. En KH1 cada golpe que des importa y es mejor medirlos para coordinar perfectamente ciertas acciones, mientras que en otras entregas es más un machacabotones en el que de vez en cuando aparecen comandos de acción. Por eso, cuando entendí el sistema de combate en uno de mis replays, lo supe apreciar incluso más que el de futuras entregas. Sí, no voy a ser hipócrita, es muchísimo más divertido el sistema de KH2 por ejemplo, pero no le quita mérito al experimento que intentaron en KH1.

Y bueno... La banda sonora de Yoko Shimomura es, si no el mejor, de los mejores trabajos que ha hecho en su carrera. Dominar con esa majestuosidad todos y cada uno de los temas de disney que le traen y adaptarlos para que se integren y funcionen en el juego es de otro puto planeta. Pero es que, lejos de que las composiciones de Disney son brillantes, no son NI DE LEJOS lo mejor de la OST. Porque la gente podría decir: "No, es que ya tiene medio trabajo hecho porque los compositores de disney ya hicieron en su momento esas bandas sonoras" y yo pensando: "Es completamente al revés". Al no tener esa libertad creativa y estar limitada en esas OST's, tiene muchísimo más mérito el haber hecho que se integren y funcionen haciendo los cambios justos para que se siga manteniendo la esencia de cada mundo disney. Pero es que luego escuchas las composiciones propias de KH y... Chapeau. Siempre he dicho que es mi compositora favorita, por encima de los compositores de películas y demás, porque con cada una de sus piezas consigue evocarme un sentimiento, un nudo en la garganta y que se me sobrecoja el corazón.

Adoro los primeros Kingdom Hearts, más allá de la nostalgia, porque por culpa de KH3, renegué de la franquicia del cabreo que me pillé. Pero me forcé a ir rejugándolos durante estos años y... Siguen siendo fantásticos.

A vieilli sur certains aspect, mais reste un classique.

Just recently replayed this one, and honestly, it's still one of the strongest in the series. While I think KH2 outshines it, I think KH3 is a bit of a step down, and I'll tell you why. While combat in KH3 is way more fun, KH1 shines in it's other aspects. The Disney worlds actually tie in to this game's overarching story. While that seems like it's not very important, it makes the game feel like a real universe, and every game after this just makes the Disney worlds filler, and it's pointless. But KH1 just has so much charm. So many interactable things in each world, so much character building from the main cast, it's all so much and adds to the charm. It's wonderful, and a great opening to one of the best game series ever. Also the magic system is way better in this game than the other ones. Not sorry.

Not sure how many times I've beaten this game, but it's one of the few that keeps me coming back to it. I've hit quite the slump mentally, especially when it comes to beating games, and all I could think about is KH. It's always been there for me as a kid, as a teen, and now, in my early adulthood. The game means a lot to me; it'll always have a special place in my heart. Honestly, I'm just yearning for more, lol. With that out of the way, let's talk about the platinum journey.

Negatives: the grindy parts. SCREW THAT! That's all I have to say, lol. I honestly quite enjoyed it for the most part. Gummi Ships got quite frustrating, mainly because I couldn't get certain blueprints to drop. Luckily, I wasn't required to get them all on the PS4 version (wish me luck when I attempt the PS3 version...). I quite enjoyed playing the game on Proud Mode for the first time, and hey, I actually improved a lot. Bosses I used to have so much trouble with when I played on Standard went down pretty fast. Guess I finally know what I'm doing, lol. I just really hated parts of Deep Jungle, Neverland, and don't get me started on Atlantica.

The speedrun, no equipment change, and no death run trophies—I did them all on Beginner. Honestly, it wasn't until The End of the World that I had a relatively easy but challenging time with it. It makes me want to attempt an actual speedrun if I'm being honest. I was pretty proud of myself that I was able to pull this off in such a short time. Other than that, I don't know what else to say. I mean, I've been playing this game for years now. I just freaking love it. End message.

There's a lot to talk about in this game. We could talk about the iconic hero's journey Sora goes through. We could talk about how this game effortlessly combines Final Fantasy and Disney into a cohesive story. We could talk about how the levels in this game are so well made with a shit ton of secrets that you could find for the first time in your 5th playthrough. We could talk about how there's different cutscenes depending on the order you play through the worlds. We could talk about how beautifully this game comes together with the combat and story to make something truly special.

Nah, let's just dismiss it cuz it has Disney characters and that's lame. (:

I love Kingdom Hearts so far but the combat and camera are a crime

Even after all these years, I still find the idea of a crossover between Final Fantasy and Disney actually existing to be one of the weirdest things in video games. It is such a weird concept, yet has spawned a 10+ game long series!

At this point Kingdom Hearts may be my most replayed game next to Bloodborne. This was my 6th playthrough I think, and I like it more and more every time I play it! I think it has to do with how the game rewards your knowledge with it. There are secrets spread everywhere around the many worlds you explore, and by this point I know each world really well. It is one of those few games I know the entire layout of in my head.

The gameplay of this game however is very hard to go back to, especially after how much it improves with KH2. Even so I have a soft spot for the simplicity of this game's combat even if it comes down to spamming attack and sometimes casting a Gravity here and there. It definitely isn't as flashy as the series eventually gets but I find it relaxing to fight and grind for all the different materials needed to create the Ultima Weapon.

Speaking of, I really enjoy how this game does its post game! I am one of those who actually enjoys the process of getting synthesis materials. I really like how there are hidden gimmicky minibosses you have to defeat to get some of the materials, it adds some variety to an otherwise very samey combat system. The superbosses are also a very cool addition, and gives you something to actually use the Ultima Weapon on as by the time you've crafted it you'll already be 95% through the game.