Reviews from

in the past

Un juego super amigable en mecánicas y diseño, invita a que perfecciones tus habilidades con cada uno de los poderes para mejorar la experiencia todavía más.
Su mayor pesar es su escaza duración, sin embargo posee un gran factor rejugable si es que deseas explorarlo todo, o ponerte desafios auto impuestos que son mas que interesantes con las posibilidades que te da el juego tanto con los poderes, como con los compañeros. Divertido.

it is okay but kirby is too slow for me

Lots of smaller experiences put into one "collection". Its all a blast till the end.

Aaaahhhh... a time in the video game industry when remakes were actually good instead of feeling like cheap nostalgia bait.

This remake basically rebooted the entire series and for good reason.

The original game stood out for the time as the one installment to feel more like an action game than a platformer, with copy abilities geared more towards combat and a wider range of bosses to use 'em on. The games to follow - Dream Land 3, 64, Amazing Mirror etc - would tone down the copy abilities and shift the series back to platforming and puzzle-solving, but Super Star Ultra brings back the action in a big way. If anything this remake is even more fighty than the original, with all four of the new modes - a harder version of Spring Breeze, a Meta Knight mode, and two alternate Arenas - focus more on the combat than ever before, and to the game's benefit.

Going forward a bit the influence this has had on the following decade or so of Kirby games is clear: Return to Dream Land, Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot, and Star Allies all follow this game's lead, playing similarly and with fleshed-out copy abilities and dynamic bosses keeping the fighting at the forefront. Return to Dream Land in particular, this game's immediate follow-up, even feels like an expanded take on Milky Way Wishes down to the story beats.

While Forgotten Land seems to be the start of a new direction for the franchise, finally moving away from direct responses to Super Star and Super Star Ultra, the influence of this one game can't be ignored and remains an excellent jumping-on point for Kirby as a whole

fun and wholesome; felt too easy for my tastes and got a bit repetitive

I think most Kirby games, even the best ones, feel a bit repetitive by the end. Super Star realizes this and continously shakes up the formula in a way so clever that I'm shocked no game has done it since. Ultra is that but more, with some slightly loose parts tightened up. Played the shit out of it as a kid.

The definitive Kirby experience.

My adoration of crazy time signature usage in music was imprinted into my brain when I fought Marx at the age of 8.

Amazing Kirby game. One of the first Kirby games that I've played.

It's nice to know that my first Kirby game is also the best way to play one of the best Kirby games

Sendo a minha terceira experiência com Kirby, logo depois de Nightmare in Dreamland (que eu terminei) e Epic Yarn (que eu larguei), já deu pra entender a estética e a proposta dos jogos do Kirby, que são basicamente sonhos febris cheios de alucinação e uma dose saudável de ácido. O que eu acho muito legal. O Super Star Ultra foi ainda melhor do que os outros. É um remake de um jogo de SNES que consiste em diversos minigames reunidos num pacote e novidades exclusivas da versão de DS. Dentre esses minigames, alguns são jogos "tradicionais" de Kirby, porém mais curtos, cada um com uma identidade própria, mas todos seguindo a mesma lógica de Kirby plataforma e com o objetivo de serem experiências mais rápidas. Fora esses, tem os minigames "arcade" que giram em torno de obter pontuação ou fazer o melhor tempo. Em geral, uma experiência bastante agradável.

I don’t think any Kirby game is gonna be able to beat this one for me just cause of two things.
1. Pick up and play
2. Replayability
This game is always a blast just to run through quickly on a weekend or just get through one of the many game modes. The music has been greatly enhanced from the original, the graphics greatly enhanced from the original, EVEYTHING was greatly enhanced from the original. This is one of the best remakes I’ve ever seen. I just wish more companies took note of it when trying to remake or even improve an older game.

It’s short, simple, knows what it is and does all of it amazingly. Highly suggest it to anyone looking for a starter Kirby game just as a general intro to the series.

If i could make out with a game it would be this one

One of my all-time favorites. An amazing remake that improves on the original in every way and carries over what makes it so great - an amazing amount of variety, fun controls, and top-tier music

I have yet to finish this game but what I have played has been great. Easily one of the best games in the series.

huge game, made even better with ultra

Kirby Super Star Ultra is everything I love about Kirby Super Star but with a little extra sprinkled in and nicer looking graphics. Love this game.

this was my first ever kirby game and much like pokemon black i am not afraid to admit i am biased. this is my favorite kirby game. though i feel like people won't disagree too much with me on this one. thank you kirby super star ultra, for introducing me to kirby :D

Played this instead of swimming with my family at my cottage.

This is one of the first video games I've ever played, and I think it may the first one that I, myself, owned. It has stood in my heart as my favorite game for many, many years, and I doubt this fact will change any time soon.

Nostalgia aside, it is a legitimately good game. Many Kirby fans consider Super Star to be the best in the series, but I believe that's because they haven't played this remake. It takes everything about the original and improves upon it tenfold while keeping the game in line with the original. It also adds heaps of content that are still iconic to the series, such as Galacta Knight. It's incredible how great this game turned out, and it stands as a constant reminder of what a remake should be.

Even though I've never played Super Star Ultra, this game has always been around in my mind. I always wanted it as a kid, but I was never able to get it. And after all this time, I finally was able to experience this game, and god, I loved it.
I love how this game is structured. Instead of one large game, it's split into 8 smaller games, each with fun spins on the general formula. And because of that, I think it's best to structure this review by looking at each individual game.
Spring Breeze is reminiscent to the original Kirby game for me, 4 levels with bosses at the end of each. I found it to be simple, but really fun! I love how you can create buddies based on the copy abilities you can obtain. And for something that feels reminiscent to the original Kirby that has Copy Abilities included is really fun.
Gourmet Race, is as its name implies, a racing minigame. And I found it to be pretty fun! I really enjoyed how it wasn't just "get to the end to win", as you had to collect more food than King Dedede on top of it. It's pretty quick to beat, but I enjoyed the about ~5 minutes it took me.
Dyna Blade is also like other Kirby titles, but instead of going immediately to the next level, you have an overworld. It was really nice too! You can find secrets in levels to unlock copy ability rooms, and sometimes enemies appear on the overworld. It was pretty neat, and the fight against Dyna Blade herself was really fun.
The Great Cave Offensive is the first that really takes things into a wildly different direction. Instead of going through specific levels, you're in one massive level looking for treasures. And I absolutely love it! I tried my best to get every treasure I came across, and that resulted in me finding 33 of the 60 total treasures. There was a lot I didn't find, and that sense of exploration is amazing to me.
Revenge of Meta Knight has such a small change, but that change entirely changes how you interact with the game. That one change is just giving this game a time limit. It creates this sense of tension, as you need to finish the level as quickly as possible. And the bosses, especially Meta Knight, were all really fun. The Halberd was a great set piece too.
In the original Super Star, Milky Way Wishes was the last game you could play. And god, it has such an interesting idea to boot. The fact you can't copy abilities from enemies, and instead you have to find copy abilities in levels is really fun! The remixed ideas of previously fought bosses is really good, and god. Marx is so cool.
Now, originally I was planning to stop here, as I thought the things after Milky Way Wishes was postgame. However, a friend properly convinced me to continue, and god, I'm glad they did.
Revenge of the King is in the best way to describe it, a remixed, and harder version of Spring Breeze. I really like the remixed versions of previously explored levels, and I love the new versions of the bosses in each level too. Though without a doubt, what made this segment for me was the fight against Masked Dedede, the general presentation of it was so good, it really put the cherry on the cake.
And last but not least, the creme de la creme, is Meta Knightmare Ultra. Playing through the levels of Spring Breeze, Dyna Blade, Great Cave Offensive, Revenge of Meta Knight, and Milky Way Wishes, all back to back, as Meta Knight. Meta Knight feels so damn good to control, and the stuff you can use with Meta Points is so cool, though I really only used them to heal. Trying to beat each level as quickly as possible was really fun. And god, Galacta Knight was so damn worth it. Meta Knightmare Ultra and The Revenge of the King easily pushed this game from a 9 to a 10 for me.
I absolutely loved Kirby Super Star Ultra. I think this may just be my favorite Kirby game. I love the unique ideas each segment of this game has, especially the ones added within Ultra. I can't recommend this game enough.

the gameplay itself is pretty fun but I don't really like the "multiple smaller games that work differently from each other" approach especially cuz I simply don't like the ways Milky Way Wishes and Great Cave Offensive work