Reviews from

in the past

Very fun and charming platformer with a lot of heart to it now may I please speak to the nigga that decided to hurt my heart with that ending

Klonoa is awesome. It's cute, fun, and straightforward and the 2.5D style feels well-executed and utilized. The art style and music are beautiful, something about this era of PS1 games feels special. But damn that ending tho... :'(

Primo perdido do Tails que fugiu do Saturn pro time que tava ganhando.

Masterpeça do PS1, um dos melhores sem dúvidas, mas ainda bem que não joguei quando criança
..... o vilão me daria pesadelos e eu nunca iria querer tocar no jogo de novo...

My personal favorite game of all time, story is magical if I describe it any other way I'd be spoiling it, the game is gorgeous the music slaps everything about it is just perfect the only bad thing is that it's a short game

Klonoa: The Door to Phantomile is a fairly breezy game. It took me a while to warm up to it, but after a couple levels I was on board. The style of the game is beautiful, personally I prefer it to any of the later remakes. The 2D sprites look great, and the environments are simple but very evocative when combined with the competent score. It's a game that just feels great to play.

Klonoa really only has one main mechanic, you can grab enemies and use them to double jump or as a projectile. Combine this with a sort of fly/float you can do to maintain height in a jump for a few seconds and that's pretty much all your options. The game explores these mechanics very thoroughly, and whie the difficulty ramps up toward the end I never really found it too difficult even in the bonus level.

For me, the length was about perfect. When credits rolled I was satisfied, and surprisingly even quite invested in story, world and characters. Looking forward to playing the sequel!

So comfy! A very wonderful game all around. The level design is great, the music is atmospheric and catchy, the visuals are really charming, and the story is very simple yet engaging. I feel like this game filled a void for a certain type of game, I had such a good time. This is a new favorite for me, it's bordering on a 10/10.

Oh my god.

Easily one of the greatest narrratives and works of art of all time, and its a shame that it has gotten so unappreciated after all of these years. I'm a sucker for subverting the audience, and I think that this narrative pulls it off flawlessly. There's a reason why I've obsessed over this franchise for five years, and while I don't want to give it away, all I can say is that you just need to play the game to get to that point.

also the game is pretty good too.

final level is ridiculous tbh, uhhh i basically finished this lol like 3 hits away on the final boss :)

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What an amazing game. One of my favourite games ever.

It just feels awesome to control... and the story? I cried TWICE. The grandfather's death really hurt, and the ending too. It broke me.

I love this game and can't wait to play the sequel.

I adore the art style of this, the 90s music, the way the characters talk, absolutely immaculate vibes. Still one of the most charming platformers you can play, and a fantastically designed game for PS1 era. Its sequel has much more complex design so after just playing that, the levels were a bit of a cakewalk for me but a very enjoyable one. I preferred the more hardcore boss fights here, the darker tone and quite somber story towards the end.

These cinemas are destined for gold. Yum yum yum.

A cute and inventive 2.5 puzzle platformer with fun levels, but with boss design ranging from only good to tedious (the penultimate boss especially). However, the game pulls an ending so gut-wrenchingly effective that I cannot and would not trade it for anything else.

Klonoa is one of those games that just has a really strong concept that most of its gameplay focuses around. You can pick up monsters and hold them over your head, which lets you double jump off them, throw them, and do a couple other things. This is really the only mechanic besides a single jump and a particularly wimpy float, but the game makes it work very well. It's a 2.5D platformer and showcases a much better idea of what to do with the genre than most others (Sorry, Kirby 64): levels twist and turn around each other, even dropping you off on different paths at certain points, attacks come and can be sent forward and back, which means there's a lot more potential than "normal" sidescrolling, and I think Klonoa lives up to it fairly well.

What I could do without is the lives system- granted I'm generally not a fan of the concept and its ubiquity in older games, but I think Klonoa could really have used to ditch it. It's going for a Kirby-esque more relaxed feel I think, and that doesn't really work when in the back of my mind there's always the nagging reminder that 1) If get a game over I'll have to do this really long level again 2) If I die too much the odds of that happening in the next level are higher. It's anxiety-inducing and doesn't really belong IMO, especially when the game itself is not that hard, but does feature some kinda mean jumps, and some slightly finicky mechanics regarding the hover.

On a more positive note, I think the bosses are great. Similarly to the levels, some of them drag on a bit, but there's a lot of creativity at play here. To close things off, I'd like to praise the atmosphere- I'm not sure if I really get the "dream" feel from the relatively restrained concepts (I could see most of them belonging in most other platformers- while I sure couldn't imagine NiGHTS' Soft Museum being in any other type of setting), but between the music and the visuals (man I wish there were more games with this style), they're quite great still. Finally, a shoutout to the hilariously ballsy direction the story chooses to go, I respect the shit out of that.

Cute little platformer, boiled my blood
A bit stiff for PS1 standards

After finishing Silent Hill four times in a row I wanted something cuter to cleanse my palate a bit, and did this fully deliver!

The entire world Klonoa was intentionally made to look like a children's fantasy storybook, something that you whould read a kid before sleep to have sweet dreams, this is not only one of the prettiest PS1 games I've seen, but it might be the one with the strongest art direction. Everything from the colors, character and level design, even the way characters talk in cutesy gibberish during cutscenes, but some things like names are clearly heard, like we're listening to some fantasy language, it all oozes that childlike joy that I also relate a lot to some artistic trends from Japan during the late 90's (specifically the movie Catnapped or Little Nemo) and that I also consider very pretty and nostalgic.

I wasn't expecting the game to be a bit sad at times. Of course it is still within what you'll expect from a fairytale where our hero or their world must go through some hardship, it was a surprising touch that added a bit more to what is a simple yet very enjoyable story if you still remember those old childhood fables.

Gameplay is simple, but it takes advantage to every avaliable action that can be performed into a 2.5D space to the max. Making the player able to see platforms on a different plane that you can later explore gives a great sense of depth to the levels, moreso in the cases when we can interact with them by throwing enemies (quick detail here that I forgot to mention, the enemies on their ball forms are adorable, every single one could make great plushies) or just to keep the space consistent. Even the lackluster glide Klonoa does makes all the difference in some late game jumping distance.

A small detail that I notice is that besides map modeling, only the bosses are fully 3D modeled, I don't know if it's just me but I think it may be a way to convey how otherworldy and different these enemies are now that they are influenced by the power of nightmares, Ghadius being in that state constantly adds a bit to his presence...

Overall a very cute and worthwile experience (even if a bit short compared to other platformers), with fantastic visuals, cute and heartfelt vibes, and great music.

Very cute but the story was overhyped. I was playing the remake, literally dropped it at the end with the difficulty. Played this and it's way better feeling.

i refuse to say anything negative about this game

Inesperadamente incrível, facilmente um dos plataformers mais divertidos e desafiadores que eu joguei. Tem uma atmosfera linda demais e músicas ótimas. A história é bem fraquinha, mas estou animado para ver o que vai rolar no 2.

makes great use of its 3D environment for fun and unique gameplay and has an amazing style and presentation
the only complaints I have are the ground movements physics being just a little too slippery for some of the more precise platforming later on and a few moments of wacky depth perception

since I finished the ps1 version I understood how the remake for wii is really subpar compared to this one, I really loved all the levels and the bossfights and with an engaging plot and a truly bitter ending, especially for those times, the gameplay although simple, it remains fun with colorful levels full of character and with a slightly high difficulty (although it is much more likely that I am simply very bad at platformers hahah) my final rating for Klonoa: Door To Phantomille is 8.7

oh wow what a cute platformer with adorable visuals sure hope it doesnt make me scream with rage at its difficulty in the later stages and then utterly break my heart with its ending haha that would suck haha

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A cute little platformer that's short and doesn't overstay its welcome. Visually charming with a kind of repetitive soundtrack and basic gameplay. Lacking any sort of challenge until the last level, which is the only real difficulty spike. It's short length makes it something I will probably remember fondly I think. Also Final Fantasy X stole the ending for this game, which is weirdly heartbreaking for such a whimsical and dreamlike experience.

What a cute and charming platformer! I hope I won't feel anything else besides happiness at the end!

holy shit i cant stop listening to Beats from Above, literal god tier track from an already amazing game.
(its actually insane how good klonoa is compared to his psx scrimblo compatriots. genuinely timeless series)