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Pode não ser uma obra-prima inovadora ou algo do tipo, mas Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara com certeza foi uma experiência muito, muito divertida. Com mecânicas bem focadas na velocidade, mundos coloridos de verão e algumas outras coisinhas aqui e ali, a aventura de Koa para se tornar uma pirata é uma boa pedida para quem só quer curtir um jogo de plataforma 3D sem muito compromisso (ou está procurando seu próximo desafio de speedrun). Os desafios podem ser pequenos, mas a diversão em ver uma pequena menininha correndo por aí é o que ele sabe fazer de melhor. Que os ventos de Mara sejam gentis com você!


When i play a 3d platform there are two main things that make it or break it, those being the level design and the movement in the game. In the studios last game, Mail Mole, both of those thing were in the right path, but missed ever so slightly, but here on their second game i'm happy to say that they have nailed both.

With a familiar movement to the first game, Koa's movement has a simple execution but a satisfying mastery to it, when you start to chain the jump > roll > jump making it kinda of a dash and blasting trough levels left and right that platforming prowess comes alive to deliver a satisfying flow to the game.

As for the levels, besides being creative and diverse themselves, most of them support this movement, which is necessary and it is what make this 3d platformer one that you shouldn't miss.

Pack together with cute visuals and characters as well as some extras makes Koa a solid entry for the 3d platform genre.

A charming little 3D platformer set in a world full of adorable characters with really great sinergy. The levels start off small and easy, but they gradually grow longer and more challenging while you progress through the game, in a very natural way, also featuring great variety, specially considering the game is only about 6 hours long. Missed the presence of my native language (Portuguese) and I personally think some of the dialogues could have been better written, but those are minor things, Koa is a really great game which I 100% recommend. I fell in love with the universe this game is set in, and this surely made me enjoy the stages even more than I would have normally.

Koa é um jogo de plataforma 3D, derivado da série Mara, que tem Summer of Mara e Stories of Mara. Saindo então da fórmula anterior de fazenda para um game mais similar a um Mario 64 ou A Hat in Time.

O mundo fora das fases é vazio, mas no resto é tudo muito bonito, sendo um game perfeito para jogadores mais novos ou menos experientes. Se não tu pode pegar pra relaxar dos platformers mais hardcores ou criar sua dificuldade tentando coletar tudo ou ir full speedrun.

Falo melhor no meu review aqui:

Koa and the five pirates é um game fofo e divertido de jogar, com dinâmica de plataforma ele trás uns desafios tranquilos mas isso não deixa ruim, o desafio final é bem tenso deixou minha mão toda suada. Fiquei um pouco viciado confesso!

Plataformas sencillo pero divertido y muy bien construido. Un diseño de niveles más que funcional y con muchos aspectos de interés. Su esquema de control, por ejemplo, es una delicia. Para ser un proyecto relativamente pequeño, no le tiene nada que envidiar a otros juegos de plataformas.

A short and simple platformer that oozes with charm, and fun level design! The movement, while not a lot, is extremely fun to pull off (chaining rolls is an amazing feeling) and the levels being based on speedrunning makes for some hectic and fun platforming! Give this a try!

A decent fixed-camera 3D platformer with an emphasis on speed that is unfortunately bogged down with a tedious text heavy story and some minor glitches. Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara is apparently a spin-off of a farming sim, which explains why the story assumes you are already familiar with the game's world and npcs. Perhaps this will be fun for people who are fans of the franchise, but for a noobie like me it felt like watching a fourth season episode of a tv drama that I'd never seen. But when the plot isn't shoving itself in your face, the platforming levels are well designed and a lot of fun. The music and sound design is great too. I just wish the game had a bit more polish. On multiple occasions my character got stuck in something or stayed floating in the air until I died. The boss battles are pretty mediocre too. I'd say play this game if you're a big fan of games like Super Mario 3D Land/World, New Super Lucky's Tale or Sackboy: A Big Adventure. Just wait for a sale and keep in mind this game doesn't reach the same heights as the aforementioned titles.

Cute, charming and fun. Short and easy, but really enjoyable if you like fast 3D platform games. I love when sequels get original and try for new things with the same characters.

Really solid platforming game. Charming, cute nice difficulty curve. It inherits a lot from Talpa's previous game, Mail Mole (the platforming is similar, the focus on speed running/races, the hub) but it makes sense that it does, and it doesn't feel like a dlc or a lazy cash in.
It's a bit on the short side, but if you are a completionist/speedrunner you can easily double that.

Pretty solid and standard little 3d level based platformer with some nice art and neat music c:

The game has its charm and is kinda cute. It has a good difficulty curve but it doesn't do anything too interesting with it. The movement pool is way too basic, just jump, run and dash all the way through. I found myself pressing the same two buttons all the time and it can be fun if you challenge yourself to achieve every gold medal, otherwise it can get really boring.

This has been a lovely platformer focused on collectibles and speedrunning. The style is cute, there's lots to do and it's just plain fun once you get used to the controls. The controls are similar to mario games in the sense that you have to create momentum with button pressing. But it's a bit more challenging to get right when you're required precision with higher speed. Also kudos to the achievements. They're focused on random fun that is easily achievable, collectibles and finishing the story. It took me less than 9 hours to get 100% on everything.

There are some minor flaws:
1. I'd have liked quick teleportation to the town hub.
2. When you're shopping, the icon on the objects you're selecting is white. It's easy to lose track of what you were looking at because the background is white as well. A more prominent icon would have been better.
3. Sometimes the game lacks a bit of life due to the lack of animation/movement. This is mainly apparent in the town hub and the result screen when you clear a level. In the town, the NPC are kind of lifeless. There is no motion and it's pretty apparent. In the result screen, Koa suddenly stands still. The transition is very sudden. It's a bit jarring.
4. There are some light feminist and LGBT elements through some dialogues, characters and the last upgrade for your boat (pink blue). I'm mentioning this for the folks who are sensitive to this.

It's definitely worth playing if you're looking for a 3D platformer focused on collecting stuff and similar to classic platformers from the past.

The movement and jumping in this game feel really good, and I like the focus on short jump-heavy levels that encourage speed running. Throw in some collectibles and alternate styles of stages and you have a solid little linear 3D platformer. The world and main character have a nice charm to them, and sailing in the boat to different islands/stages is a nice touch. The story really gets forced on you however and I didn’t personally find it to be worth all the time it spends.

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A pretty fun platformer. Not incredibly challenging or long, but the boss levels in particular are very fun to play. I do not understand why water damages you, because in later levels there is lava, so it feels less intimidating because it's just orange water.

Very fun platformer. Really great style and gameplay.

The sequel to Summer in Mara was much better than i anticipated. Was really nice to see these characters again! Loved the islands! The story was very cute! The platforming was nice and challenging , music was fantastic!
It was a nice game!!