Reviews from

in the past

I like the game a lot, the main mysterys for each department you work in are awesome. However a mission or two require a specific path to complete them with five stars.

Not the best that rockstar has to offer, but worth it if you like detective stories

é um jogo bom, com ideias mal pensadas, mas um bom jogo

one of those games i really loved but my piece of shit pc couldn't handle

to the backlog it goes!

Felt like a tale of two games for me. The first half is incredible; I was immersed in the environment and progressing through the cases. As time went on, cases started to feel repetitive, there wasn't much in the city to explore, and with a very slow-paced story, the game started to feel like a drag to complete as I felt the appeal starting to wear off though. Still a great game nonetheless.

I went to the midnight release for this cause I was so hyped. Had an ok time and finished it, but I don't think too fondly about it now. The DLC was terrible too.

"Here's the deal, Airto. You give me information and I won't send you to immigration."

I was gonna give it a 2.5 but I liked the part where that one cop punched the necrophiliac

A lot of people can look past this game's fundamental issues due to its unique setting, I can't.

So good, from the setting to each individual aspect of gameplay involved in each case. It’s a big game but flies by.

Bazı yerleri aşırı sıkıyor.

The only criticism is the quality of life during gameplay, otherwise it's a perfect game

It's been a while since I finished this game but I loved it so much. It's near perfect, but obviously has some flaws from aging poorly and sometimes confusing logic in the interrogations. Other than that, it'll always be a special game to me

Investigator: Where were you last night at 10 p.m.?

Suspect: /looks left, looks right, takes a deep breath, violently throws up, cries for his mommy/

Investigator: Something's a little off about this guy.

Interesting gameplay mechanics with the interviews and detective work, but I suck at it.

This is the worst modern Rockstar game and it's still more innovative than most games released in the past decade or so.

I can't explain why but I love games where a player plays as a cop or detective. That is probably the main reason why I rated it so high.

I liked story, cases, atmosphere, and a lot of other stuff.

A game may feel boring and slow but it was not a problem for me. Occasionally, it also may feel a bit too old nowadays.

Only thing that I disliked was car physics which I expected to be way better for a game whose publisher is Rockstar Games, especially when game have actual real-life cars but that is probably because the development of the game was hell.

To conclude, great game 👍👍👍

gotta love a game that has a dramatic sewer finale

i honestly love this game. it sticks true to its noir inspirations, both to its good and bad sides - ik a lot of people have an issue with phelps' decisions mid-game but i think it makes sense in the genre context. the investigations deserved to be made fun of, and i honestly had a hard time with them with my [ambiguous disorder] especially since the facial animations are so funny lol but overall i found it very enjoyable? the story is quite good, the individual cases are interesting, there are some fun setpieces and events on them. and something i wish a lot of games, particularly those that are story-heavy, would borrow, is that if you fail an action sequence 3 times, the game will just let you skip them! it's amazing. honestly i only needed it once because the level where you run away from some machinery (idr what it was) bugged out so i kept getting run over, but it's such a useful accessibility feature. and for that this game will forever have my heart <3

also the soundtrack is absolutely banging. "i always kill the things i love" is also forever in my heart <3

The fantasy of being a detective from the late 60s was amusing at first, but then the game became repetitive, and the writing wasn't that engaging tbh.
I don't think I'll ever finish it, sorry.

Back when rockstar were making good games, this game has one of the best storytelling in any game.

what were they thinking with this

It's definitly a unique game. It's super inviting because the atmosphere of the 50's LA is near perfect, but in all objectivity, it lacked a better pacing and more player's involvement.
Imagine if it was an Immersive-Sim? L.A. Noire costed so much to develop so it could have been differently and be more memorable.

NPC'lerin yüzlerinden yalan mı doğru mu söylüyor olduğunu anlayabilen gitsin polis olarak hizmet etsin. Daha en başta 10 kere azar yedik. Böyle oyunun...

Played from – to: (2021-10-26 – 2021-11-05) - Beaten on PC via keyboard.
‣ 6.5/10 – A prime example of a 20th century husband.
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 9/10
‣ Graphics – 7/10
‣ Atmosphere – 7/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 8/10
‣ Side Activities / Exploration – 4/10
‣ AI – 5/10
‣ Ragdolls / Physics – 5/10
‣ Movement – 6/10
‣ Voice acting – 10/10
‣ Combat – 5/10
‣ Final notes: L.A. Noire is one of the most frustrating and best games I have played. On the technical level this shit is the worst port I have ever seen. L.A Noire is a broken dumpster fire when it comes to game function. The fps is locked at 30 and the only way to fix it is by unlocking it in the game files. But that is not it. Sometimes the increased frame rate bugs out the game and literally breaks until you lock the frame rate back to 30. There are many other problems like graphical pop in, the fucking deepfakes glitching facial expressions etc. On the other hand, the stories told trough the cases can be great, and I found them very enjoyable, however it is so locked into a specific narrative that there is absolutely 0 fucking freedom given. There were questions where anyone could give 5 different evidence bits to prove a lie, yet the narrative forces you to guess the exact one. And that’s my gripe with evidence. You are bombarded with it. On each case you will collect from 15 to 20 evidence bits yet only 4 or 5 will be used in proving lies anything else is contextual or useless. If you get any questions wrong don’t worry because you can still solve a case, however the way the game treats you if you do mess up is abhorred and makes you want to redo the questioning. But you guessed it this old game has no quick saving and if you want to redo questioning you will have to reload a check point, collect all the clues again and finally do the interrogation which will suck the life force out of you. Oh, and don’t worry every little cutscene is unskippable making replay ability a living nightmare. My other nitpick I guess is the facial expressions. This game hammers down the fact that you can tell if a person is lying by looking at their facial expression, yet you will occasionally get people who either lie to you with a straight poker face or tell the truth while shimmering like little schoolgirls which to me felt like the game breaking its own rules. Lastly, I feel like this game should’ve been a narrative linear experience instead of an open world game. The side content is very quick and repetitive, shooting galleries are boring one dimensional and whenever the developers decide to get experimental the game breaks. Yes, I am talking about the chandelier swinging and honestly anything else besides evidence gathering and questioning. L.A Noire just doesn’t function as a 3rd person open word shooter. Honestly, I don’t think I can recommend the whole game unless you can ignore the poor gameplay design and just focus on the story.

Hahahahahaha guys remember the “press x to doubt” meme? Hahahahahaha. I do like being a detective in old LA and accusing innocent people of lying to me when they have absolutely no reason to.

One of the best games AoE vet played

A game where you're meant to play as a really good police detective, but in reality, you play as the worst detective in any media you've ever seen.

I don't know if I missed it, but I don't think the game ever properly explained what "Doubting" really meant and I ended up coming to the wrong conclusions for like 95% of the cases because of this. Since you can't really fail, it meant that Cole was still rewarded despite being so shit at his job and it was so fucking funny.

I wish the game was a bit more intuitive with its investigation, but it was still very fun. Realistically, you spend more time driving around in a GTA style world than you do actually finding clues for crimes. While it's the best part of the game, there's really only 2 outcomes per mission and they're built entirely around being able to tell if the NPCs are deceiving you, some way more obvious than others. I think this is a great idea that could be reworked today but as it is, it's so goofy; there's a reason why it's memed to Hell and back.

A lot of the missions end similarly, either in a car chase or a big shootout so it gets predictable, but it was still a blast regardless.