Reviews from

in the past

A riveting old-school crime noir thriller with an incredible score and engaging mystery plots and stories. Feels like a playable TV series.

Maybe it's because i'm not a fan of Alfred Hitchcock, but I always felt this game was just a boring driving simulator. Go to A, talk, maybe beat or shoot something. Rinse and repeat. This formula is just too dry 4 me. Who knows though, I didn't wanna waste the game when I bought it, so I gave it to my younger cousin for his birthday and last time I talked to him he said he really enjoyed it. So, my experience this game isn't all bad in the grand scheme of things.

First Rockstar Game. Felt nice.

короче самое крутое в этой игре это перестрелки и воровать машины

Nothing else needs to be said apart from you MUST play this game.

This is one of those games that I know is super dumb and I also don't care and think it's rad.

Uma verdadeira obra de arte dos jogos. A jogabilidade pode deixar a desejada às vezes, mas os casos policiais e a história compensam. Apesar de muitos não gostarem do final, ele é perfeito para fechar a personalidade de Phelps e sua culpa acerca da guerra.
Vale a pena, porém para jogar na Steam é necessário que baixe um FPS Unlocker, porque o jogo por padrão está travado em 30 FPS.

P.S.: Para quem quer platinar, esse é CHATO de se fazer isso, não recomendo.

Incredible narrative with fun gameplay all set in a breathtaking recreation of 1940's Los Angeles.

I remember enjoying this game back in high school
The facial animation gimmick was cool albeit quirky
But hey it was fun and that's all that matters

O jogo em geral é muito bom, mas o final é decepcionante.

RIP Team Bondi you created a masterpiece.

Theres plenty stories about the development of LA Noire being hellish, and those are fair and valid and important, but on my review i want to highlight the rose not the thorns.

LA Noire feels like somebody made a game for me specifically. I love mysteries, i love detectives and detection, i love pulp and 40s era West coast aesthetics. I love seedy producers and dimly lit jazz bars. Its scraped straight from my brain and served up for me, i love this game.

I hate Cole Phelps. What i find interesting is on launch i remember hating Kelso segments and finding Cole cool and likeable. How wrong i was.

A must play, even if the animations havent held up IMO.

LA Noire still holds up really well, even over a decade after its release. It still looks great visually, and the facial capture technology used is still on par, if not still ahead of modern-day games, to the point where it can be almost disturbing at times due to how much facial detail and emotion is displayed, especially when compared to the surrounding ancillary game world. Regardless, the setting of this game is very unique in the gaming space, and the immaculate attention to detail provides a super immersive experience into post-war 1940's LA. The investigations and interrogations can still be a lot of fun, and it feels super rewarding when you connect all of the dots, though it can get somewhat repetitive toward the latter-half of the game. The side missions provide a nice change of pace in most cases; however, they are all very short and lack depth. Still, LA Noire is a refreshing take within the Rockstar game library that showcases some top-notch acting performances and a gripping main story. The game just oozes quality in all of the areas where it really counts, and I feel it is one of the must-play games from the last decade.

para jugarlo en steam es un calvario la cantidad de cosas que tenes que hacer, pero vale la pena, juegazo distinto al resto, el trabajo facial muy bien logrado, muchos detalles a los que prestarle atencion y algunos defectos que se pueden perdonar. se agradece la conduccion automatica pq recuerdo haberlo muchisimo