Reviews from

in the past

Às vezes, menos é mais. Tem uma trama bem chifrin e usa a desculpa de ter mais jogadores para justiticar algumas mudanças em relação ao anterior que deixam a experiência bem mais fraca no geral.

Plusy: ładna grafika, fajne mapy, dobry gameplay, muzyka
Minusy: miałka fabuła, nużaca na dłuższą metę, wymagająca graficznie

Review originally posted on steam
its a alright game very addicting like arcade like gameplay however this game can be buggy i mostly played this game in fullscreen originally but i found out the only way to fix the lag spikes is by playing windowed

Jeu très fun en coop. Gameplay qui change beaucoup meme un peu trop par rapport a la license mais très cool.

Une tentative honorable sur deux jeux de faire autre chose de Lara Croft en twin stick shooter, dans un esprit encore plus pulp rappelant les comics de la série. Il n’en ressort malheureusement pas de grande fulgurance ni de scène clé. Des jeux largement oubliables

Enjoyable for what it is: a game on a much smaller scale than what we're used to.

Played in co-op mode with a friend.

I remember this game vividly for its ability to make me fall asleep multiple times during combat while still being able to constantly progress in the game as quickly as we would when wide awake.

Its biggest flaw is simple: dying in this action game doesn't have consequences. Yes, you heard it right. The developers have completely erased the motivation for the player to avoid death, as it has no consequences. You spawn instantly where you died. There's no point in even collecting any gear because you don't need it to keep progressing.

It basically works the same way as some autoscrollers with unlimited continues/lives turned on. So weird.

The game quickly became a testing ground for me to see if it's actually true that you could just run through everything without thinking to complete the game. In a half sleep state we solved the overly easy puzzle sections and even less aware state progressed through action sequences.

I also felt almost mocked as a player, as if the devs thought the player was so "stupid" they wouldn't question or notice this issue with death by doing 2nd game with this formula. (meaning the player would get tricked into thinking that dying actually impacts your progression).

Maybe for some this would work as "quality of life" factor. But I'd question myself playing an action game if the failed actions have no consequences. 8)

Solid, but it didn't leave a strong impression. Would I have gotten more out of this if I'd played Guardian of Light? Or, hell, more original continuity Tombs Raider? Maybe, but even in a vacuum, it's a decent enough co-op experience. I don't think I ever really got much out of the Reward system (maybe if I was playing this more than just casually), or much of anything the game had to offer besides its physics puzzles and boss fights - but I did like both of those. If I'd been playing by myself, I probably would've found the game overly forgiving (definitely remember cheesing some of the crumbly bridge sequences), but I appreciate it in the context of a co-op, more puzzle-oriented game.

Multiplayer's dead, can't get all cheevos :(

Fun enough for a playthrough in coop. The combat is rather mediocre, but the puzzles are fun to figure out. I liked how they changed depending on the number of players in the party, so that everyone would always be an essential part of the puzzle solution.

Mediocre combat but a fun enough game to play in co op. One really cool thing about this game is that the puzzles change depending on the number of players in the party. I've never seen such a mechanic in any other game.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (2014): Excelente experiencia cooperativa con muy buenas ideas, variedad mecánica y un diseño muy bien medido. Lástima que a nivel técnico sea una catástrofe, que sus personajes no lleguen ni a meme y la historia sea irrelevante. Buen gameplay pero nada más (6,45)

I must admit, this game played alone, is a bit boring, but playing with friends is fun! It does have some issues and game-breaking bugs that never got fixed, sadly, but what counts is the fun you can have with your friends. The co-op mode supports up to 4 people and you can play as Lara, Osiris, Isis, or Carter.

Неплохая игруля. За 2-3 вечера можно пройти в кооперативе на расслабоне