Reviews from

in the past

this whole franchise changed the trajectory of my life

People said it was bad but i liked it

Man, I remember playing this game way back in 2017 and thinking to myself "I don't see what all the hype is about, this is a girly girl game, I can't play this". I did stick with it though and discovered a heartwrenching story that had me hooked and made me tear up. Now I played the remastered version of it six years later and here's what I think:

1. The remastered version improves almost nothing, in fact I had more issues with glitches and what not than the original game.

2. Obviously if you've played these games before some scenes don't hit as hard as they used to. None of the plot twists have any effect anymore but that's not the game's fault.

So while I would have rated the orginal game higher(probs like a nine) I still really enjoyed it cuz fu*k man I still teared up. If you haven't played the first Life is Strange you missing out.

My main problem with the game is the story, it started of being pretty generic, and screwed up by placing quite a climatic moment right near the beginning. Then it got really good and I thought "hey this might actually be a good game" but then it decided to fuck it all up with the last 15 ish minutes.

I don't like writing spoilers in reviews so I won't go into any specifics, I'll instead focus on my problems with the game itself in the rest of this log.

I'll start with a minor issue, the graphics. It's a minor issue because I can play games with bad graphics, and maybe we're focusing too much on photo-realism lately, but life is strange, the original, came out in 2015. The same year everyone was shitting on fallout 4 for having disappointing graphics. Like what??? The remastered edition I played in 2022 has comparable graphics to what rockstar and naughty dog were making back in 2008.

Now onto the gameplay.
A lot of annoyances that only served to cost me a lot of time. I'll start with the saving, which is only done automatically. This was likely done to stop players from save scumming with save files but each chapter is 3-5 hours long and I'm not doing that in a single sitting. which means whenever I leave and come back I have to go through about 2 minutes of gameplay I already played. And this is only compounded by my next gripe, there's no way to fast forward or skip a cutscene you haven't seen before. which would save a lot of time whenever I get back to the game, but also in case if there's a crash which did happen to me in one of longest cutscenes in the game. There should also be a way to fast forward dialogue just a single line even if it's your first time seeing it, I swear half of my playtime is waiting for the characters speech to catch up after I already finished reading the subtitles. still on the topic of saving time you can't rewind time in the middle of a conversation or cutscene, you have to wait for the game to give you control of that. This is really annoying because sometimes you'll make a decision that has pretty immediate effects and instead of being able to rewind immediately because you didn't like that decision you have to wait another minute before the game hands control back to you. This all just makes for a really frustrating experience. Game devs need to learn to give the players more control and stop restricting us to whatever their intentions are, we bought the game, it's our product, we'll take responsibility if we fuck our own experience of it up, so stop fucking it up for us.

óbvio que quis odiar quando joguei próximo do lançamento como qualquer pessoa que se achava pós-normie em 2015, alguém que estava muito além de carinhas memes e que não percebia que o resto da humanidade, principalmente os mais jovens que eu, ainda tinham o direito de falar que as coisas são "épicas". na época achava que era um esforço dos escritores para apelar pra esse público e não uma representação desse público - não ridicularizando, mas afirmando uma existência que conforme se explicita mais tem que ser forçada a lidar com Coisas Do Mundo Real (violência, perigo, exposição) e menos com fofoquinhas e maconha.

e a cidade também vai se desdobrando em espaços levemente surreais (pássaros mortos, baleias encalhadas, duas luas aparecendo em uma noite só, neve) conforme você vai descobrindo que os problemas dela, como os problemas de qualquer cidade, são muito mais acobertados e sérios do que o padrasto chato que não te deixa ouvir música em casa. o jogo te engana nesse começo idílico e com problemas jovens porque todo mundo tem problemas jovens quando é jovem, mas parte desses jovens tem problemas adultos enquanto ainda é jovem também, e não dá tempo de crescer sem perder uns fios de cabelo com a arrancada. me lembrou crepúsculo e filmes similares que são facilmente descartados como "coisa de menininha chata" e acaba perdendo um público grande que apreciaria a estranheza inerente de fãs de twin peaks tentando fazer uma história mais acessível: até a lição de que o maior vilão da cidade é aquele que organiza a festa mais badalada.

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I got very fond of characters, especially max. I loved dialogues, they were never stupid or boring and excellent mechanics of time travel, makes it very well in this type of story

Bom jogo, mas não chega nem perto do nível de qualidade do True Colors.

Extremely unoptimized and pretty much a cash grab. Hasn't received an update since February 2022. Stick with the OG versions.

I liked that they greatly improved the lip syncing and the facial animations, but in trade we lost the dynamic title screen (unless you specifically futz with the menus inefficiently) and the between-episodes credit rolls, which I sorely missed. Also the credits music is absent.

With all that said, it's an interesting glimpse into the kind of person so devoted to this series as to have picked up the remaster to see how the player choice percentages differ between this and the original game. In that regard, all that I will say is that The Sapphics Stay Winning.

The graphical improvements are nice but not really worth dropping the money for a whole new SKU.

Life is Strange 🦋 tiene una mecánica que sigue molando. Después de todo, ¿quién no ha pensado en rebobinar el tiempo?
Eso sí, no recordaba lo cabronazo que es al final, mostrándote las dos partes para que te cueste la vida decidir 😅
En Nintendo Switch es justito, pero ok 🤔

A Deck Nine merece paulada por entregar um bagulho tão porco, se for jogar que jogue o original e nem compre esse daqui. O jogo é muito bom e as coisas novas nessa versão são legais e seria perfeito se não fosse feito com a bunda.

Q jogo incrível. As escolhas são impactantes e a maioria realmente deixa-te a refletir. Trilha sonora FANTÁSTICA. História extremamente cativante e surpreendente. E eu simplesmente não posso de deixar de comentar a relação entre a Chloe e a Max, como ela evolui e como é simplesmente perfeita. A escolha final deu-me lágrimas, sofrimento e umas boas sessões pendentes na terapia. Adoro-te life is strange <3

So Life ls strange is an amazing game. One of the best storylines I've ever experienced jam packed with so many emotion evoking situations. The artstyle is unique and fits the theme of the game. The characters are all pretty interesting even the side ones and the pathing is pretty solid for a interactive game. And we got some great voice acting too. Max's VA in particular was just gravy. (Honorable mentions chloe, pre episode 5 mark jefferson, and kate.)
The ost is really fucking good. One of the best I heard. Every song used for an opening fits fantastic with the theme of the scene and episode. Easily the peak of this franchise with the exception of the prequel BTS that can honestly rival tf out of it. Its a title I can wholeheartedly recommend. (the remaster for BTS also never crashed for me) However the remaster for this great title is a mess.
Yes the visuals are improved a decent amount (Not enough to really justify the price tho so if you do go for it make sure you grab it on a heavy sale or just go play the original game that is much more stable) but the post processing is even more aggressive. ( I modded most of it out but you can't remove 100 % of it) And the game is extremely unstable (Even unmodded). Only episodes 1 and 5 did not crash me. Every other episode crashed like a motherfucker which is already really bad but this game has certain checkpoints so you end up replaying a lot of situations so many times.
The things I did to try and reduce crashing was the offline mode trick that works for a lot of people but I still got crashing. Also verifying game files and setting cpu priority to high. I would still crash but it would be reduced. Also the pre-rendered cutscenes look like complete ass thankfully there is a mod to raise the res for it to 4k 60 fps.
Basically only buy on a deep sale and if you really really want the boosted visuals because the original is just so much more stable. I love this game but this port is shit. Avoid like the plague and if you try be ready to test your patience. So I gotta deduct a star because of that.

Also while I fond of amberprice we team pricefield out here !

And if you want to see the story with these updated visuals but do not want the headaches I gotchu with a full walkthrough no commentary playlist on 4k ultra 60 fps:

It hurts me to give this game such a "low" rating, because back when I first played it, Life is Strange shook me to the core with its heartwarming and heartbreaking coming of age story, its dramatic characters, and the emotional rollercoaster that is this journey.

Unfortunately though, this "remaster", at least its PS4 version (played on PS5), is so bad that it really did a disservice to the original game. While Deck Nine apparently recreated the character models and animations, the adventure is plagued by animation glitches, weird lighting issues and outright crashes, which prevent any proper immersion for a longer period of time. Even the sound sometimes glitches out, which is just a real shame.

I would urge anyone to play Life is Strange and sit through this emotional rollercoaster, but I can't recommend the remaster in good faith. Better play the original game, even if the characters look dated.


On a surface level, a supernatural teen drama revolving around time travels. A thrilling investigation, an alleged apocalypse approaching, bullies all over, loss and addiction, parent issues, and implied love stories are the very core of the game's narrative (with perhaps too evident Donnie Darko vibes).

On a deeper level, it's about a bunch of hipsters that cannot accept that time passes for many reasons. Chloe can't accept that Rachel is gone as her own father; photography is seen as a tool to freeze (and turn back) time (and Blackwell students therefore are incapable of letting time pass - Kate cannot accept having being photographed during a party; Nathan and Victoria bully her and others through photos); Max cannot accept letting things (and most importantly, people) go. The gameplay (except for dozens of tedious environmental puzzles) revolves around this: you can unmake and remake your choices over and over but there is no ultimately good or bad choice - you increasingly get attached to past moments and past choices and yet this doesn't allow you to better face the present (see how powerless Max - and players - feel after Kate's sequence).

In the end, the game also reflects on destiny and free will. Spoilers ahead.

The final choice is great in this sense. There, players find themselves in the position of many protagonists in determinism-vs-free-will fictions. As Lily in Devs, as Miles in Across the Spider-Verse, as Donnie Darko, you must choose whether or not to accept that Chloe dies (as it should be, preventing the apocalyptic consequences of your defying time to save her). It's empowering and disempowering at the same time, as you basically have to accept having killed the only one you wanted to save or thousands of innocents. At the same time it's brilliant as you find yourself in the position of making a choice that's more than philosophical: accepting the world as it is (or should be?) or going against it. It's political, existential, and quite moving at the same time.

Recommended to me from a friend so I picked it up in the steam summer sale amd honestly I only wish I played this sooner !

Great emotional twists, interesting characters, cool music and an overall fantastic story. For a remaster it lacks what I would call remaster material but nevertheless I had a great experience with this game and as a photographer this resonated with me a lot more than I expected.

One thing I will note is the remaster is pretty poor and doesn't really improve on the original game that was released many years ago but I went with this one as it was the definitive edtion of the game.

I hope we get more LiS games in the future ❤️

look at how they massacred my girls

Bom, dos dois remasters, esse aqui é o melhor. Engraçado como eles quiseram ter mais cuidado com esse jogo do que com o outro. Poliram mt bem os gráficos (literalmente só colocaram alguns detalhes e aumentaram o brilho) e deram novos detalhes para a feição dos personagens. Possivelmente utilizando a tecnologia de reconhecimento facial. Isso deixou os personagens muito mais vivos, sem aquela cara estranha que faziam no original durante algumas conversas. Mesmo assim, depois dos vários patches que a coletânea teve e o desastroso lançamento dos dois jogos, infelizmente o jogo ainda conta com bugs. Como falha de texturas (as vezes, os personagens e objetos ficam quebrados e explodem na sua tela como se estivessem fazendo um glitch visual) e o pior de tudo, erros no áudio. As vezes, o jogo simplesmente fica sem som. Desde o episódio 1, em todo final de capítulo, a música simplesmente SUMIA. Oq impedia vc de ver a soundtrack do jogo. Já vi isso acontecendo com outras pessoas tbm. Além disso, durante as cutscenes, a qualidade da imagem do jogo simplesmente cai e fica super embaçada. Enfim, pelo menos, em algumas partes, o jogo polido e, pelo menos, ficou bonito. Espero que eles aprendam melhor e saibam como tratar essa franquia direito porque, senão, estamos fodidos :)

Reviewing only the "remastered" part :

Unless most facial animations, there is simply no work at all.

Some lights shades are even missing from the original game that "demaster" it in a way. Best example I got in mind is the small pieces of glass from Max's Polaroid in the first minutes that are simply pieces of paper in the Remastered.

Absolutely fucking phenomenal story. Writing was a bit cringe and dated at times, but it was released a while ago so it makes sense. Genuinely one of my favorite games ever, story was incredible and the game ending left me in tears.

Geniale Story, geniale Charaktere, ich war am Ende des Spiels eine gebrochene Existenz

Eu já joguei o Lis normal e ele é tão incrível que não precisava de uma remasterização. Já que acabaram fazendo, eu como fã comprei e joguei, mas agora tomando escolhas diferentes da minha primeira gameplay. (ou não)
E Lis é incrível pessoas, facilmente um dos jogos favs, é tão lindo, tão bem feito... a versão original claro! A remasterização é bem simples e fraca, só achei os cenários bonitos e só. Os cabelos e alguns personagens estão tenebrosos. Recomendo a versão original mesmo. Dei 5 estrelas porque ainda é Life is Strange.

Lis original: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Lis Remasterizado: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Amazing game, really left an impression on me, never played anything like it.

Ce jeu m'a changé à tout jamais.

This game has changed my life and will never fail to ball my eyes out. One of the best games I've played before, and now. I guess I could say that I've made better choices now than my first gameplay.

I love the additional changes they've made in this remastered, the facial expressions, the model haul and some, even the environment (I prefer the old Max and Kate model, the rest were fine).
I am just quite annoyed with the lighting throughout the game cause at some point the gameplay was unneccesarily dark. The soundtrack on this game is goated!

And yeah, just to let you know they didn't patch the Barn scene soft-lock-glitch. I had to redo that scene several times until it worked.

Arguably the best decision making game ever made. So many ramifications, small interactions, dialogue change, scene change and so much more. Very charming characters and I love the artstyle. Even if the face motion and expressions aren't super believable and may seem rigid, it still manages to capture perfectly human emotion. I was kind of disapointed that the ending itself didn't really had so many ramifications but I think the game has more changes in the episodes themselves. I like the message the game tries to transmit in so many aspects of life. Bullying, action-reaction, maturing, letting people go, self discovery and so many more themes are talked about and disected in this game. I feel like you have to play this game very slowly and really get into it.

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Esse jogo se resume na teoria do caos e o efeito borboleta é incrível a mudança com cada escolha sua é tão bom cada coisa desse jogo, cada interação com os personagens e cada momento são únicos e incríveis. A história da Max e da Chloe juntas é muito boa e tem momentos que podem te fazer chorar (chorei na última escolha do jogo), seu último ep é incrível todo o plot e o que se passou na mente de Max
Minhas notas:
Ambientação: 5/5;
Mapa: 5/5 (Arcadia Bay é INCRÍVEL);
Música: 4,5/5;
Escolhas: 5/5;
História: 5/5;
Personagens: 5/5;
Temas: 5/5;
Final: 5/5;
Total 4,93/5;