Reviews from

in the past

The first game is really good but this game completely obliterates it. It's probably the best example ever of a sequel that transcends its predecessor. Every aspect of the original is improved, and any complaints you could make were addressed.

I'm not ashamed to say that this was basically the only game I played for years when it came out. I wish it still existed in its entirety, but with the servers being down it's hardly the same thing anymore. Still very much worth returning to though, even if its just for the campaign or to fiddle around in the level editor.

I still can’t get the mr incredibles skin help

this game made my childhood better

My favorite game of all time.

the basis around which new level editors are created.

Love this game even though I’ve never completed the story mode


A fantastic creation tool with a great story mode, amazing soundtrack, and endless possibilities. It dosent commit as fully to the "arts and crafts" theme as the fist but makes up for it with its larger range of possibilities.

Charming and fun platformer with unique level design!

mortal kombat gay sex with friends

one of the best creativity inducing games ever

+ online community, a creative explosion
+ music
+ childhood
- servers are dead :(

the online for this went crazy i spent all day playing this as a kid miss it so much

Um jogo que esbanja criatividade e carisma, sendo basicamente uma ferramenta feita para a comunidade criar mapas e experiências marcantes. Tendo provavelmente o melhor level creator de sua geração, o potencial de Little Big Planet 2 é virtualmente infinito, com a sua muito boa campanha sendo ofuscada por sua ainda melhor ferramenta de níveis criados por players.

I met some of my best friends through this one. I think the series peaked here. (Did you know they removed the ability to give user levels a frowny face rating?? That was some update way late into the game's life. crazy.)

great memories, met many amazing people here. I remember I once met a famous level creator and we became really good buddies. I miss when everything was simple

Easily the best online community game. The incredible talent and creativity this game bred is unmatched. Unfortunately corporate greed put an end to it.