Reviews from

in the past

Every time I play this game, I know everything will be alright

Monkey Ball if Sega knew what they were doing

if you came here for balls, this game gives a lot of balls, and the balls move fast when you tell them too. i love balls.

One of the best games to have ever been created; but, i do wish the devs had made up their minds on whether they wanted to just make DLC or a proper sequel

Nice throwback to Marble Blast Ultra on Xbox Live Arcade. Controls feel smooth and most of the levels are pretty good. Some of the later ones start to drag a fair bit however or have some gimmick that isn't super fun and messes up the flow.

honestly disappointing. failed to capture the vibes of Marble Blast relying on cheap tricks like tons of balls rather than trying to replicate the genre. I don't care about 500 marbles I want to feel like I'm in a dream

how do i mod the game so every time the marble clacks with the skull marble it plays the riff from bad to the bone

They just took the base game, added a ridiculous amount of cosmetics that actually look good & gave us a ton of extra levels that are great skill tests. And it's all free???? Insane stuff, some of the best game content I've seen in like a literal decade; this is almost as good as Marble Blast Platinum & that's open-source moddable. Seriously pushing to be in my top games ever, even when I suck at it, greatest v2 update ever.

A joy to play, it brought back memories of playing Marble Blast Ultra on 360 Arcade. Not too complex but extremely polished with tons of creative levels, this is one I’ll leave installed on my deck to jump back into.

Ball is life, this game balances casual and precise intense playstyles perfectly. Wanna sit back and go through fun and endlessly creative levels? Have at it. Want to get the highest rank medal, meticulously route and perfect level skips, get every secret collectible? Go ahead. The way this game can do high-octane mach speed levels with more slower puzzle like levels is impressive.

The physics of the marble are the highlight, how you spin in the air will affect your landing, it has just the right weight, and jumping consecutively will affect how you gain momentum as well. The physics are extremely intuitive whilst providing a large amount of depth at the same time.

The only shortcomings, or rather ways I would improve this game further, is a larger variety of level aesthetics and soundtracks. The vaporwave saturated shapes and upbeat electro tunes are great, but eventually wear themselves out. Having more diverse level themes or at least audio tracks would help a lot with the overall visual monotonny of going through the game.

Lastly it would also be fantastic if there was an optional hint system where it would show you recommended skips or pathways to get the highest rank, similair to what Neon White provided. Since figuring those out on your own is half the chore, after then constantly re-trying to actually execute a more advanced pathway through the level.

The marble variety is also ridiculous, there'll be a marble for everyone in this game.

Is this the best marble game ever? The best action-puzzle game ever? Excellent level variety, aggressive but doable time trials, tons of secrets and unlockables. The apex of where this entire genre has been going since Marble Madness and Marble Blast.

I never played Marble Blast Ultra so I have no real nostalgia for this game's pedigree (I may have played a teeny bit of the OG Marble Blast on a school computer but the memory is hazy). I picked this up after watching a Patricia Taxxon video where she endorses it and she's correct that it's great; I feel like I have a lot to say but it's all just parroting points in her video. The comparison to a fantasy of a good 3D Sonic game is particularly apt. You even collect gems... can emeralds be purple?

I "beat" this, in that I finished the "last" level, but this is the sort of game where getting to the end is not very challenging and does not feel like the point of the experience. Getting anything less than gold in a level feels like a hollow victory; getting diamond feels tremendous.

I like marble games up until the levels actually get complicated, but its fun for me until then.

What if Mario Kart was a platformer? It’d be cool as hell, that’s what.