Reviews from

in the past

Completely engrossing, amazing gameplay, and unique mechanics. Another classic

Probably one of the best games ever made.

I think this game, is peak video game. I think the gameplay is the most fun in the series. I think the story is the best in the series. There's lots to explore and rare items to find. Codec calls with so much lore and grit. I would never get bored of this game.

Why am I not allowed to defect to the Soviet Union?

A totally unique and brilliant experience. I don't know if there will ever be a game with this mixture of weirdness, attention to detail, heart and joy. My favourite game of all time.

ignoring the fact that the gameplay mechanics are obviously severely outdated for a 19 year old game, this is as close to perfection as we'll ever see in a videogame. very interesting and fun elements for a tactical stealth game, beautiful soundtrack all around, and most importantly, a very phenomenal story for a videogame of its age that rivals the narratives we get in this day and age. an iconic game that should be experienced by everyone ever.

Personally? I didn't vibe with it. Objectively? Yeah, it's a masterpiece.

A close second to MGS 2, fantastic.

Kojima por favor venha e coma minha família

Trilha sonora, gameplay e erendo são arrepiantes
Zerei e rezerei essa maravilha várias vezes

El mejor metal gear de todos
Tiene la mejor historia
La mejor musica
La mejor jugabilidad y mecánicas
Y es el juego más épico de la saga
Aparte tiene un crosover con ape escape
Eso lo hace el juego perfecto

stealth game fun weehaw shoot

Video games are great because they combine the ability of computer hardware to simulate and people’s imaginations/fiction

Yes Ocelot is one of the coolest video game characters ever

"𝘕𝘰 𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺, 𝘯𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵. 𝘐𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘺..."

A jornada do Snake é muito foda e os problemas da humanidade e guerras são bem relatados nesse jogo.
Kojima consegue criar um enredo incrível, cheio de referências da cultura POP (O clima/gênero do jogo e sua abertura é claramente inspirado em 007, por exemplo) e nutrido de vários acontecimentos históricos, além do jogo se passar em um momento muito interessante, a Guerra Fria.

Todos os personagens são caricatos, bem desenvolvidos e com objetivos. Os Bosses são muito únicos, talvez os melhores que já vi em jogos e isso engrandece a jornada.
A ambientação é fantástica e os gráficos são impecáveis pro PS2.

É o melhor jogo do PS2 na minha opinião.
A gameplay infelizmente peca em alguns aspectos, deixando o jogo travado e acaba distanciando o jogo de uma nota 10.

Entre 11 e 13 horas para zerar.

nota 🐍/10
Recomendo muito.

Agora esse é definitivamente o jogo que eu mais espero um remake. Com uma gameplay boa e um enredo como esse, desbanca qualquer jogo.

1º no Ranking pessoal da franquia: MGS3 - O melhor e o início da jornada, batalhas épicas e história dramaticamente incrível.

One of the greatest games of all time. Kojima is the best

Hazır 3cü oyunun remake duyrulmuş orijinali yeniden oynarız artık

mechanically superior to anything else i've played from kojima, but without the biting commentary on the information age i enjoyed a lot from MGS2. i've never really played kojima's stuff for gameplay mechanics, so it left a little to be desired for me.

This review contains spoilers

Metal Gear Solid as a franchise is fairly big one for me. I've played a lot, but not all, of the games and man I love David Hayter's voice. This was the first(ish) MGS game that I played, but I still think it's the best. MGS 4 drags on, MGS 5 drags on and on and on, MGS 2 is close, but Snake Eater stands alone. You can literally eat snakes. There's a boss battle where you can throw frogs at the boss to eat until he dies of throwing up. There's a boss you can beat by not playing the game for a week. It's a war game that incentivizes dispatching enemies without killing them. I've replayed it a bunch, soundtrack is good, there's a big ladder

A quick resume:
"I give my life, not for honor, but for you."

J'y ai rejoué et je confirme que c'est toujours le meilleur jeu jamais créé

MGS at its absolute peak. The story's amazing, the bosses start at a baseline of "really fun" and often reach "literally some of the best fights in all of gaming" and I dunno I just like a lot of the dudes here :)

I should note I played SE3D, I just don't feel like having that on my top 5 screen I'm self-conscious ok

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